Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back
Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back
| 17 May 1995 (USA)
Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back Trailers

A martial arts instructor comes to the defense of a schoolteacher who has taken a stand against a local white supremacist organization.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
ebiros2 Although movie has the quality of Phillip Rhee's movies, somehow the mood doesn't match him. They should have kept the main character a black marine from the gulf war. That would make lot of sense in this movie.Skin heads aren't interesting as far as enemy is concerned. It's obvious that they're no match for the martial arts instructor. And on top of that they're just dumb and below the level of worthy opponent for anyone with Rhee's caliber.So where does this movie fit into the Best of the Best series ? It doesn't.The chemistry between the co-stars aren't as tight either. Rhee just isn't someone from the podocs. He fits in better in the city environment.Watch the other Best of the Best series to really get the best of the best.
Comeuppance Reviews There's some bad stuff going' down in the small town of Liberty (either Indiana or Ohio, we're not entirely sure, but it's a rural burg and that's all the viewers need to know, apparently). White supremacists are taking over the formerly-peaceful town, led by the hate-filled preacher Brian (an uncredited Ermey). Just as their evil empire is growing, none other than Tommy Lee (the drummer from Motley Crue) (just kidding, it's Phillip Rhee of course) rolls into town to visit his sister who just happens to live in this town, and her husband Jack (McDonald). Jack also happens to be the sheriff, but is powerless to stop the hate-filled mobs. Lee finds he must use his fists and his feet not only to defeat the stupid racists, but to defend choir director Margo (Gershon). Will Tommy Lee beat the neo-Nazis and ride off into the sunset? To Best of the Best 3's credit, it has an extremely professional look, with very good production values. This was Phillip Rhee's first directorial effort, and it seems like he had been building up to this for a while, because he does a very competent job, with a lot of interesting shots and as mentioned, the technical aspects are very good. Plus, with its themes about racism, it was at least trying not to be the same old dumb meathead movie. It made an effort to make you think, which is more than you can say about some of this movie's competitors (or other entries in the series, for that matter).Like China O'Brien (1990), the "rural action movie" angle is used, and, like Substitute 4 (2001), the "white power" angle is used. Interestingly enough, the director of Substitute 4 is Robert Radler, the director of Best of the Best 2 (1993). There's even some Jackie Chan-like martial arts, as evidenced by the scene in which Rhee fights some baddies in a clown outfit. You truly haven't lived until you've seen thugs get kicked by a man with giant shoes.As we've seen in everything from American Ninja (1985) to terrorist training videos, the army of bad guys have their own training camp, complete with, you guessed it, monkey bars. Exactly how these monkey bars would help someone defeat Tommy Lee in a fight is not known. And the head Nazi guy wouldn't even come close to challenging Lee in a fight. He only holds his own for a long time because that's what a lot of final bad guys do. A lot of action movies fall into that cliché: Although the main baddie may have no martial arts or combat training whatsoever, when the hero faces off against him in a fight, after handily defeating hundreds of goons, NOW the final fight is actually a challenge for the hero. It's just silly, but you can't really help it.If you have Netflix streaming, you should view Best of the Best 3 that way, as the quality is excellent and it's in widescreen. The movie has never looked better.So grab a Like soda and cheer for Phillip Rhee, Christopher McDonald and Gina Gershon in a truly hard hitting tale of racism.For more action insanity, please visit:
spywatcher459 Part one was about teamwork...part two was about this third chapter of the Best of the Best series, Tommy Lee finds himself fighting for the greatest prize of all: salvation. A lot of people look at this movie as a step down for the Best of the Best series, but in my opinion, it isn't. If anything, it was a growing step up until Without Warning (the fourth Best of the Best) was created.Picking up from the events of Best of the Best 2, Tommy has left his good friend Alex Grady behind and comes to Liberty to see his sister Karen, brother-in-law Jack (who's the town Sheriff), his nephew Justin and Luther, Justin's friend who's father is a preacher who goes missing earlier in the film. Tommy is glad to see his family and is enjoying the love and warmth that he receives, but when he learns that local supremacists have taken over the town and are responsible for the death of Luther's father, Tommy must decide whether or not to use his lethal skills again in order to help the locals take back their home from predators who use fear as a weapon and violence against the innocent just because they're 'different'.A lot of people think that this Best of the Best just follows a tired old cliché story that people have seen and heard hundreds of times before. Yes, the topic at hand does revolve around racial conflict, but in this story, the victims in this decide to butch up and fight back. Most movies I've seen about 'hate crimes' in the past have the same plot: a hate crime is committed, people want to come forward but are too scared for fear of retaliation from the haters, the law does all they can to put a stop to it but are unable to and the people who are victims just try to rely on religion alone to get them through the incident. But how often do we see movies where those who are unjustly persecuted for their race decide to take a stand against that kind of tyranny and terrorism? The movie has many messages mainly about redemption and salvation. Tommy is trying to live a life of peace, but the supremacists make that extremely difficult and force him to use lethal countermeasures to put a stop to their bullying and he hopes and prays that the situation won't result in more death at his hands.Another message in this film is that even if you despise violence, you have to be ready to use it at a moment's notice. Nobody likes violence and would like to resolve conflicts without it...but violence is all some people know in this world. And the enemy won't learn anything about respecting another individual's rights until someone 'teaches' it to them. And rest assured, Phillp Rhee's character has a lot of teaching to do in this film.Basically put, there's plenty of gunfights galore, high-kicking action, explosive pyrotechnics and behind it all, a message about being ready to go to war if you ever want peace on your land. That's the main thing everyone should pay attention to when they watch this film...God knows, it got my attention.
the_last_shadow_2000 what happened to the great martial arts action of: best of the best? yes, this movie has a good storyline, and phillip rhee is great in this film... but why name it after a great movie when it has nothing to do with the series? Oh yeah, and check out the final fight, it's a thrill (stupid-wise). I rank this movie a **** out of ********** !!!