My Man Godfrey
My Man Godfrey
NR | 02 September 1936 (USA)
My Man Godfrey Trailers

Fifth Avenue socialite Irene Bullock needs a "forgotten man" to win a scavenger hunt, and no one is more forgotten than Godfrey Park, who resides in a dump by the East River. Irene hires Godfrey as a servant for her riotously unhinged family, to the chagrin of her spoiled sister, Cornelia, who tries her best to get Godfrey fired. As Irene falls for her new butler, Godfrey turns the tables and teaches the frivolous Bullocks a lesson or two.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Hmaziba My Man Godfrey – Ted Tetzlaff as cinematography capture a great moment and smoothly tilt and panning shot, for example when William walking to the stairs, camera dolly was perfect follow his steps towards the room, you can see no cuts and brought attention to what will be next. Editing technique and final touches made the movie looks great and no need of miss any moments of scene. Connection of dialogue and music were done professional no jump cut meanwhile the editor did wonderful job. My Man Godfrey – Definitely has quality and artistic eyes setting. During reviews you can see that director and the team did an amazing scene setup and makes viewers to keep watching the film. For example the scene at the "Dump" where forgotten man lived you can see how decorative and looks real life. well done music director Charles Previn, we see romantic background music after William became a butler and more sound effects like the sound of horse when Mr. Eugene opened the door. The music tells us what will happen on scene. Subsequently when Godfrey had talk with Carol and suddenly Irene Appeared their dialog was followed by background romantic music that clarified the scene into love.– Eventually, it's an amazing movie, romantic drama and comedy that inspired my career. Scene setup both interior and exterior was well decorated and makes viewers keep looking at what next. Dialog is smooth moving and understandable, most of the scene was interior and created a romantic looks.
SimonJack William Powell isn't William Powell in "My Man Godfrey." That is to say, he's not his usual witty, hilarious and funny self. But his character and role are crucial to the zaniness of this film. And, especially with the over-the-top performance of Carole Lombard. She, by the way, isn't Carole Lombard either. Lest the reader think this reviewer has lost his marbles as well, let me explain further. Neither great comedic actor plays his or her usual role of a witty, clever, funny person. Their roles are different. Lombard is what people for ages have called a nut case, a fruitcake. She's not insane, because she has short snippets of awareness before she moves on to the next hair-brained moment. And, Powell, who usually plays the smug, clever, and witty hero, instead here is a combination sounding board for Carole and the rest of the cast, and a thread of calm and sanity that holds the plot together. Without him, there would be repetitive scenes of chaos and mayhem to no avail. Now, other actors contribute as well to this wonderfully crazy film. And, it is much more than a comedy of relief during the Great Depression. It's a biting satire on the very wealthy and their seeming indifference to the plight of all others – anyone outside their own class. Oh, sure, the gala fun of the scavenger hunt is to benefit charity. But take away the fun and games, and most of the spoiled rich, as Godfrey describes Gail Patrick's character, wouldn't even be aware of the downtrodden. Powell plays Godfrey whom Lombard's Irene Bullock "rescues" from the city dump to buttle for the Bullock family. The only seeming sane member of the family is the patriarch, Alexander, played by Eugene Palette. Alice Brady plays his overly zany wife, Angelica. Patrick plays the ultra- snobbish, conniving, vengeful, and spiteful Cornelia. These players are superb in their roles. And, those in a supporting cast of other characters are equally tops in their roles. Mischa Auer as Carlo, does the best imitation of a gorilla I've ever seen by a person. One might say he apes a banana-gorging jungle climber perfectly. Most readers will know of the plot already. If not, other reviewers give more details. The movie is based on a short novel by Eric Hatch, "1101 Park Avenue." I don't know the year of publication, and one would be hard pressed to find an original book even over the Internet. It was reprinted in 1947 with the title used for this film. Hatch also helped write the screenplay for "My Man Godfrey."In the 1930s, it wasn't yet popular or common to film movies on location. Instead, the Hollywood studios had huge lots with large stages. Some also had California ranches where they could build town sites for films. Just imagine what it took to shoot the scenes in the dump. The IMDb Web site lists the shooting as done at Universal Studios. If Universal didn't go to the L.A. landfill or another large dump, I wonder where they got all the junk to create their own dump for this film. And what did they do with it afterwards? This is a wonderful comedy that also is a morality tale, with redemption of at least some of the spoiled rich of the day. I can't imagine anyone not enjoying this film.
weezeralfalfa As the title suggests, this is a love story between a middle-aged aloof homeless man(Godfrey) living in a city dump and a carefree, impulsive, spoiled society girl(Irene Bullock): seemingly a most unlikely pairing, given their radically differing economic situations, ages, and personalities. But, it's also an examination of the relationship between the dispossessed unemployed and the wealthy, especially during a time of widespread unemployment. The Bullocks represent how the wealthy should not spend their time and money, while Godfrey, toward the end of the story, exemplifies. how this advantage might be usefully employed in helping the dispossessed get on their feet.It's clear that Irene was attracted to Godfrey from the time she met him in the dump during a scavenger hunt game. Although, on the surface, Godfrey maintained an aloof posture toward Irene's romantic overtures, Irene had the intuition that Godfrey had probably fallen into bad luck, and was not a hopeless derelict. Eventually , we discover why Godfrey landed in a dump and why he resisted Irene's throwing herself at him, indeed, the romantic overtures of any woman.It's of interest that Carol Lombard, who played Irene, and William Powell, who played Godfrey, had been married and divorced. Nonetheless, Powell insisted that Carol should play Irene.Cornilia: Irene's aloof sister, exhibits an antagonistic attitude toward Godfrey. It appears this is due to a combination of motivations:(1) assuming that homeless men must be hopeless derelicts, thieves, and possible murderers (2)a personal grudge against Godfrey for the way he treated her and spoke to her at the dump(3)jealousy that Irene had rescued a seemingly worthy man from a life of homelessness. In any case, her attitude soften toward the end, and she cried over his leaving the Bullock household. It's interesting that her aloof personality seemed much more suited to Godfrey's similar aloof personality than the impish, impulsive, Irene. But, sometimes opposites attract, in this case, each taking a big chance that the other would prove unsuitable as a mate in the long run.
JohnHowardReid It seems superfluous to add yet another five-star review to those already published, but "My Man Godfrey" is a movie that grows on you. I didn't like it all that much when I first viewed it. In fact, I felt that the movie was showing its age and did not shine as brightly as on its first release. "In fact," I wrote, "the pacing is often rather slow, especially in Lombard and Powell's later scenes, most of them shot by producer/director La Cava in sustained, boring takes. In fact, Gail Patrick survives better than Lombard. True, the movie opens very promisingly and the acting throughout is very capable, although it's worth noting that comedians Palette and Mowbray are used as straight men to feed witty comebacks to Powell. The sets and costumes are delightful, the photography superb!" As the copyright has expired, the movie is now available on many DVDs. For some odd reason, the cheapest ones are often superior in quality to the more expensive!