Best of the Best 4: Without Warning
Best of the Best 4: Without Warning
R | 10 October 1998 (USA)
Best of the Best 4: Without Warning Trailers

A group of Russian mobsters have stolen a huge supply of paper for printing U.S. currency, and are now flooding the market with conterfeit bills. When one of the mobsters decides to give herself in and hand over a data CD to the DA, she is shot and killed, but not before handing the disc to an unsuspecting Tommy Lee. Despite working with the police as a martial arts instructor, Lee doesn't go to the cops with the disc, but instead goes on the run, giving the mafia time to kidnap his daughter and hold as a hostage in exchange for return of the disc. Will Tommy ever see his daughter again?

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
HeadlinesExotic Boring
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Comeuppance Reviews Tommy Lee is back! Not the Motley Crue drummer of course (in the press he's always Rocker Tommy Lee, and he's called that so often he should just legally change his first name to Rocker) - It's Phillip Rhee, and this time he teaches martial arts to police officers. He has a young daughter, Stephanie (Jessica Huang), and life seems good. All this ends when a gang of Russian-type mobsters, working out of an abandoned warehouse (where else?), begins a large counterfeiting operation. The details of this illegal activity are on a disc, and Tommy inadvertently ends up with it.Now on the bad side of criminal mastermind Slava (Bell), as well as his many goons, including Boris (Thorsen), he entrusts Stephanie to a priest (Gleason), so he can go off on his own and fight the baddies. But while he has some friends on the force, notably Jarvis (Lemmon), he also butts heads with the hard-line Detective Gresko (Hudson). Can Tommy Lee stop the counterfeiting agents, rescue his friends and daughter from imminent doom, and clear his own name in the process? Some people might think about the Best of the Best series, "there are FOUR of them?" While it may seem puzzling and hard to justify, this fourth entry in the series was solid fun and worth seeing. Phillip Rhee is a very talented guy - he stars in the film, he directed it, co-wrote it, and he's a gifted martial artist and worked on the choreography. He's also likable. Rhee does seem to have well-rounded skills, and because of this, his name should be more well-known outside of die-hard action circles. He's so badass, he doesn't turn off his lights at night using a lightswitch like a sucker, he JUMPKICKS his lights off.Supporting him is an impressive array of B-movie names. Tobin Bell puts in an understated, low-key villain performance, which was a welcome change from the frothing-at-the-mouth baddies we usually see. He pulls off a tricky balance - be subtle but not be boring. He does a great job, and, interestingly, there's some pre-Saw torture he's involved with. Coincidence? Or did the makers of the unending Saw franchise see this movie and picture him as the ultimate torturer? And speaking of people who probably saw this movie, there's an American Beauty (1999)-like fantasy sequence one year before that film. Is it possible the American Beauty people saw this movie and thought, "If we rip this off, no one will know, because we don't share any of the same audience"? Hudson plays the BYD (instead of Black Yelling Chief, here he's a detective) and there's even a fight scene between him and Rhee where Hudson attempts some Hudson-Fu on him. Chris Lemmon's not in it that much and resembles Joe Piscopo. It's no Firehead (1991) for him. Paul Gleason, Art LaFleur and Sven-Ole Thorsen round out the cast of familiar faces, and someone who's been turning up a lot lately, David "Shark" Fralick (Deadly Reckoning, 1998, Executive Target, 1997 Inside Edge, 1992) is on board as well.A highlight of the movie is a combination stickfighting/fencing fight scene. We don't believe we've ever seen that before. While the movie falls prey to a cliché we see often "We've got to get the disc!" - a movie about a disc - Best of the Best 4 has a lot to offer in the pure entertainment department. Regardless of how you feel about the other Best of the Best movies, you should see this one if you love that implausibly-plotted-but-who-cares-let's-have-fun action style pioneered in the 80's.For more action insanity, please visit:
disdressed12 believe it or not,this movie is worse than number's slower,the acting is worse,and the story is very weak.there isn't a lot of good to say about this movie.even the fight scenes are more dull than number three,and i would have thought that impossible.this is a very slow 90 minutes.painful,in fact.i stuck it through,hoping it would get better.if you really want to see this movie,you should try to find a cheap rental of is hard to find(for purchase,that is)and probably for good number three,this movie has nothing to do with the first is the same in name only.anyway,the most i can give Best of the Best:Without Warning is 2/10
Ryan J. Gilmer Best of the Best 4, is better than 3, but just barely. Basically, I say this because part 4 doesn't contradict parts 1/2 (like 3 does), (ie. their is no reference to Tommy Lee having siblings).Anyway, I liked the Russian plot line of the story, and especially Sven Ole-Thorsen's bit part as Boris. Aside from that though and a few fighting scenes, the movie is nothing special. The limited budget is also very noticeable (especially in the airplane blow-up scene).Also, part 4 does not really have a moral or say anything like part 3 did, there are a couple of more better known actors (Hudson, Thorsen) in part 4, but alas nothing like the beginning of the series (and even these characters have very small roles).Alas, it seems Best of the Best is the Rhee show, and to be truthful, he cannot carry a movie.Saw on tape, Rating:4
jwolf6589 I am a fan of the previous Best of the Best films. But this one was awful. No wonder I had such a hard time finding it. I tried 4 video rental stores, until I found one with a copy of this movie. The acting was terrible, the plot was a joke, and the action was bad as well.I really miss Alex Grady, Travis Brigley, and the original kickboxing characters and theme that this film had with the first 2 movies. John