Girls Nite Out
Girls Nite Out
R | 20 June 1982 (USA)
Girls Nite Out Trailers

The students of DeWitt University are preparing themselves for a night of fun and frolics in the form of an all-night scavenger hunt. Little do they know that they are in fact the ones being hunted.

Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Woodyanders A vicious psycho wearing a beat suit stalks and slaughters cheerleaders on a college campus during a scavenger hunt. It's up to security guard Mac (sturdy work by the always dependable Hal Holbrook) to stop the wacko. Director Robert Duebel relates the absorbing story at a steady pace, stages the bloody'n'brutal murders with nasty aplomb (the maniac screaming harsh words like "whore" and "slut" while butchering the gals adds an extra unsettling misogynistic edge), generates a good deal of tension and dark atmosphere, makes fine use of the college location, and comes through with a supremely creepy mood for the genuinely surprising ending, with a real doozy of a chilling final image. The solid acting from a capable cast holds the picture together: Julia Montgomery as the perky Lynn Connors and James Carroll as likable jock Teddy Ratliff make for appealing leads, David Holbrook delivers a suitably smarmy turn as obnoxious oddball jerk Mike Pryor, Richard Bright does well as the hard-nosed Detective Greenspan, and Rutanya Alda contributes a winningly spirited performance as friendly cafeteria waitress Katie "Barney" Cavanaugh (plus Alda really cranks the ferocious intensity to the alarming ninth degree at the jolting conclusion!). The college students are an engagingly goofy bunch; their wacky antics in the first half are pretty amusing and thus give the much more serious and harrowing second half an additional savage punch. The inspired use of bouncy and upbeat golden oldies songs on the soundtrack provides a further effective contrast to the ugly killings. Slice'n'dice fans will enjoy seeing Friday the 13th Part 2's Lauren-Marie Taylor and The Burning's Carrick Glenn as two of the psycho's victims. The shadowy cinematography by Joe Rovers rates as another definite asset. Kudos are also in order for the eerie score that largely consists of hellish moaning and groaning noises. And the bear suit the nutjob somehow manages to work, too, thanks mainly to the wicked Freddy Krueger-style knives on its paws and those strange googly large greenish yellow eyes. A worthwhile body count opus.
Aaron1375 Got this movie on a three pack of films called bloody schoolgirls which also featured One Dark Night and Blood Sisters. The only one of them that was good was One Dark Night, both Blood Sisters and this one were boring and almost unwatchable. This one sort of goes all over the place, the basic thing to know is some dudes have just won a basketball game and a there is a bunch of girls dumping some guys for other guys and guys cheating on their girlfriends, you have idiots for comic relief and there is an awesome scavenger hunt! The killer should have simply put a nuclear device in the middle of the campus, detonated it and they could have spared us from having to watch all these random scenes and very underdeveloped characters. Seriously, it was so hard to watch this film simply because the characters were so bland and I had a hard time telling people apart. I thought when the two dumb dudes came into the party one leading one by the chain that they were the two idiots that were introduced in a previous scene acting kind of different. Then everyone is cheating and you start to wonder who are they cheating on, is not that the guy's girlfriend, no wait that is the girl he was hitting on at the party. In all this confusing mess we have a killer in a bear suit killing the students, mainly the female ones. You also have guy who is very angry at being dumped that he says things that if this were real life and not a movie would mean that more than likely he should have been the killer, but this is a movie so his scene automatically disqualified him as the killer. No, in films like these it is always the least likely suspect and when we learn of the killer here we know they have to have ties to the person who hung himself at the start of the film. The film does feature Hal Holbrook, who looks very disinterested in the whole affair and we have the most anticlimactic showdown ever in a film of this sort at the end as the film kind of whimpers and scurries away.
Dagon Robert Deubel, the director of this feature, would end his career upon his completion of Girls Nite Out; the 3 remaining works in his filmography aren't relevant to the horror genre. It seems all too easy to assume why Robert quit the business after the release of this movie but personally I like to envision a group of angry villagers chasing him out of town with brick bats. A homecoming basketball game allows the students of a small Ohio college to form a victory party in order to celebrate their accomplishments; heavily laden with profuse drinking, promiscuity, and relationship drama. In the midst of all of the drunken horseplay and buffoonery, the team mascot is murdered in cold blood and his cherished bear suit is stolen. The college sorority follows through with a "scavenger hunt"; additional fun and games for the young girls to partake in. Meanwhile, the campus security guard delves into his tragic past that involves his deceased daughter and her obsessive ex-boyfriend, pronounced lunatic, Dickie Cavanaugh. With the security guard hung up with curiosity, the campus DJ harassed by the killer's incessant phone calls, and close friends dispatched of ruthlessly, the truth remains to be seen.I took notice that Hal Holbrook, the campus security officer, took a part in this film, after witnessing his appearance in The Fog from 1980 and 1982's Creepshow - in particular, the segment entitled "The Crate." I find him to be a suitable actor in Girls Nite Out in addition to the aforementioned titles. Also appearing in Girls Nite Out is his son David. An interesting tidbit worth addressing is David's appearance in Creepshow 2 in the Old Chief Wood'nHead awesome is it that both father and son secured two roles in BOTH Creepshow movies!? It's awesome, right? More prestigiously, however, is the addition of Lauren-Marie Taylor from Friday the 13th Part 2 fame, and Carrick Glen from The Burning. This is one of the many perks that form as a result of watching so many horror titles...after a great deal of time, or even immediately in some cases, you begin to observe that actors and actresses are recycled throughout. Simply put, it's always nice to see a familiar face.The creators of Girls Nite Out managed to output a piece that follows the numbers too closely…almost like they had a cheat sheet handy and referenced a checklist whenever they reached an artistic barrier. Whether you've digested my mockery of Girls Nite Out as humorous or insulting, it's laced with a great deal of truth. If the feel of a Slasher title is what you're after you'll be sorely disappointed when you discover that the film primarily focuses on college tomfoolery. The only part worth watching is the end. It pains me to admit how effective it is but how many times should I allow a lenient stance on this? In the past I've thought to myself, "You know… that movie was horrible but it had one killer ending, it might be worth owning just for that." If I had a dime for every time I've said that I'd be a rich man; spending carelessly on sub-par Slashers wouldn't be an issue for me. The only accomplishment Girls Nite Out should be credited with is its ability to remain more predictable than a whole night's worth of TGIF.
alanmora This film is an odd little piece of horror history. It stars Hal Holbrook (Creepshow), Rutanya Alda (Mommie Dearest)and Julia Montgomery (Revenge of the Nerds) and features a murderer wearing a dancing bear costume. The murder sequences are goofy but then again so is the entire film. Like a train wreck, you will not be able to take your eyes off of it and the bizarre musical score and odd sense of humor make this a fun little horror gem to have around the house. The film centers around a series of murders taking place on a college campus during their annual "scavenger hunt"...and just when you think you know who the murderer is, the film springs the classic horror movie "surprise" twist ending on you that makes you scratch your head and say "Huh?" This is an excellent "party" film since you really don't have to pay all that much attention to it. Recommended for fans of the "slasher film" genre.