Killer Crocodile
Killer Crocodile
| 30 July 1989 (USA)
Killer Crocodile Trailers

A group of environmentalists arrives at a faraway tropical delta where toxic waste is being dumped. However the water also hides a giant crocodile. The corrupt local officials don't help much either.

Wordiezett So much average
Lawbolisted Powerful
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
kaefab From the first start of the music, to what ever happens you can clearly see they copied Jaws, a part from the very bad acting, the very bad special effects, and everything else, the movie is a disaster.The crocodile looks so fake, it looks like one of those giant inflated dolls you put into your swimming pool during summer time.The kills are almost all off screen too which make it even worst and they make sure to blow the monster right off the bat in the opening scene.I would love to recommend this type of so bad its good movie but sadly its not..... there is so much going on that you want to stop the movie and pop in the Jaws to see what a real monster movie looks like.Does not even deserve an A for effort.
shawnblackman The Great Alligator (1979) was already done so Italy decided to give us Killer Crocodile. A massive crocodile is munching on everybody in the swamp that has been used to dump radioactive waste.They rearrange a few notes to the Jaw's theme for the opening credits and then use the exact music later on. They duplicate a few classic scenes as well. Campy as hell. The crocodile they use looks alright until the mouth moves and the back of his mouth looks like its made of paper. Not very gory as the crocodile use takes his food to go.Over acting is prominent in this one but stick it out for the end. The way they kill the creature is priceless. I'm not really giving away the ending because their is Killer Crocodile 2 which now I have watch. On a side note the guy who directs this was a producer for most of Fulci's films. I still have to see his Breakfast With Dracula (1993).
martymaster The cast is unknown the director is unknown and the movie is unknown, but that dont keep it from being funny. I found this movie a couple of years ago in a shop with strange movies and other stuff in Sweden.The cover of the movie warned about strong scenes and much gore,so I bought it. I sat down to watch it,only to find out that this movie was so badly made that it was funny. Hahahahah
dogcow This film is the definition of comic badness. The croc changes sizes seemingly at random. In one scene it even looks about 20 feet tall. People fall in to the water for no particular reason and it's not even clear what country this is supposed to take place in. Fortunately the film is fun and fast paced so you can ignore some of the faults. The gore is plentiful and the animatronic crocodile by Gianetto De Rossi is pretty amazing for a movie with such a low budget (well at least we know where the money went). Thomas Moore's (Ennio Girolami) performance as Joe the grizzled croc hunter adds alot to the film also. Some imaginitive camerawork and a decent jaws ripoff score by Ortolani doesn't hurt things either.Overall a decent fun flick, just don't expect JAWS.Shot back-to-back with Killer Crocodile II