Crocodile 2: Death Swamp
Crocodile 2: Death Swamp
| 19 March 2002 (USA)
Crocodile 2: Death Swamp Trailers

After a bank robbery, four criminals escape to Mexico, but a storm causes an accident which takes down the plane where several die in the crash. The criminals take it into their own hands to continue when one survivor is attacked and eaten by a crocodile. The criminals kill it, but from then on the mother Crocodile is on a killing spree with a goal to kill each survivor. But that is not the only worry, because they're trapped within it's world, and if it doesn't kill them, the criminals will.

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Rob Green I bought this film in a boxset with 9 other movies. I expect you've all heard of the Shark Attack Trilogy... that was in there.Upon returning from the pub, me and my housemate decided to give this one a whirl.Easily the greatest B movie ever made! The pair of us watched Crodile 1 the night before, but this one just blew us away.There is quite a bit of character development, in fact, you can get so into the characters that you can almost forget there was a crocodile anyway!Not great acting by a long shot but great backgrounds and stories. Swearing was a bit o.t.t. though which starts to detract from the believability of the main characters, but some subtle humour to make up for it.The crocodile didn't disappoint either. Yes; it's a bit shoddy and you can see it's blatantly cgi. The whole point in these films is that it doesn't matter. The film is just there to be enjoyed.And trust me when I say this one was.
slayrrr666 "Crocodile II: Death Roll" isn't as bad as it's said to be.**SPOILERS**After making a daring escape from a bank robbery, Max, (Darryl Theirse) Sol, (Jon Sklaroff) Squid, (James Parks) and Pete, (Billy Rieck) hijack a plane to Mexico and forces it to crash in a Mexican swamp. After making it out of the wreck, a few survivors, Mia, (Heidi Noelle Lenhart) Max, (Darryl Theirse) Sean, (Sean Euro) and Julie, (Anna Cranage) accompany the thieves on a trek to their destination through the swamp. As they're treading through the swamp, they run into a gigantic crocodile living there. Trying to make it out alive while not incurring the robbers' wrath, a tracker, (Martin Kove) and her boyfriend, (Chuck Walczak) try to help Mia and the others escape.The Good News: This wasn't as bad as it's been made out to be. The crocodile is one of the more vicious ones out there, making it's presence one that needs to constantly be dealt with. His kills are quite impressive and run an impressive gamut. One is snagged out of a window and hauled out, another is snapped up, breaking the arm and then swallowed, and one more is chomped and savagely bitten, then is put into the infamous crocodile death roll. It's only done to one victim, but it looks great when it happens. What was also enjoyable about the crocodile was that when he was exposed as a threat, the rest of the film more or less centered around it. It was a viable threat that carried the film just as much as the robbers subplot, and it didn't just deal with the exploits of them with the crocodile only munching on the stragglers or strays until the last few are left. The second half is just about dedicated to the robbers and hostages trying to escape the crocodile, and that is most welcome. There are some good action sequences as well spread throughout, keeping it an upbeat and pretty fast moving film. The entire sequence in the shack is a great sequence, giving the action when it's needed and some nice gore as well. There is also a little bit of suspense thrown in when the unknown crocodile would pop out during the first trek through the swamp. It's a surprisingly decent film.The Bad News: There's still a few things wrong with this film. The first is that the crocodile really looks fake. It's mostly done with CGI, which is obvious when it is, but it's also done with a really bad looking puppet. Normally, I prefer puppets and animatronics over CGI, but there has to be a sense of believability to it. This one looks mostly like a giant float made up like a crocodile. This is pretty much spread out through much of the other elements present, which can make it a bit grating at times. It's really an all-around effort with this one, so it can be one that's heavily criticized in this area. These were the main things wrong with the film though.The Final Verdict: Yes, this is a cheesy film with a bunch to really get up in arms against, but it's not a bad example of the genre that is mostly just for the fans of the films. It can be a guilty pleasure for those not into it, but it's more likely for the fans of the genre.Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and an attempted Rape
insomniac_rod Where to begin? I thought I was watching a B-movie Thriller after 20 minutes. The opening scene made me think I rent another movie. Then, the whole plane crash scene could've been done in 10 minutes without all the cursing and violent scenes. A Horror movie needs violence but "Horror oriented" not plain violence that isn't common in the genre. Anyways, it took several minutes for the real plot to develop. You know, the big crocodile attacking the survivors of the plane crash. Then, it takes too long before the crocodile appears on screen again and that means that there aren't many death scenes. By the time I stopped caring about the plot, the characters were getting dumber and dumber so the movie got interesting.The ending didn't surprise me or provokea reaction, it seems that it was very rushed. I just wasted 90 minutes of my life in something that I didn't pay for. I mean, this is far from being a low budget Horror flick.The best features about Crocodile 2: -Mia. Heidi is a hot woman, really hot. She has a spectacular body and you can witness at the end where she wears a sexy bikini. I wonder she hasn't starred in more B-flicks. That's it. The worst features: -The non sense dialogs. The cursing is exaggerated. The word "bitch" is probably 50% the whole dialogs in the movie. -The acting. All the actors were terrible! This is probably the worst acted movie from 2002. Special recognition for the guy who gets killed for yelling. The guy provided the worst acting I've recently seen. Memorable scenes include the fake, cheap CGI crocodile jumping about 10 meters and eat a guy who was giving the finger to him. Also, why would the tough black guy have his shirt ripped and reveal ONE nipple through all the movie? You can't get much worse that this movie. Anyways, watch this movie only if you are HUNGRY, really hungry for a B-movie in all the sense of the term. Don't pay for it, don't rent it, just wait until it shows on cable.
randommesspaul Okay, The idea is to count how many times the lead bad guy says "motherf***er". I'm telling you, it can't be done. It's the only swear word he knows. Script writing is a class act.I always enjoy the sort of movies where the creature appears to be some form of sub-plot in the movie, you know, gang raid a bank, try to escape to Mexico, plane crashes etc, then in the last twenty minutes a crocodile arrives! What's that all about? Still For other movies where the creatures are side plots, or just barely exist, see Shark Attack and Spiders 2.Well worth a watch if you are into trashy bad movies. It's just a bit too good to be rated in the bottom 100. The acting is only below average, the SFX almost look acceptable, and there is obviously a fair budget put behind this movie.
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