Red-Headed Woman
Red-Headed Woman
NR | 25 June 1932 (USA)
Red-Headed Woman Trailers

Lil works for the Legendre Company and causes Bill to divorce Irene and marry her. She has an affair with businessman Gaerste and uses him to force society to pay attention to her.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
piedbeauty37 Enjoyable, often hilarious tale of on-the-make secretary Jean Harlow who sets her sights on the boss's son. She uses sex the way some people use bribery. Relentlessly pursuing Bill, (her first prey) Harlow intends to marry up and do it fast.Considering the prudishness of most 1940's films, this 1932 offering is pretty frank. There is lots of sex outside of marriage and adultery within it; Jean's character enjoys being bad and doesn't apologize for it.Harlow steamrolls her way through men, but will she get her come uppance. Watch this little gem and find out.
Lee Eisenberg Jean Harlow oozes sensuality as a woman from the wrong side of the tracks who tries to get her boss to hook up with her...and proceeds to have still MORE affairs. "Red-Headed Woman" got made before the infamous Hays Code's establishment, meaning that it contains what had to be some of the most erotic things commercially filmed by that point (which means that it's only PG in our era). Sure enough, once the Hays Code came about, the movie got pulled from circulation and wasn't shown again for years. A real pity, since it's got some really funny stuff. In the 21st century, when we can find all sorts of porn and crude humor on the Internet, it's hard to believe that there was ever a set of rules dictating what movies were allowed to show, but there was just that. As always, the moralizers prevent people from having any fun.Anyway, it's a pretty funny movie.
bkoganbing In the second of her two films under her new MGM contract Jean Harlow was cast in the title role in Red Headed Woman. Naturally her trademark platinum blonde tresses were dyed for the occasion, but the results were well worth it.In the days before Women's Liberation sex was sometimes the only way and it still is the way for some to rise to the top. Jean has no discernible talents in the workplace, but she's got the body and the appeal and she knows how to use it. And she doesn't care if the man has a wedding ring.First case in point was Chester Morris whom she steals from his wife Leila Hyams. But that doesn't gain her any respectability even with a rich husband. That doesn't deter her in the slightest, she goes out an seduces the town social leader Henry Stephenson who was working against type, he's usually the moral core of any film he's in.If we didn't know the year we'd know this was a before the Code film. Jean's a husband stealing amoral witch of a woman, but she's got a certain likability to her that makes you kind of root for her bedward march up the social scale. And seeing Stephenson of all the players in Hollywood brought low by this vixen. Lewis Stone who was also a paragon of virtue most of the time and plays Morris's father, you could believe it of Judge Hardy faster.You'll also see Charles Boyer in the small role of Stephenson's chauffeur who's a side interest for Harlow and looking to climb in the same manner. The ending of Red-Headed Woman would also never pass Code muster.See this one if you can, the cinema wouldn't get this mature for another thirty years.
Michael_Elliott Red-Headed Woman (1932) *** (out of 4) Jean Harlow plays a sexy slut who sets her eyes on her moral believing boss (Chester Morris) in this racy pre-code. I've heard a lot about this film and all the hype surrounding it is certainly worthy and the film ends up living up to all my expectations. The sexual nature of the film is great and certainly among the most racy of its period. The dialogue or the director's willingness to shine the camera on Harlow's legs and chest throughout certainly makes this film memorable. Harlow is terrific in her role and really sells this slutty character. The way she seduces everyone is classic as are her outburst scenes. The cat like voice she uses when it comes to seduction was also very memorable. Morris is great as well as the dimwitted husband who bites the apple only to find a worm. The supporting cast is terrific as well and features May Robson, Lewis Stone, Una Merkle and Charles Boyer. The one thing I didn't like was the ending, which I felt was a major cop out. I'm not sure if this ending was forced on the studio but I think the fate of both Harlow and Morris was very cheap and too Hollywood unlike the rest of the film.
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