Nightmare Beach
Nightmare Beach
R | 01 September 1989 (USA)
Nightmare Beach Trailers

In Miami, Florida, biker gang leader Edward "Diablo" Santer is about to be executed for murder when he proclaims his innocence and vows revenge from the grave. When a mysterious biker comes to town during Spring Break festivities, leaving several teenagers electrocuted to death, some begin to suspect that Santer has made good on his promise.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Dan Jarron Yes, I find it interesting that the first review I saw for this movie called it a feel good slasher flick. Well roll me is flour and slap me in a skillet...ah musta missed that part of the movie.What this movie has: Sarah Buxton, John Saxon and Michael Parks.What this movie is missing: Action, suspense, tension, and much of anything associated with slasher flicks, including the all necessary sleaze factor.A biker affectionately known as Diablo is put to death in the electric chair for the murder of a young woman. A few days later his body ends up missing from his grave, unfortunately at the same time spring break week begins for this beachside town. Thousands of tourists and a potential killer on the loose spells unfortunately does not spell entertainment.This is not the worst slasher flick I have seen, there is plenty of competition for that title already, but what it predictable. It aimlessly wanders about its story with John Saxon, well...being John Saxon, Michael Parks being assured his career has sunk this low and a killer with an amazingly obvious identity who couldn't scare a timid cub scout let alone inspire chills in anybody watching this who succeeded in staying awake through it.It does succeed in telling its story from beginning to end, but it does not succeed in providing a very threatening killer or much blood and sleaze as one would expect from a slasher flick.
zardoz-13 "Cannibal Ferox" writer & director Umberto Lenzi appropriated the spring break beach movies, the slasher movie, and the murderous animal movie and came up with the imaginative but ghoulish Welcome to Spring Break. Students arrive in Manatee Beach by the hundreds to party hardy and a collegiate footballer Skip (Nicolas De Toth of "The Stuff") and his best friendRonnie (Rawley Valverde of "Made in America") are among those who have come in search of beer and babes. The local authorities electrocute an unsavory biker for the murder of a teenager, but the biker did not kill the girl. Sleazy Police Chief Strycher framed the biker for the murder at the insistence of the paranoid mayor who did not want the town to acquire a bad reputation that might dissuade spring break students from populating their sunny beaches. Although they fried him in the electric chair, Diablo (Tony Bolano of "Invasion U.S.A.") appears to return in a snazzy leather outfit with a special motorcycle decked out with equipment that enables the driver to electrocute his passenger. The mayor wonders if the spirit of Diablo is not wrecking revenge on the town for his death. It seems that the body was stolen from the cemetery. Indeed, this string of unsolved murders is just what the local authorities do not want in the headlines because it will do for their tourist industry what the shark in Jaws did to that resort community. The hero is a brooding football quarterback who botched a championship game so his brain is not entirely into beer and babes. Later, after Chief Strycher (John Saxon of "Enter the Dragon") has run him out of town, Skip teams up with Gail (Sarah Buxton of "Today You Die") to learn who really committed all the murders. Gail earns her living as a bartender at a local bar. She is not the typical bimbo type. Initially, Skip suspects that a biker gang called the Demons may have been responsible for the murder of Ronnie. One of the biker chicks wears a medallion around her neck that belonged to Ronnie. Eventually, Skip discovers the body of his best friend hidden and the Strycher surprises him and orders him to get out of town.Lenzi does not spare anything on the murders. The killings are particularly gruesome. One girl has her head burned off, while other is electrocuted while riding on a motorcycle. The biggest stars appear in the supporting cast (though their names are billed above the title. Umberto Lenzi adopts the pseudonym of Harry Kilpatrick, but he need not have concealed his identity because Welcome to Spring Break qualifies as an above-average whodunit. John Saxon delivers the best performance, while A-Team co-star Lance Le Gault will surprise everybody with his man-of-the-cloth performance. Michael Parks plays an alcoholic coroner, but he gets lost in all the mayhem. There are moments when Lenzi develops what could be called a Robert Altman ensemble. Principally, we have a kid who stages death scenes, another kid who snatches purses, and an appealing hooker who claims to be earning money to pay for her college tuition. Lenzi scatters this characters throughout the narrative for maximum impact. Clocking in at 90 minutes, Welcome to Spring Break is not the best Lenzi movie, but it boasts a mystery, a genuine surprise, red herrings galore and several interesting characters.
udar55 Perpetually depressed Spring Breaker Skip (Nicolas De Toth) heads to Florida with his buddy to try and forget blowing the biggest football game of his college career. Too bad for him everyone in Miami not only saw the game, but recognizes him on the spot. As if feeling like a social pariah in the 80s isn't bad enough, there is also a killer cruising around the beach on a motorcycle killing any immoral party animals. Sheriff Strycher (John Saxon) thought he just witnessed the killer be executed by the State but now it looks like he will have to work some more. Meanwhile, Skip teams up with bartender Gail (Sarah Buxton), whose sister was murdered by the alleged killer, to do their own detective work.More 80s Italian Florida-filmed madness. This one easily trumps stuff like Miami HORROR because 1) it is an amazing time capsule of 80s spring break and 2) it isn't boring! Sure, you will know who the killer is within 30 minutes and their motives are questionable (are pulling practical jokes or hitchhiking really death worthy sins?), but it is hardly the worst slasher of the decade. Director Umberto Lenzi doesn't seem too bothered with details (how is it that Saxon shows up right before a fight anywhere in the county), but the electrocution murders are well staged. He delivered another beach themed flick the following year with HITCHER IN THE DARK. Amazingly, leads Buxton and De Toth both went on to have successful careers after this. She has done tons of work on soap operas and he - hold onto your seats - edited T3, LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD and WOLVERINE! No doubt working with Lenzi shaped their young minds. Co-starring Michael Parks and Lance LeGault.
Blooeyz2001 Over-aged "Spring Breakers" are being terrorized by a biker who enjoys electrocuting his victims. The "acting" is atrocious! The hair is big! The music stinks! The heroine/bartender is puffy-faced & stiff. Lots of loose ends. What became of the sun-dried "breaker" (who looked about 45!) who was stealing everyone's money, the Reverend's slut daughter, & the redneck cop dragged off by a motorcycle? Did I miss something? Not very scary (a few fried corpses) & not much fun. (Spring Break films worth checking out, minus the "horror": "Where The Boys Are", "Where The Boys Are '84", "Girl Happy", "Revenge of The Nerds II:Nerds In Paradise").
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