Midnight Madness
Midnight Madness
PG | 08 February 1980 (USA)
Midnight Madness Trailers

A genius grad student organizes an all-night treasure hunt in which five rival teams composed of colorful oddballs furiously match wits with one another while trying to locate and decipher various cryptic clues planted ingeniously around Los Angeles.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
jwatt-4 What can i say about this movie that hasn't been said hundreds of times before? It's an American Classic. It has spawned dozens of imitators. Or none. Midnight Madness is one of kind. From the ridiculous opening montage/music to the Bonaventure HOtel, I was hooked. Leon made us all feel so young and carefree. One question though, how did he have those two hot hookers with him all the time? And how did have the time/money to arrange such an event? The cast is top notch. David Naughton is at his best here. His tight yellow sweatshirt is disturbing. His little brother Michael J Fox(in his first starring role), is a real brat. There is also Naughton's love interest and a dork and the obligatory black dude in a fisherman's hat on the yellow team. Michael J Fox does bad things like try and steal cups of beer at the Pabst Blue Ribbon brewery and runs away to Flounder's van. Flounder's team gives us the most comedy. What exactly is the deal with the blond on that team? Is she dating Flounder? Or Melio? Or Blade? Yes, the Mexican gentleman's name is blade. The other guy on the Flounder team has the best lines of the movie, i won't pomp them here. The Meat Machine team is a bunch of drunks. My personal favorite is Armpit. But the silent black man is great too. The other two teams are 4 nerds and 4 lesbians(two of which are 450 lb twins).You know the ending from the start. But that doesn't matter. This is the 80's me-genre at its finest. Don't rent this one, BUY it. and Buy it now.
jonathan-577 As usual: watch out for movies with two directors. This thing took Siue and me about two months to get through, we could only handle ten minutes at a sitting. Four large teams of frat boys (and one of frat dykes), set out on a grandly orchestrated treasure hunt around the city. I have never seen any movie ever that was so wrong about how funny it thought it was being. You can tell when a scene is about to end because every single time there's a five-second pause for you to laugh...at what? Nothing anyone does ever makes sense. The characters and situations are such stereotypes you barely register that they're there. Eddie Deezen does his shtick when he can steal some screen time from a completely obnoxious Stephen Furst; David Naughton pulls such an Adam West routine on the clues you want to turn him into a werewolf; a practically infantile Michael J. Fox debuts as a sullen and petulant nonentity; and Paul Reubens gets ONE line of dialogue. The 'moral' - don't be an a**hole - definitely isn't going to change anyone's life. The movie doesn't end, it just stops. The theme song is stuck in my head two weeks later and I resent it deeply. This movie isn't just bad - it is unwelcome in my house. I loathe it. I want it to die. I'm giving it a two because a one feels like too much of an accomplishment.
FriendlyFiend I'm not going to knock the technical aspects or acting in this movie. I just simply want to say I enjoyed it when I was a kid watching it almost daily on cable TV. I thought it was a cool concept to have this sort of game and I suppose I thought it had a "zany" comic touch.I was delighted to find it on DVD one day as I wondered the aisles of a local video store. I picked it up and subjected my closest friends to a personal viewing. Their response was less than lukewarm. I guess you had to see it before becoming an adult to give it an unbiased viewing; before seeing many other b-grade movies.I found I had a far greater appreciation for it. My favorite things about this movie: 1. The blue team's high-tech on-board clue-solving computer 2. Paul Ruebens's brief appearance in the arcade scene 3. The visit to the Pabst breweryIt's an innocent and harmless way to blow an afternoon!
terrafermi This is a must see for any 80s junkie. Fun and innocent, and all at night! Nothing like all of the college buddy groups going on an all nighter. Who would have thought the guy who put it all together could be such a ladies man, there's hope for us all. Sure it would never happen, but after seeing this you'll wish it did. Look for all of the cast who went on to have bigger and badder days in Hollywood. Enjoy all of the Los Angeles landmarks that have come and gone, or just don't look like they used to. Take this romp, if you liked other memorable films such as 'Scavenger Hunt', 'One Crazy Summer', or more recently, 'Rat Race'.Enjoy!