Blank Check
Blank Check
PG | 11 February 1994 (USA)
Blank Check Trailers

Bullied by his siblings and nagged by his parents, 11-year-old Preston is fed up with his family -- especially their frugality. But he gets his chance to teach them a lesson when a money-laundering criminal nearly bulldozes Preston with his car and gives the boy a blank check as compensation. Preston makes the check out for $1 million and goes on a spending spree he'll never forget. Maybe now, his family will take him seriously!

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
chetanswamy Its funny how I came across this movie. I was in a saloon in Orlando, USA getting a haircut and this movie was played there. I saw like first 15 minutes of the movie and loved it - the direction (the kind which used to be when I was little. I am 24 now and still loved the movie. LOL), the story, people in it etc. So, after I was done with my haircut I asked what was the name of the movie to the man who played it - "Blanck Check", he said.
xgray-03873 I'm sorry, but this is by far, one of the worst live-action Disney movies that I've ever seen. The jokes are not funny, the main "protagonist", Preston is a little brat that has no idea on how economics really work and who's idea was it to have a romantic subplot with a 12-year-old little boy and a 20-something year-old FBI agent?! That was just stupid. The only thing that's good about this movie is Tone Loc's performance, but other than that....all of the character are freaking' idiots and the father is complete douche-bag.Bottom line, do not bother showing your kids this movie. It will send them the wrong message!
GravityLoudHouseLover1 Blank Check is a 1994 Family Comedy Staring Brian Bonsall as Preston Waters who wants to have a lot of a lot of money and he gets his bike run over by a man and the man writes him a check the parents are mad at Preston for get his bike run over. He goes to his fill the Blank Check and goes to the Bank the next day and he meets the Bank Teller Shay Stanley who tells he to have more in his account. He goes to meet Biderman who one of the villains of the movie and give him stolen money and Preston spend all the money and gets a comic relief Limo Driver. Anyway I really in enjoyed this movie yes it's stupid and unrealistic but it's a nice movie. I Give Blank Check a 10 out 10 Stars. Anyway I'm GravityFalls2 and have a nice day. BYE. The Movie was Directed By Rupert Wainwright
byson5186 This is one of my favorite movies. I've heard this movie being compared to Home Alone. If you look at the movie cover, you'll see how it says, "If You Loved Home Alone, You'll Love Blank Check." I've noticed many similar scenes to both Home Alone and Home Alone 2 as both movies were out by the time this movie was made. It is possible that the people who wrote and worked on this movie, came up with a lot of their ideas from Home Alone and tried to make a Disney Friendly slapstick humor of Home Alone with what a kid would do with $1 Million. I personally like this movie better than Home Alone. I feel like it has a lot more of a plot to it. In this movie, Preston tells his parents about wanting his own house, his own rules, his own money. While that might seem like a kid's dream he ends up being able to get $1 million. Some of the things that make this movie great. For one, watching this movie will take you back to the '90s. A lot of people from my Millennial Generation, old enough to remember the '90s miss those times considering life to have been really good back then. They try to remember life and entertainment back then. This movie shows an old computer in Preston's room. It also shows how rather than Preston buying things online like you would now, he just looks numbers up to call from a phone book. It shows some old arcade games and Preston having many TVs turned into his own virtual entertainment system. Something that still is incredible years later. It also shows '90s things like you see a lot of TVs that aren't flat screen. Also, one time I watched this with a friend my same age during the scene where we see Preston in the store riding a bike playing with the things inside the store. My friend told me he remembers when you used to be able to try things like that out at a store. I can't remember doing that as a kid. This movie entertains you showing all the things Preston bought. We see how a kid would spend all that money, he gets chased by the bad guys in this movie. We also see a lot of Preston's community in Indiana. Things like his neighborhood, a typical looking neighborhood with a castle house across the street, a really big bank in his town close enough that Preston rides his bike to, an amusement park, a water park, a public park (during the chase scene), Lots of really nice stores, businesses including Preston going to Tangerino's on a date. Also, one of the more memorable scenes from the movie where Preston and Shay dance in these fountains we all wonder where those fountains are. So, this movie is also better than Home Alone as we're more familiar with Preston's community than Kevin's in the first Home Alone. Also, a whole community of people are curious about who Mr. Macintosh is, not ever meeting him only hearing Preston saying he works for him. People gullible enough to buy things from a kid, and believe a kid who claims he works for somebody they've never met. All this action takes place in like only a week time. So this movie has great music, it's fast paced, and it's funny. This movie will end leaving us with a couple of unanswered questions we're all curious about. They haven't made a sequel for this movie, or even an explanation as to what would end up happening later. Preston's the main character so he's a character we like. But, we ask ourselves even if he mostly seems like a good kid other than a little bratty and selfish. But, seriously I'm sure people would eventually discover including Shay that Preston was behind all that spending and that fake character, Mr. Macintosh. He might even confess it to his parents as he said as the movie was ending about Mr. Macintosh how he shouldn't have fooled everybody and told his Dad that he'd tell him all about Mr. Macintosh the next day. So, did Preston confess to his parents about being behind the whole Mr. Macintosh thing, and how would his parents feel if they found out Preston got $1 Million and bought a house? So, we wonder if Preston as a kid would have been arrested or eventually arrested if the police found out? How much trouble would this get him into? We also wonder what would happen with all the stuff Preston bought? The people in the movie, especially the ones that would clear out the house should figure that a grown man would not want to buy all that kid stuff. That is stuff a kid would buy. The final question is does Preston ever get together with Shay? Disney did not consider it inappropriate to show like an 11/12 year old kid in love with a 30 year old woman, going on a date with her, and kissing her. I wonder if Disney could get away with that now? But, while they did agree to see each other when Preston was older, they said 6 years and as this movie takes place in 1993 that would mean they were supposed to see each other in 1999. How about now, over 20 years later? Did they eventually reunite and fall in love? It should not have taken long after the movie ended for Shay to have discovered that Preston was behind all that spending and Mr. Macintosh. But, she liked him enough and was a gentle person. I'm sure she'd forgive him and not take it too seriously. Overall, I'd give this movie a 10/10 as it's always an empowering movie for me to watch. I think most kids even kids of today would enjoy this movie.