Soldiers of Fortune
Soldiers of Fortune
R | 03 August 2012 (USA)
Soldiers of Fortune Trailers

Wealthy thrill-seekers pay huge premiums to have themselves inserted into military adventures, only this time things don't go exactly to plan.

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
juneebuggy This is not a great movie by any means, you can tell that within the first 2 minutes of viewing, yet as many times as I thought, I really need to shut this off, there was just something about it. Ultimately I managed to stick with it until the end.I liked the cast which helped. Everyone involved was familiar to me, and (for whatever reason?) giving their best to a B-grade mess. Faces among the team include; James Cromwell, Sean Bean, Ving Rhames -with a decent African accent, Dominic Monaghan and Freddy Rodriguez.'Soldiers' is also a bit of a throwback film to the action movies of the 1980's which was fun; lots of big bright explosions, excess of bullets which never hit the good guys and always find their mark first time on the bad guys who usually fall off something, along with a body count (to the faceless bad guy army) of epic proportions.The story follows Captain Craig McKenzie, (Christian Slater) a former U.S special forces soldier (and user of the cool Captain Kirk roll) who is hired to protect a group of wealthy people wanting to experience the thrills of actual military affairs and warfare. The misfit team of millionaires get more than they bargained for when the "fake" mission becomes real, trapping them in enemy territory.Ultimately this is a one of those perfect hangover films, as in I can't get off the couch and don't want to think too hard. Oh and the closing credits are super awesome with hard rock music and in your face exploding pictures of the cast. 8/7/15
petteri_e Forget the romance or intelligent plot. The main thing in this movie is manly guns and booms and shooting some badly scripted, badly acted baddies.Normally, this would be worth of 6, but I add: +1 Star for easy and relaxing fun to watch. It had some mandatory "emotional non-fun", but I couldn't take them seriously. Another +1 Star for actors, who made the most despicable rich creeps you would love at end. Their chemistry with each other have bit of the charm of The Flight of the Phoenix (1965) and The Dirty Dozen (1967).Just give your brains some rest and grew an another chest-hair by watching this movie.
David_Brown "Soldiers Of Fortune" is about millionaires who want to play soldier and end up getting involved in a real war. Of course, they all have different agendas, as we learn throughout the film. The problem is, this film has no idea if it wants to be a buddy comic film (see arms merchant Grimaud (Ving Rhames) paired up with video game designer 'Sin' (Dominic Monaghan)), or a serious action film, and basically is neither. It also has James Cromwell (NOT the bad guy for once), and the real baddie, Colin Meaney (playing well a mean ex-CIA agent named Mason, who sells himself to the highest bidder), basically collecting paychecks. The main reason to watch this film is to see Sean Bean (Dimidov), who turns in an excellent performance as a trader in precious metals, who starts out as a questionable character, and becomes a hero in the end. The worst performance belongs to Christian Slater (Craig McCenzie), who once again seems to think he is tough guy, but unless it is the cynical type (like in "Broken Arrow" or "Hard Rain") he is not. Spoilers ahead: Perhaps the worst part of the film is the ending where the "Soldiers Of Fortune" liberate an Eastern European Island from Mason, and the other bad guys, and save Cecilia (a stunning Oksana Korostyshevskaya). It was totally predictable about what would happen to each character, except who would end up with Cecilia? You think through most of the film, it would be Slater, but you realize that it was probably Bean, who ends up saving Cecilia's life, after a boating accident where she almost drowns (she plays "chicken" with a evil woman, and wins). Note: Dimidov and Cecilia hooking up, is not a given but after he throws away a piece of the metal he wanted, you can guess he will give up his lifestyle for her (particularly after he saved her life). Basically it is not worth your time, except to see Bean (for a change), survive and probably get the girl. 3 of 10 Stars.
embacher-thomas Alright so this is a bad movie by many standards.But what did you expect? It has a budget of 8 Million $, most of which was spent on explosions and well known actors. And you know what? Budget well spent.I guess everyone who watches that movie on his or her free will, knows what waits inside. Horrible dialogue, paper-thin plot, sometimes cheap looking stunts, and so on.But the fun in these kind of movies lies not in its script, or in emotional attachment. No, films like this serve only one purpose: Leave your brain at home and prepare to be a little boy again. I for my part love art-house movies like The Help, My week with Marylin, and so on. But when i was a kid, my favorite movies were Best of the Best, Bloodsport, American Ninja, stuff like that. So maybe your girlfriend will hate you, when you drag her with you to see "Soldiers of Fortune". But for a night out with your mates, it fits perfectly. And I guess I am not alone with my opinion, or else "Machete" would not be so successful.I for my part am glad whenever I see Dominic Monaghan, Christian Slater or Vingh Rhames pop up in a movie. Why? Cause I like them and I like it when they get a job. And I seriously believe that they had a heck of a time shooting this movie. Sometimes an actor has to blow off some steam, see Liam Neeson and his newfound action persona.So is it a bad movie? Of course it is! But i have DVDs at home that are much worse. The remake of Total Recall is 20 times more expensive and does the same job like Soldiers of Fortune: Being a loud, testosterone-filled, action-packed movie that has no other purpose than to blow your ears off. Sometimes that is enough for me to be entertained.