Darling Companion
Darling Companion
PG-13 | 20 April 2012 (USA)
Darling Companion Trailers

The story of a woman who loves her dog more than her husband. And then her husband loses the dog.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Asad Almond A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
phd_travel The movie starts off promising with an A list cast and quite cute dialog. Diane Keaton and Elizabeth Moss play mother and daughter who rescue a dog off a freeway. This leads to romance and a wedding for with between daughter and the vet at the family Colorado country home. Kevin Kline plays Diane's doctor husband who loses the dog in the woods soon after and then the extended family including a sister played by Diane Wiest and her boyfriend and her son.It all gets annoying when they spend days and get injured looking for the dog. Diane's character seems insanely attached to the dog for no real reason risking her and her husband's life and getting him injured.Starts off with Woody Allen potential and ends in just a pile of doggie doo.Don't waste your time. It deserved to flop.
Christine Merser When you put Kevin Kline (why doesn't he get more roles? He's a lovely, subdued actor, and we certainly need more subdued actors), Dianne Wiest, Elisabeth Moss, Richard Jenkins, and Diane Keaton on the same set, you know the movie will have meat. It's not so much star-studded as talent- studded, which is much better if you like good film. By "good film" I mean a story that resonates with the viewer as real; a story filled with the tension that is our every day life, and best of all, a story that doesn't end with the hero saving the day and riding off into the sunset on a horse. The ending of this movie says, "There are good days and bad days and days you like your family and days you do not." The movie I'm talking about is called Darling Companion.The story centers around a rescued dog. The dog goes missing and everyone gets off the personal roller-coaster of their lives to try to find him. And that's when the lessons begin.The dog in this movie makes you want to rush out to adopt all homeless dogs. I don't know where they got him, but he is filmed from all the right angles. He isn't shot in close-ups like Lassie, but shown as part of a family's world in the way that dogs often come to be—the glue that holds everything together. I love the dog, whose real name is not in this review because after searching the Net for quite some time, I just couldn't find it. It should be in the cast list, but it's not. I'm just saying.The film is written by Lawrence Kasdan, whom we all remember from The Bill Chill. So apparently, in real life, Kasdan and his family adopted a dog and then lost him in the Rockies, where they extended their vacation three weeks until they found him. Darling Companion is based on that experience. It's like his famous Big Chill in that the plot is less important than the relationships between the characters. I like that about his films, and Darling Companion has that same rewarding interaction among its characters, which brings it all together. The husband and wife. The mother and daughter. The sister and brother. The mother and son. Is Kasdan the only writer/director who does that? Is he the only one who gives us one-on-one interactions in the context of a plot that really isn't all that important? Was there any resolution to the question of why Alex killed himself in The Big Chill? Where was the dog all those days he was missing in Darling Companion, and did anyone care?Sidebar. Can I mention here that the best part of The Big Chill was the music? We can all agree on that right?So here is a list of what you can take away from this movie: Dealing with a difficult mom; loving and hating your significant other at the same time; not caring what others think of you and being you anyway; making choices based on what feels good rather than what looks good; turning a car around, even on the highway, if you think you see something you should not turn away from.That's worth ten dollars right?
cynthiahost Finally a movie about the lives of older folks in which the young take second place. Remember Diane Keaton in Looking for Mr good Bar and Sleeper? Well now she's a lot more mature and wears glasses.Kevin Kline,remember him in Big chill?Now a lot more mature as well.Diane Wiest. She's changed too. Diane plays beth,who just bi her grown daughter and her grand son baby, at the airport, Elisabeth Moss ,plays Keaton's second daughter Grace,who drove her to the airport.Keaton character is worried that her second daughter has not found Mr right had gotten married.While Beth's husband ,played by Kevin Kline is so busy as a spine surgeon,she complaints that he has no time for he.Diane Wiest plays Penny her sister, who just got married to Russell ,played by Richard Jenkins,But her son ,who's a surgeon, played by once again ,Mark Doublass,Doublass? ,of the Other sisters sisters ,fame, is worried that her husband isn't working and she's still supporting him and Russel wants her to invest in a English pub ,in the mid west for him to open up.Well Diane ,as she's coming home from air port,I think, finds a injured sick dog,which she rehabilitates and names him Freeway.This dog, that now she take care of start to improved the families life.Grace meets veterinarian Sam,an India decent American,played by Jay Ali.They both fall in love with the aid of the dog.So as the whole family are at a cabin to celebrate the wedding,after the wedding Freeway gets lost and Beth can't leave until they can find the dog,Penny and her husbands maid Carmen ,a Gypsy,played Ayelet Zurer by uses what little psychic ability to help them find the dog.This is when the problem happen,in searching for the dog.Bryan and Carmen get to know each other better.Diane and Kevin get lost in the woods looking for the dog but they kindle their love for each. Lindsey Sloan plays one of the citizens who helps Kevin and Jenkins to find Freeway.Robert Bear plays Possum ,who a rude resident that chases both Jenkinds and Kevin out of his property. Very older Sam Shepherd,plays the kind fun loving Sheriff Morris,with kidney stone problem .A some time funny very sentimental movie.I saw this at Starz on demand.02/25/13
bonsallfrank I don't understand all the hate on most of the reviews I've read. There are no special effects, but there are some heavy hitter stars in this movie, and a pleasing storyline. Of course we all know how it's going to end. But the movie, especially for us Boomers, touches on a lot of subjects that we can relate to when it comes to the aging process. And how society can be in a hurry to move us along. Make room for the younger up and coming. The area where this was filmed, Utah and Telluride, are very familiar to me, and a joy to see. This isn't heavy drama, there is no nudity, the plot is not too involved. It's a great movie to take your 80 year old mother-in-law to on a Saturday afternoon. That's what we did, and she loved it. So take Grandma to the movies this week. You'll enjoy the movie, and Grandma will appreciate you taking the time to do it. See you at the movies. :)