Invasion of the Pod People
Invasion of the Pod People
| 24 July 2007 (USA)
Invasion of the Pod People Trailers

After a meteor shower in California, Melissa feels that her co-workers and her boss Samantha that work in the agency owned by Vickland are acting differently after receiving a weird plant. She shares her fears with her colleague Billie and with Detective Alexander that are the only persons that she can trust

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Paul Magne Haakonsen First of all, the title of the movie is a clear indicator of what you are in for here. "Invasion of the Pod People" was very much a shameful rip-off of the classic "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", except it was just a horrible rendering of a classic movie.I managed to sustain 42 minutes of the ordeal that is "Invasion of the Pod People" before I just gave up out of utter and complete boredom with the movie. Nothing happened throughout this time, unless you could women getting naked and making out and questionable acting as being worth mentioning of something happening.The movie sounded like the audio was recorded from inside an empty metal barrel. The sound was just so annoying and poorly recorded. And more often than not that sound was serving as a nuisance and as an anchor around the movie.Even the storyline was a blatant rip-off off the classic movie, but just don't less skillful. A meteor shower bring foreign celestial to Earth. And while the people see these objects as harmless, they harbor a darker purpose and a sinister ability to clone those in their vicinity.The acting in the movie was wooden, rigid and questionable. It was obvious why most of the women on the cast list had been cast for this particular movie. Erica Kessler was actually doing a good enough performance from what I managed to witness, but then the script made her get naked as well. I am not a prude or anything, but the nudity in this movie was too excessive and didn't really serve the movie well."Invasion of the Pod People" was nowhere near to doing justice to the classic movie that the writers Ron Magid, Jay Marks and Leigh Scott so shamelessly had ripped off.I have no intention of returning to finish watching "Invasion of the Pod People", and I would recommend that you watch the original movie over this at any time.
Andy Arena Spend less money on a nice dresses, annoyingly distracting jangly car origami, replica guns, bad make up and spend more money on a decent microphone, better lighting, better dialog, continuity, lozenges for the cast member that kept coughing during 2 girls chatting in an office ... oh and what the Hell was that office space? Cheap rent for working in the sewer?I reserve the rating of "1" for those truly worthy of the rating. This film was so bad it doesn't even deserve to win a VERY WORSE award!!!It's a real shame that the cast and crew were all invaded by Pod People before making this film, otherwise it could probably had made a rating of "3".Is it true that ginger is an aphrodisiac???
Michael_Elliott Invasion of the Pod People (2007) ** (out of 4) The Asylum's "mockbuster" is a take on THE INVASION with Nicole Kidman, which of course was a remake of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS. In the story a meteor hits the Earth and soon afterwards a woman begins to realize that everyone around here is acting weird. If you're seen the previous movies then you know what's going on. If you don't know the story then I'd recommend to stop reading this and go check out the original film with Kevin McCarthy. A lot of people attack The Asylum for their really bad movies that are usually void of any talent or imagination. I really understand because they've made some awful movies but there are times where I find their "work" to be interesting simply because as a film fan I'm interested in seeing their take on a familiar piece of work. Yes, they could try doing something "original" but why should they when these things keep making them money? This film works "best" the same way their I AM OMEGA did and that's that the source material is simply so good that it's hard to mess it up too bad. Yes, this film has an ultra cheap budget and yes the story is a rip-off and yes the performances aren't that good but I think the central story is interesting enough to where the film kept me slightly entertained in a cheap, "B" movie way. There are some updated elements here, which are pretty funny and the biggest seems to be the fact that the female pop people all turn into lesbians. This here leads to some rather erotic sex scenes where new women are "taught" new things. Again, this movie is cheap on every level so it's clearly just going to be for those looking for some very light entertainment. I think this type of thing slightly worked for me because I enjoy bad movies and I can't help but compare this to the countless rip-offs that hit drive-ins after the original INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS was released.
TdSmth5 This is Asylum's most stylish movie so far but the coloring is just a little too stale, near the end the main actress looks greenish. The filming or editing here is too episodic instead of linear or continuous. Every scene is faded in and out. I'm not crazy about the excessive close-up shots. With a cast this attractive and dressed this nice, fully body shots would help. The sound, too, is improved except in outdoor shots where the wind gets in the way or in some rooms where the HVAC is noisy. The story itself is somewhat abbreviated, which is surprising. Some Asylum movies make up for the lack of effects with a solid script. We don't get enough time with the cast to get to know them or get to like them, which makes us indifferent to their fate. The ending is somewhat surprising but again, we are missing story here that would shed some light on the pod beings. In turn, the effect of such a bare bones script is that it ads a feel of strangeness to the movie which fits well with the idea of alien creatures. I take it they had little budget so there is no entire transformation scene. There should have been at least one, preferable with a nude female emerging from her plant. The one similar scene has no nudity though! While there is some mild nudity here and an all-girl threesome, it's nothing too explicit or shocking, as some reviewers here claim whose standard of "decency" is apparently Disney approved or they've never seen "music" videos. In fact, the erotic scenes lack some eroticism as if the director doesn't appreciate what he could have done or is just not interested in such things and is trying to get it over with. I appreciate Asylum including more nudity in their movies, it makes these movies more enjoyable, and after all they are a B-movie company. The cast does a good job here. Erica Roby is excellent as always and it's a pleasure to see her- she's such a beauty. There is also some good acting by the supporting cast. This movie should have deserved more money, time and effort by Asylum. It's still a very enjoyable little flick.