| 06 July 2014 (USA)
Eat Trailers

Novella McClure is like most struggling actresses in Los Angeles: she's in her early 30s, her fake name sounded cooler ten years ago, and she hasn't landed a role in three years. To top it all off, she's developed a disturbing habit of eating her own flesh. Novella desperately tries to hide her strange condition from her motherly landlord, Eesha, and somewhat psychopathic best friend, Candice, but her body and mind continue to deteriorate in the depressing world of failed auditions and sketchy night clubs. Can a romantic relationship with her psychiatrist prevent her from self destruction? Or will her fatal habit continue to eat away at her?

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Michael Ledo Novella (Maggie Maddock) is an out of work actress in Hollywood and has been for some time. Her friend Candice (Ali Francis) is a psychotic heir dresser. At some point in time Novella starts to eat her own body parts. Pretty much it with some bad actor side characters. Apparently this was meant to be some kind of metaphor on how people will eat themselves alive for fame or something. The confusing part was that she did have steal sauce and hot sauce in the frig and never used it. Kinds makes the whole story unbelievable.I never saw the sense in the film and the acting and basic plot was bad.Guide: F-bomb, sex? No real nudity.
FilmOrNothing Struggle to make it as an actress, Novella spirals into depression and develops a habit of eating her own flesh. The synopsis might remind some of that brutal french film 'In my Skin', both with themes of self-mutilation but they are quite distinctive in terms of style and tone. The opening sequence with Jeffree Star's 'Beauty Killer' playing shows our protagonist getting dressed and ready. Turns out Novella (played brilliantly by Meggie Maddock) has her fair share of failed auditions as an actress while trying to make ends meet. Her friend Candice (Ali Frencis) offers her temporal solace by taking her out for drinks. The film exudes a kind of kitsch vibe throughout, with bright wallpapers from the room of Novella's to the neon lights of sleazy clubs. The film is self-aware of that and plays it in an almost comical fashion, contrasting with what's to come. After an unpleasant encounter with strangers in the club, we've come to learn that Candice herself is a bit of a haywire. With unpaid bills and false hopes, Novella slowly descends into self-loathing and finds an outlet for it in grotesque eating her flesh. The practical effects are well made and definitely not for the squirmish. Even horror fanatics may find some of the scenes repulsive. It is illogical, unrealistic but I find myself rooting and sympathizing for Novella to get out of her flesh eating cycle. May not be for everyone, but memorable scenes and characters makes this worth watching
abhijit-mazumder-email Though the some horror parts are difficult to tolerate sometimes (eating own hand and leg), the movie started very well. Story went very smoothly with enjoyable ups and downs. Some factual errors are very prominent and too much bloodiness made me bit sick. Still due to picturization and storyline, and overall acting movie is well enjoyable. Thriller part is well documented. But last ten minutes it became a menace of its own. Within ten minutes we experienced four deaths. An absurd picturization of eating own heart after taken out from living body put me off. Acting wise Candice (Ali Francis) is best, followed by Novella (Meggie Maddock); both of them did their best. He who doesn't like bad ending of a movie shouldn't watch this.
angiris Novella! You're fantastic!I'm always on the lookout for good horror nowadays, guys. I come across lots of bad stuff for the most part but occasionally there is that one gem. That one masterpiece hiding in the midst of all the trash.This exactly that.If you are looking for some good horror, Some good blood and gore PLUS a sweet and psychologically messed up but also heartfelt story and ESPECIALLY wonderful ending... than you will like this film.I don't wanna say too much because this is a film worth a watch if you're a horror fan.The acting is quite good. The story does not feel rushed. The music really adds to the dramaticism playing out. And the gore of course! The effects, music and camera editing all results in this wonderful display of auto-sarchophagy that will make your face cringe and your skin crawl but not enough to make you look away. The director manages to keep the gore effectively brutal but its not over the top ridiculous. Its realistic looking for those of you who like that. And it doesn't hold back either! I personally love it! The ending I personally love. I just came to love the entire film based on the very sad, lonely and yet joyful and tranquil final scene that just...makes you smile while you at the same time feel this sense of peace overwhelming you. Just like Novella does... It's a wonderful scene. It reminds me of Sweeney Todd and the final scene where Todd is holding his dead wife in his hand while his cut throat is pouring out blood unto her. The music is sad, yet mysterious and beautiful and it offers this sense of closure to an epic tale of so many features. Novella does a bit of that through out the film but the ending is definitely one of its FINEST moments if not THE finest all together.Anyway guys. I rate it a 7 out of 10. I think it has okay re playability. I wasn't bored watching it at any point. The content and steady phase kept me engaged in the process of the events that unfolded. And of course like any good horror film it keeps you wanting more. You keep sitting there waiting for the next bloody scene to appear. Novella does that AND MORE! Because of the auto-sarchophagy you want to see...but in a way you keep feeling like..ohh no..ohh no no no! While saying yes yes yes! I love this film! Its messed up like that. It's a horror film that appeals to your reluctance and willingness to watch this. It's wonderful.If you like horror guys you'll like this film. If you don't like auto-sarchophagy I recommend you don't watch this because it will make your stomach turn. Like I said...the film doensn't hold back. Jimmy Webber! Well done, sir! Meggie Maddock! Great performance! 7 out of 10 guys = A Great film!