Baby Face
Baby Face
| 13 July 1933 (USA)
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A young woman uses her body and her sexuality to help her climb the social ladder, but soon begins to wonder if her new status will ever bring her happiness.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
atlasmb The film "Baby Face" has earned some notoriety for its pre-Code depiction of a woman who flaunts the conventions of polite society to achieve success. Released in 1933, it stars Barbara Stanwyck as a young woman who feels trapped in an unhappy life. Circumstances give her the freedom to change her life, so she departs for the big city, determined to "use men" to accomplish her goals.Her musical theme is "St. Louis Blues", a popular song quite familiar with the audiences of 1933. Its lyrics lament the "St. Louis woman" who "pulls my man around by her apron strings." It's a suitable theme for Lily, who has decided to disregard emotions in her drive for money. She is, surprisingly, inspired by the words of Nietzsche, who posits that "sentiment is opposed to reason."The film moves swiftly as Lily quickly works her way through the men-and the hierarchy-of a powerful bank. We might ask if she is a heroine on a noble quest. Or maybe just driven to achieve an order of success---seen as the vanquishing of her impoverished, powerless past. Some might see it as a version of feminism, to achieve one's goals despite the motivations and machinations of men. But she is never a feminist heroine, because she never approaches her obstacles from a position of power.Unfortunately, the ending of the film is rather weakly resolved. But it is engaging till its final moments.It is interesting to compare "Baby Face" to the more modern "Sucker Punch" (2011), starring Emily Browning as the character Babydoll. Each film has a protagonist who is victimized by men and searches for a way to gain her goals, in part by using her wiles. The endings are very different, allowing for contrast and comparison.Stanwyck is convincing as Lily, but she portrays an emotionally one-dimensional woman. Still, you can see the machinations behind that placid façade--a tribute to fine acting.
loganalaxanian I enjoyed this movie for a few reasons. I think Barbara Stanwyck played her character perfectly and I like how pre code this movie was considering how it was before the Hays code. I also liked how you really get to see how life was as a women in the 30s compared to today.
themullofkintyre When I first sat down to watch this movie I didn't know what to expect. But when I got was more than I bargained for in a positive way. Knowing that this movie was pre-code Era I did expect him to be a little more inappropriate than was accustomed for that time period. Seeing what Barbara Stanwyck had to go through to reach the top was definitely kind of a let down but in the end she still ended up strong especially as a female at the time when many weren't depicted as much. I definitely enjoyed it though.
gea-79784 Baby Face was a surprise to me. Since this movie was in the section of class where we were looking at the gangster flicks. So i was expecting a movie about the famous bank robber "Baby Face nelson". Baby Face instead is about a a girl named Lily played by Barbara Stanwyk. When the movie begins Lily is a girl that is poor and is constantly berated by by men trying to get with her. Eventually after a quick lesson in the philosophy's of Friedrich Nietzsche, she decides to take advantage of the men of a very wealthy bank, by using the power of sex. She does this very well and sleeps up to the top of the corporate ladder. I was so caught off guard by this story in such an old film. This movie was able to be made because it was pre-code and they definitely took advantage of that opportunity. The movie was fantastic, the acting was very good and often funny. It tells its story and message very well. which is that all life is exploitation and men very easily give in to sexual pleasure, and will give lots of money and gift to do so. This is a classic film that I would and will watch again!