Lost Boys: The Thirst
Lost Boys: The Thirst
R | 12 May 2010 (USA)
Lost Boys: The Thirst Trailers

A mysterious fiend uses a designer drug to turn partiers at an all-night rave into his personal army of never-say-die bloodsuckers.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
neal2zod Both Lost Boys sequels (The Tribe and The Thirst) seem to be pretty universally reviled, but they both have their charms. Where The Tribe took the (now standard) easy way out by simply doing a gender-swapped reboot of the first film, The Thirst is more ambitious and actually throws Corey Feldman's vampire hunter into an all new story, pitting him against Eurotrash raving vampires straight out of a Blade or Underworld movie.This is basically the same formula as the DTV Tremors sequels, except Michael Gross' Burt Gummer is a character with more room for complexity and Gross always found new ways to make him interesting. Feldman, (whose poor man's Will Arnett Growly Voice honestly got pretty annoying in the last movie), gets to be front and center for the first time, and he fortunately tones it down and tries to actually act for once (He actually has one legit touching scene involving the fate of Haim's character, but there's no way that couldn't be emotional). He's not a classic character like Blade or even Jack Burton, but he's passable enough. The story, which manages to squeeze in modern plot devices like the internet, raves, reality TV, and Twilight into a coherent plot, is actually pretty clever and has a decent twist near the end. Plus extra kudos for definitively ending the Trilogy (while of course, keeping the door open for a sequel).All in all, it's decent fun and worth a look for completionists (before the inevitable reboot happens.)
Reanna Keller First off, I don't see how anyone can think this movie is better than the Tribe. I'm probably the only person who will rank this movie as awful and the second one amazing.First off, plot holes. I didn't quite understand the story and why they mentioned characters pretty much for no reason (Michael, Star). Continuing on, shedding light on Corey Haim's character Sam was a tear jerker but still didn't answer any questions about what happened between Sam and Edgar at the end of The Tribe (If it even continues).The characters were completely boring and not even memorable. The girl Zoe or Zoey (I don't remember) was just annoying and way to energetic to go hunt this vampire named "DJ X" down. I will give him credit though because he played an okay vampire. The other didn't like and I couldn't recall their names. Once again, I'm more into the vampire aspect of The Lost Boys more so than the Frog Brothers. Jamison did well for Alan but I find Corey Feldman as Edgar just exhausting at this point. I honestly don't like him as a person what so ever so I had to suffer watching him most of the film.I feel it doesn't compare at all to the first one or the second. If you read my review for the Tribe, I said how there was similarities between the two. This really focuses on the Frog Brothers more so than vampires in general. And the guy playing vampire Peter, I just have no words for him. I honestly preferred DJ over him.
burntoutttt Total garbage, when it comes to sequels best be careful what you wish for and this one was best left well alone, not cult worthy, shite acting, not funny, i want my money back......... Total garbage, when it comes to sequels best be careful what you wish for and this one was best left well alone, not cult worthy, shite acting, not funny, i want my money back......... Total garbage, when it comes to sequels best be careful what you wish for and this one was best left well alone, not cult worthy, shite acting, not funny, i want my money back......... Total garbage, when it comes to sequels best be careful what you wish for and this one was best left well alone, not cult worthy, shite acting, not funny, i want my money back.........
kautrey-2 I have to be honest, I didn't expect too much from the Thirst. Not only did the Thirst satisfy my Lost Boy needs it surpassed them. The Thirst moves quickly and fast and is full of action. The Frog Brothers are a huge part of the movie unlike the Tribe, Feldman and Newlander do a great job of taking me all the way back to my childhood and when I loved the Frog Brothers. The supporting cast is OK, there isn't really a David type of character that steals the show. However, what the writer/director and producer's do well here is listen to the fans wants and needs. We asked for more Feldman and Newlander, the Thirst has loads of that. Definitely worth a buy here! Good action, good special effects and feels like a big budget movie.