Alligator 2: The Mutation
Alligator 2: The Mutation
| 18 December 1991 (USA)
Alligator 2: The Mutation Trailers

A giant mutated alligator runs riot in a small town after the sewer system washes it into a lake.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Leofwine_draca This serviceable follow-up to the original ALLIGATOR has absolutely nothing to do with that movie – other than featuring an alligator living in the sewers of a US city. I actually found this a fun, tongue-in-cheek little monster movie that works around the low budget to deliver a pacy, entertaining film with a strong script to recommend it. It's closer to PIRANHA than JAWS in tone, with the usual stock characters showing up: the rookie cop, the greedy property developer, the ignorant mayor and the dedicated law enforcer on the tail of the beast (literally in this case).The worst thing about the film is the alligator itself. It's a combination of stock footage from the original film and an absolutely rubbishy pair of rubber jaws pushed at the intended victims. The poor FX and distant lack of bloodshed make the various attack sequences a real let-down, but that's okay because what happens when the alligator isn't on-screen is more interesting than it is.The clichéd characters are brought to life by a wonderful ensemble cast of familiar faces. Joseph Bologna is well cast as the likable cop doing his best to catch the best; I also liked Woody Brown as the young, inexperienced, square-jawed hero. Dee Wallace Stone (THE HOWLING) finds herself wasted as the cop's wife with nothing to do, but the stunning Holly Gagnier has more fun playing the mayor's daughter. The scene chewing is left to a pair of dedicated B-movie veterans.First up is Steve Railsback (TURKEY SHOOT), excellent as the utterly repulsive villain of the piece; second we have Richard Lynch playing one of those half-crazed redneck hunter types. Other familiar faces include Brock Peters as the black chief of police, Jason Voorhees himself, Kane Hodder, as an alligator hunter and Voyo Goric (a Russian villain in RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD PART 2) as a henchman. This isn't a great film by any means, but I found it a more than entertaining effort considering the budget.
Tom van der Esch This is not a sequel to the first movie. Well, only in name; but it has no character or storyline connections what so ever.An alligator is killing people and animals in a sewer and surrounding area. Up to the local police force to take him out. Sounds familiar? The story has a slightly more complicated touch this time. Some guy wants to open a theme park near the lake where the alligator was spotted. This means trouble. We soon find out that the guy isn't exactly playing his game by the book...Let's move to the alligator. It looks fake. I haven't seen that many crocodile (or in this case alligator) attack movies, but even I could see that it wasn't a real gator. No CGI either. In the first movie, it was somewhat menacing and threatening, but in this sequel it just doesn't scare enough.The attack scenes are still predictable. They removed the jaws-like tune from the prequel, making it even more dull.The acting is not bad nor good. It works for this type of film.What I don't understand is how the sewers sometimes look like a swamp. Lots of reed and stuff. It's confusing to say the least.Watch this only if you have got nothing better to do. And there is a LOT of stuff that's better then watching this piece of trash.You'd be better of watching the first Alligator again.In conclusion, I give this movie 4 out of 10 stars, and that's probably too nice of me.
Chromium_5 Ah, yet another bad movie I caught on the Sci-Fi channel. I have developed a very unhealthy addiction to B-movies lately. I bet every time I watch one of these, it shaves a year off my lifespan.There's nothing of real interest in this one, but after watching it, I started wondering: how come carnivals are always so incredibly evil in movies? Every movie carnival I've ever seen has a spooky Gothic atmosphere, the only ride is a ferris wheel, and all the carnies look and act like Satan's minions. I remember carnivals being FUN when I was a kid, but filmmakers seem to hate them. I'm not sure who or what started this, but I suspect Ray Bradbury has something to do with it.As far as the alligator goes, it is not very scary. The ending sequence, with the heroes trapped in the water with the gator, is rather exciting, but there is not much else. This is obviously a Jaws rip-off, but the truth is, sharks are scarier to watch than alligators and that's all there is to it.2/10 stars.
Aaron1375 I enjoyed the first "Alligator", but this one just does not live up to that one. Not that the first one is a superb movie, but it was a lot of fun. This one just is not good at all. The main problem for me was that the alligator was not all that impressive quite frankly. I have seen alligators this size before. The only thing different about it, is the fact it is tougher to kill. The story here isn't good either and neither is the action. They go into the sewers to hunt it then it attacks some festival and then they figure away to kill it. This movie is not going to knock your socks off with buckets of gore and it isn't very interesting either, best just to skip it. It just does not measure up to the first one.
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