The French Sex Murders
The French Sex Murders
| 15 June 1972 (USA)
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After a French prostitute is found dead, one of her regular clients is tried and convicted for her murder. He is eventually sentenced to death but dies in a high speed pursuit after attempting to escape custody. Soon, the witnesses that testified against him end up being systematically murdered by a mysterious killer wearing black gloves.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
adriangr I usually have a lot of time for cheesy mid-1970's Euro-thrillers, but this one was a very poor effort. It involves a string of murders and the usual red herrings and sleaze, but the presentation is amateurish and without any atmosphere at all.The film begins with a suicide leap from the Eiffel Tower. We cannot see who jumps, but it's only 2-3 minutes into the film and we already have Terrible Special Effect Number One: the suicide leap is depicted by means of a cartoon black silhouette of a man superimposed over a still image of the jaw dropped. The plot switches to a brothel where the madam (a rather hefty looking Anita Ekberg with a massive hairdo) and her girls are entertaining some rich clients. A less rich and more troublesome customer called Antoine gatecrashes the party and asks for his favourite girl. After some sexy embracing during which time he lavishes stolen jewelry on her, the atmosphere turns sour when she tries to leave the bedroom. Some slapping follows, and Antoine overacts wildly, while attempting to keep his todger covered at all times (failing at least one, which is quite amusing). He eventually flees the brothel, and when the staff come to investigate they find the girl has been murdered.Things go into a decline from here on as some dull police inspectors investigate the murder, and chase after Antoine. Watch out for Terrible Special Effect Number Two as Antoine is shown escaping on a motorbike. In close ups of his face its obvious that he's not even moving and is being filmed in front of plain white and plain black (?) backgrounds instead of the supposed leafy countryside. And wait for a real laugh-out-loud moment with Terrible Special Effect Number Three: a truly lame decapitation.The film plods on, trying to spin a web of mystery and shock. There are more murders. They aren't interesting in the slightest and they are certainly not "sex murders" as suggested by the film's title. At one point a doctor is shown dissecting a human eye. This is depicted by terrible Special Effect Number Four: the use of a bloodied-up sheep's eye which is mauled apart by some amateur stage hand with what seems to be a very blunt scalpel, resulting in bits of goo and gristle getting squished all over the plate it is resting on...some fine medical handiwork there! The acting is uniformly bad, and of course the dubbing is terrible...truly awful. Try this sample English dialogue from a scene in which Antoine is captured: "No I didn't kill her. Are you mad? I'm not guilty! You'll find out I'm not guilty! No I'm not the murderer! You won't believe I didn't commit it!" It's like listening to a rabid Yoda! Especially when he snarls: "From the grave I'll come back!" Was this really the best they could do? Most pointless of all is that the police investigation is presided over by a Humphrey Bogart look-alike, complete with slicked back hair, long raincoats, the lot. There's no explanation for why he's dressed up as a clone of Bogart and it makes no contribution to any part of the film's plot. I sat through the whole thing waiting for it to get better, but it never did. Of course there's a big revelation at the end but it's not much of a pay off for the preceding 90 minutes. The only diversions from the tedium are the very 1970's feel (everybody smokes!), and some groovy music and lots of attractive actresses, but very little else. Do yourself a favour and avoid this one.
Witchfinder General 666 Ferdinando Merighi's "Casa d'appuntamento" aka "French Sex Murders" of 1972 sure is anything but a Giallo-highlight, and yet I warmly recommend this delightfully trashy little flick to all my fellow fans of Italian Horror cinema. The plot is overall pretty silly, but the film scores with a trashy atmosphere, some sleaze and cheap but cool gore-effects, and a cast that includes quite a few familiar faces for cult-cinema fans. "Killer Nun" Anita Eckberg shines in the role of a brothel madam and the regular Eurocult actress Rosalba Neri has the role of a seductive bar singer. The film furthermore stars Jess Franco-regular Howard Vernon and Robert Sacchi, who is basically a low-budget Italian version of Humphrey Bogart (Sacchi looks just like Bogey, and it's hard to believe he was only in his early 30s when the film was made) in the role of the investigating police detective. Even veteran B-Movie star Gordon Mitchell has a tiny role! My main reason for looking forward to seeing this film was the ravishing Barbara Bouchet, a true cult-cinema goddess and the female star of two personal favorites of mine, Fernando Di Leo's masterpiece "Milano Calibro 9" (1972), and Luci Fulci's Giallo-highlight "Don't Torture A Duckling" (also 1972). Even though she sadly has little screen time, Bouchet is once again ravishing, and her sheer presence grades the film up a bit in my personal appreciation.The film, which mainly takes place in a Paris brothel, revolves around murders of prostitutes, investigated by a cynical and Bogart-ish police inspector... I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but I can assure that it is somehow messy and yet very entertaining. The film is overall quite (but not exceptionally) sleazy and has a delightful trash-factor. The gore scenes are, of course, not too professionally made, but nonetheless quite effective. The funky repetition and colorization of murder sequences was very odd, but also somehow amusing. I would recommend to look for a subtitled Italian version - the uncut DVD I watched was a messy mixture of English, German and French, which was even more odd as two characters, who are husband and wife in the German language version, were obviously Father and Daughter in the English dubbed version (as from the context, they must have been Husband/Wife in the original Italian language version). Overall, "French Sex Murders" (or, "The Bogeyman and The French Murders", as one of the many aka. titles reads) is certainly not a good Giallo, but it is nonetheless an entertaining low-budget production that my fellow Cult-cinema fans should enjoy. Recommended.
HumanoidOfFlesh I saw "French Sex Murders" in the cinema during Dni Makabry festival in Warsaw and wasn't disappointed.This one has a truly bizarre murder plot involving a jewel heist,an all-knowing-all-seeing medium,a brothel,hooded killers,a mad scientist,incredibly sexy women butchered in gruesome ways,incest,human eyeball fondling and a professional Humphrey Bogart look-a-like brilliantly played by Robert Sacchi.The female cast is full of Italian beauties including Anita Ekberg,Barbara Bouchet and Rosalba Neri.The killings are surprisingly violent and gory in true giallo-style,including throat-slashings and decapitations,but most surprising is the innovative camera-work associated with the death scenes.Each murder is replayed four times in a quick and continuous sequence where the colour of the lighting is changed for each replay.There is also plenty of sleaze and nudity for fans of Eurohorror to enjoy.8 out of 10.
christopher-underwood Not expecting too much from this probably helped me actually enjoy it quite a lot. The poor dubbing does little to help along what was probably already crap dialogue but this has a great cast and a lot of spirit. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, not least Howard Vernon and the ridiculous but endearing Bogart look alike. The girls of course are lovely, particularly, Rosalba Neri, the Bruno Nicoli music fun and if the killings are a little lacking in style at least we get them all repeated in about six different colours! A Dick Randall production, this keeps moving and is full of incident and character. Fun.
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