For Love or Money
For Love or Money
PG | 01 October 1993 (USA)
For Love or Money Trailers

New York concierge Doug Ireland wants to go into business for himself and refurbish a hotel on Roosevelt Island, N.Y., but he needs an investor. With a few weeks left before his option on the site runs out, Doug agrees to help wealthy Christian Hanover conceal his affair with salesgirl Andy Hart from his wife. Despite his own attraction to Andy, Doug tries to stay focused on getting Christian to invest $3 million in his project.

Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
SnoopyStyle In NYC, Doug Ireland (Michael J. Fox) is a master of deals as concierge in the classy Bradbury hotel. He has a heart of gold protecting some of the older workers from manager Mr. Himmelman. He even takes care of a cheapskate guest like Harry Wegman. Ed Drinkwater from the IRS is on his case. He dreams of owning his own hotel and he hopes billionaire investor Christian Hanover is his ticket. He is infatuated with store perfume girl Andy Hart (Gabrielle Anwar) who claims to have a boyfriend. It turns out she's Hanover's mistress and he's forced to cover for Hanover as he needs the deal more.This is a barely functional romance. It's mostly riding on the shoulders of Michael J. Fox and he's plenty charming by himself. The romance is questionable. It's not well set up and a bit more back story could have helped. The villain is underwhelming. Overall this is a watchable and unimpressive rom-com.
Braszmantoo I have seen this film about 4 times and always enjoy it. Michael J. Fox is perfect as the hotel concierge that seems to know everyone and takes care of everyone but himself. The premise is not unrealistic and the support characters perfect NY caricatures. Lots of fun cameos and "big" little roles add up to an entertaining film that never gets boring. Great party scene at the Long Island mansion, wonderful interaction with bellman Fyvush Finkel and look for one of my favorite TV and movie small role players Erik Avari as a seedy jewelery/pawn shop owner. You'll win brownie points with the wife or girlfriend by renting this one and it's funny enough to keep the guys happy as well.
Joshua Bozeman I must say, this is one of my all time favorite movies. I don't know why, but I sincerely love this film. Michael J. Fox's character is really likeable, and I find myself praying that he'll make the right moves all thru the movie. I must add to this comment my love for the score of For Love Or Money. The music, written by Bruce Broughton is just awesome, and it completely sets the perfect tone for the many different scenes. I especially love the music when Fox's character is walking down the subway steps after leaving work. This is a great movie to watch with someone you love. I would definitely recommend it.
NoKbot Just watched this on USA Network in the 2 hours of the weekend when they aren't showing "Overboard." Consistent laughs, likable characters, and an all-around 80's vibe that has Michael J. Fox playing that lovable capitalist once again. Very formulaic, but still entertaining and worth catching on TV or renting. 7/10.