Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
R | 25 May 2001 (USA)
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade Trailers

A member of an elite paramilitary counter-terrorism unit becomes traumatized after witnessing the suicide bombing of a young girl and is forced to undergo retraining. However, unbeknownst to him, he becomes a key player in a dispute between rival police divisions, as he finds himself increasingly involved with the sister of the girl he saw die.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Clevercell Very disappointing...
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
I B Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade is part of Mamoru Oshii's ongoing preoccupation with "the beast that hides in the human heart." It gives a fascinating insight into the man whose directing career went from romantic comedies to the cyber-noir of Ghost In The Shell (1995). The film's design is superb, with some breathtakingly composed scenes, and the traditional cel animation holds up well. The setting, an alternative Japan in the late 1950s, reeling from the aftermath of war, is not fully explored, and we never find out exactly what the rioters and the sect want. Hajime Mizoguchi's fine score tips this dark, compelling, yet flawed film into the 'must-see' category. The tense action is ably helmed by director Hiroyuki Okiura, an animator who had previously worked with Oshii on Patlabor 2 (1993) and who is known for his attention to detail. This is one of those rare anime in which Japanese characters actually look Japanese.
staticboy88 Set in a alternate version of history were Japan never fully recovers socially or economically from WWII, Jin-Ro focuses on the doomed relation ship between two individuals with conflicting backgrounds and loyalties. The film opens with a bang but never really gets its pacing on track afterwards. Other issues include the confusing twists and turns the plot takes (maybe I just watched it to late, but was lost 3/4 in.)and the red riding hood comparisons, while interesting in places, are overused and quickly become pretentious and rather preachy. Getting those complaints off my chest, Jin-ro is also very thought provoking, superbly animated,stylish and well crafted. Recommended.
shadowman123 I first remember watching Jin-roh: The Wolf Brigade when I was only a kid. It was aired on channel 4 in the UK as a part of its Japan season, as I was only a kid and it was on very late ...well I missed. But then yesterday after a long time, I saw all of it! It is easy to understand why it won all the awards at various film festivals, being that the director is the someone who gave us Ghost In The Shell and this film is nothing short of brilliant in its own field. Set in an alternative Japan just after its defeat in the Second World War , the plot focus is on a special constable(Kazkui Fuse) of a special paramilitary, anti-terror unit dispatched to control an underground terrorist/revolutionary movement known as 'The Sect'. During a mission in which a young lady is killed, Fuse is blamed for incompetence and is sent back to the academy for re-training and whilst at the academy he decide's to learn a bit about the dead girl with the help of her sister but not all is what it seems! Don't be expecting a very action packed , martial arts , all guns blazing and sexy siren flick! no , no ,no! Jin-Roh is a cleverly constructed anime with a love story, politics, and a fairy tale all inter-woven together. One thing that did spring into my mind was that unlike most anime, this one actually uses long pauses and uneasy silences very well with a great depressing tone to it. One cannot help but sympathise with Fuse as we can see that he is a man wanting to reach out for something but is unable to do so as it is inability to socially interact with others is almost very apparent but then his instructor reminds us that for some it is easier to live like beasts, rather than humans and we are constantly reminded that through from the directors references to the Little Red Riding Hood story to the full moon appearing in the back ground which shows us that they are beasts that walk amongst us as men . To conclude Jin-Roh is probably one of the most grim depictions of the human race but it is also one of the finest anime I have watched and it is one hell of a way to do the first anime review. My only complaints were that it was a bit short and I would of liked to see a little more deeper insight into Fuse's character. You don't have to be a follower of the Kerbroras Panzer Corps saga to watch this as it stands out on its own pretty well. Highly recommended to fans of anime or not.JIN-ROH: THE WOLF BRIGADE 8.1 OUT OF 10TALES BETWEEN HUMANS AND BEASTS ARE BOUND TO END IN TRAGEDY!
T850 Jin-Roh is a masterpiece of a film to say the least. Just having it made is a miracle in itself as it deviates from the conventions of Japanese Anime. This film may be the closest to an anime version of independent film, The characters are the focal point of the story, and the setting is unique to say the least. And never before has an anime ever been so believable.The story takes place in an alternate past of post WWII Japan, The victors were not the Allies but the Germans and Japan finally being rid of German occupation. The transition isn't without it's problems, However the political situation isn't the focal point of the story, But of one man who is part of an elite police unit. He a young teen girl blows herself before his very eyes which traumatizes him. Soon he befriends and falls into a romance with someone who is supposedly her sister and resembles her very much. But both of them have their secrets which influence their relationship as the movie progresses. There is also a side-plot of police establishments vying for power, But this is a distraction at best, The point of the film is the way the relationship between the two main characters develops. The real story of Little Red Riding hood is the theme for the movie, numerous references and symbolism is genius presented with these characters who we slowly begin to care for. Who is the wolf? Who is the human? Can the two coexist? It's up to you once you see the film The film's visuals are a wonder to behold as well, The animation is unconventional for an anime as the characters have realistic proportions and features. The level of detail is simply breathtaking as well as it's surprising realism, Even down to the guns, all the guns are from WWII, most of which are of German design, And are recognizable to the smallest detail, this familiarity only enhances the realism that this film achieves.The sounds are just as precise to the simple thing as rain impacting a coat, or a heavy boot trudging onto a puddle, or the unique rattle of the MG-42 that the elite police force use. Usually animations are very loose with such details but the amount of care given to this film is absolutely remarkable.The icon of the film an elite police unit in his battle gear. While I must admit I was in awe of this equipment and couldn't help saying 'That is so F@#$!ing cool' It is only a small bonus of the film. There is a childish delight to be had seeing these guys appear and do their thing. But there's more to it then that. First is the level of detail in it as well as the believability factor, They wear heavy armor, The German Stahlhelms on their heads and elaborate breathing masks, And the glowing red eyes are equally intimidating to the audience as they are to the characters who confront them. But also the metaphor of the 'wolves' in this film being these men, Fuse (the main character) in particular. When he see him putting the armor, and most notably the mask on, you get the feeling that he is revealing his true form, Not hiding it. The transformations simply send a shiver down your spine, A wolf taking the guise of a man like in Little Red Riding Hood.The film isn't shy on the level of graphic violence, However this doesn't dominate the film, nor does it become gratuitous. The violence is there when it's appropriate for the scene and not done for the sake of it that a lot of animes tend to do. A bold move for the film is that it never glorifies violence, It's shown to be very ugly. The suffering is disturbing to see when someone is shot. The explosions, effects are never over the top and kept on a very real level which brings us into this world, It becomes familiar to us and not alien. This alternate past could have easily been the real world if it played out that way.My only real complaint of the film, is the conspiracy with the law enforcement establishments. While interesting there wasn't much told on it and was easy to regard it as irrelevant, But it's only a minor quibble the real story behind it is more then enough and keeps the focus where it should be.A MUST HAVE film, whether fans of animated movies or not. This is a film that just does it right and makes characters that the we, the audience, can identify with and sympathize with and feel for as well as a world that reeks of reality even though it's fiction. Genius is all I can say of the writer and director, And it is a shame that not many films of this type are made more.