Shadow Over Elveron
Shadow Over Elveron
NR | 05 March 1968 (USA)
Shadow Over Elveron Trailers

A corrupt sheriff knows the secrets of everyone in town and uses that information to go unchallenged. But after the arrest of an innocent teenager, the new doctor cannot keep quiet and tries to get the community to stand up for what is right.

PodBill Just what I expected
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
seawolf7103-1 The same guy who cracks us up as Frank Drebben in the Police Squad movies and as agent WD-40(Spy Hard) and kindly old Mr Magoo was so cruel, mean and depraved in this movie that for a few years he had a bit of trouble shaking that image. The depth of his evilness makes you hate his guts... Of course this was supposed to be a vehicle for pretty boy James Franciscus, but the whole world remembered Sheriff Verne Drover. He was as despicable an any villain of today.....and this was in the 60's.....before many TV cinematographers dared reach inside viewers guts to this degree. If you have the chance - watch it. If you can tape it, email me....I'll buy a copy.
aromatic-2 Don Ameche wants to protect the secret of his perfect community, but James Franciscus won't stop digging. Some hard-edged dialogue punctuates the moody town-with-a-secret tale. Ultimately, an obvious plot hole and a too-rapidly-falling-into-place conclusion betrays its TV-movie roots, but still an intriguing time-passer.
leelee-hayward What a scary man that Sheriff Drover was! He kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. I wish videos had been available when it was on TV last. To a British teenager in the late 60s/early 70s this TV movie was class ... Lee
Dissector Yes I know it's not a horror film! but when I first saw this film, aged around 15 it was a much gentler age, and people didn't do the sort of things that happened in this film, not in rural England anyway, I'd love to see it again now! just to see if it has the same kind of impact on me. if anyone knows where I can get a copy, please let me know. Brian
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