Speed Zone
Speed Zone
PG | 21 April 1989 (USA)
Speed Zone Trailers

An illegal race that takes place over the United States and nothing will stop this bunch of racers except for the occasional cop or a damsel in distress. Jackie Chan's car is not in this one, but many new cars make up for that. Who will win? Who will crash? Who will not even finish? Sit down and buckle up for the ride of your life.

2hotFeature one of my absolute favorites!
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Adam Peters (26%) Yet another cannonball run sequel aired on a lousy film channel with ad breaks every two and a half minutes. So I think I'll pass on this one thank you very much. But hang on. It stars the great late John Candy? I'm in. That's how this played out for me and probably many other people who've sat through this lame time passing turkey. So without Mr Candy I won't have watched this. But besides that aspect, what else is there? Well not a lot besides Eugene Levy playing a real jerk in a very small role, some limp comedy, some exotic cars getting mistreated, a few cameos, and Donna Dixon doing her best Marilyn Monroe impression. If you like John Candy as much as I do then you might want to give this a look, but there's nothing really to see here.
qcramair This movie is one of my favorites. The Cannonball movies are great, and I think this one fits in with the first two just fine, if not better. As a youngster, I was obsessed with exotic cars and used to rent this movie all the time mostly for the cars. Now over 10 years later, I still love watching this movie. It has awesome cars, a good list of stars, and you gotta love the cheesy acting/plot. Obviously this movie isn't Oscar-worthy, and it wasn't intended to be, but really, the only movies worthy of awards and critics' attention are the boring and/or unheard of movies that would put you to sleep faster than Nyquil. Unless you're a movie critic (meaning: you have no personality, no humor, and are uptight about everything), you should get a kick out of this movie, if not at least a good amount of laughs.
gridoon Essentially an unofficial sequel to the "Cannonball Run" movies, "Speed Zone!" is probably more "racy" than its predecessors (not that it moves faster, it just has more actual racing scenes), but is defeated anyway by unfunny characters and general pointlessness. There is no serious reason why you should see this film (if Alyssa Milano had a larger role, then we'd talk about it) (*1/2)
ClubberLangATO Granted this is a loser of a flick, but it's not that bad! If you like the first 2 Cannonball Run films, you should like this one. Fans of Smokey and the Bandit 3 will understand this movie: A desperate attempt at earning laughs(and dollars) from a tired, and over-used idea. Smokey 3 is somewhat better than this, as well as Gumball Rally. I recommend both. Anyway, Speed Zone has good action stunts and John Candy. Give it a chance. Hey, it's not that bad!