Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
PG | 21 December 1979 (USA)
Scavenger Hunt Trailers

An eccentric games inventor dies and leaves behind an inheritance worth hundreds of millions of dollars - which will only be given to the person or team, amongst his family and hired help, who wins a madcap scavenger hunt.

Cortechba Overrated
GazerRise Fantastic!
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
liamforeman This film is such a turkey. I hoped that with all the star power that SOMETHING good would have to come of it. I wasn't expecting high art, and I like gag-centered comedy, but I don't think I laughed even ONCE. It was one bad attempt at a joke or physical comedy after another. I did make it through to the end, but wish I didn't. I just couldn't believe how awful this was, since so many reviews here are so good. Funniest movie ever? God, that's depressing.I'd stay away from this at all costs. Midnight Madness is infinitely funnier. This was just an awful experience. Leachman and Mulligan were barely 'decent' and almost got me to crack a slight hopeful smirk, but nope. The acting is totally overdone, and it seemed like every scene was one team after another screaming as loud as they could. I am not sure who would find this an enjoyable hour and a half. It was just awful. 1/10
bigverybadtom Yes, this is a silly farce. So were "Animal House" and "The Blues Brothers", and they are considered classics. I liked this better; certainly it's more suited for the whole family.The plot is simple: wealthy Milton Parker has died and his will specifies that his survivors (servants as well as relatives) must complete in a scavenger hunt to gather up various items, which must be taken and not purchased. The items are placed into various bins per group of competitors, and the items are awarded points. Those who get the most points by the end of the time period wins the fortune while the others get nothing.The rest of the movie consists of funny ways for the various groups to get the items and making it back to the home with them, along with one family who resorts to stealing from the others. Not high art, but good low art.
lagudafuad After seeing the grand It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963), I stepped into this movie skeptic, as it is more like It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World, with just some tweaks here and there. Reviewers didn't help also, as from what I saw it (Scavengers Hunt) drops in the middle of good and awful. So I decided to see it for myself and I have to admit the plot is stupid and far fetch compared to that of It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World, the acting is of a lower grade the directing could use some work, the screenplay is all topsy turvy, making me laugh all the way through as things just kept happening every second.I enjoyed this movie, the producers went all the way to copy as much as they can from It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World, the movie is also filled with a lot of cameo appearances, we even get to see one from Mr. Terminator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger who was all young. The movie's whole idea is so bogus that you start to doubt from the start if this movie is going to be any good.The plot is about a Milton Parker who was a multi-millionaire and holds an estate worth over 200 million dollars. A game lover himself, Parker upon his death had his relatives, domestic staff and a taxi driver gathered together for the reading of his will. Which stipulates that a Scavenger Hunt will be held to determine the beneficiaries of his 200 million estates; each team has to get some particular items (without purchasing them) and each item on the list carried specific points, the winning team the team with the most points at the end of the hunt gets all his estate (200 million), the rest get nothing. The teams involved in the hunt were: 1. Parker's son in-law and his children 2. Parkers servants which were his cook, butler, driver and maid 3. A taxi Driver extremist (who was an extremist when it comes to stupidity and being brainless) 4. Parker's Sister Stella 5. Parker's nephews Kenny and Jeff StevensThe sad thing though is I got to see this movie because someone was nice enough to convert the VHS version to digital for me, no DVD of this movie has been made (as of now) which is sad as this is one movie that I recommend any to see to get a good laugh, the movie is highly under rated, but it is
TheLittleSongbird While not one of my favourite movies of all time, Scavenger Hunt is one that I do consider very underrated. The ending is predictable sure and some people may find some parts too on the cruel side. But the backdrop is lovely and it does look good still. While the story has a premise done a lot before and since and may feel thin to some, I personally found it never dull. If I were to compare it to It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World(which I've seen a lot of people comparing it to), which I do like very much, Scavenger Hunt is a lot shorter and the pace brisker, so first-time viewers of both movies may find themselves less exhausted-feeling depending on their patience levels watching this. I do agree that Scavenger Hunt is hilarious, the dialogue is plentiful, endlessly quotable and often enough to split the sides though you may be in danger of missing things from laughing. It isn't just the dialogue though, Cloris Leachman in 3-inch heels, Georgie's nasal whining("They killed Buzzy"), the laughing gas scene, the four servants overflowing the lab with suds, Scatman Crothers with the wedding veil and Richard Mulligan's priceless facial expression, James Coco trying to rob the market and the toilet-stealing scene are enough to raise a number of laughs. The cast show great comic timing and have plenty of star power. I personally don't think this is a case of a great cast working against the script. And this is not just the main parts(James Coco, Richard Benjamin, Stephanie Faracy and Scatman Crothers stood out), but also the cameos especially from Arnold Schwarznegger and Vincent Price. All in all, a hilarious and underrated if not perfect or award-worthy movie. 8/10 Bethany Cox