Crazy on the Outside
Crazy on the Outside
PG-13 | 08 January 2010 (USA)
Crazy on the Outside Trailers

A recently paroled ex-con who has trouble adjusting to the wacky normalcy of life outside of prison. He has spent the last three years behind bars after getting caught committing a crime and taking the rap for his much more dangerous pal.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
zizumia The only reason I stumbled upon this movie was I was unable to sleep, and I needed to watch something to pass the time. So I saw that Tim Allen was in this film, but I really only saw him good in Home Improvement, so I did not expect much.My expectations were correct, the movie was pretty bad. I could not watch it all the way because I just got too bored The storyline seemed to be dull and boring, and it was not well made The only reason I watched it for more than 5 minutes was because I chuckled a few times at the part where they substitute the word "Jail" for "France". By the time Tommy started trying to prove he was good enough to be some painter to his Parole officer it really got boring, and it seemed more like he was whining about his life more than doing anything productive. By the time he found his old Girlfriend and then she started cheating on her husband or boyfriend, I turned it off, because it really went downhill and was too cliché for me.It was a bad movie, I will not recommend it to anyone, but honestly I really did expect it to be bad. I wasted about an hour of my life watching that movie though.
gatsby0744 I watched this on DVD yesterday, and had low expectations going in. I had never heard of it before, but I liked Tim Allen's other movies. What a surprise-- I absolutely loved this movie and insisted on watching it over again with my wife.It's not really laugh out loud funny, but then again I laughed out loud anyway. Except for the two cons who work at Pirate burger (and maybe the manager there), none of the characters are one-dimensional, or even what you would expect (and the pirate burger employees are funny--they just have no depth).Here's the spoiler and my only regret. Sigourney Weaver's character (sister to Tim Allen's character) really wants what is best for her brother, but she tells lies (in her mind, "white lies") all through the movie, like the lie that Tommy (Tim Allen) has been in France for the past two years. In one scene that had me doing a spit-take, they are all seated at the family dinner table and Sigourney's husband (who knows where Tommy has been) asks Tommy if he expects to be returning to France, adding something like: "because you know, statistically, most people who have been to France, and get out, wind up going back to France." My one regret is that, at the very end of the movie, Jeanie Triplehorn's character lets the cat out of the bag rather than playing along with the whole "France" lie.Kelsey Grammar has a really funny small part, and Ray Liotta (who we expect to be his character from "Something Wild" comes across as having legitimate affection for Tommy, but is ultimately flawed and not good for Tommy. I loved the whole story line of how Tommy thinks he knows who he loves and what he wants, but comes to love someone else who actually values the life Tommy wants.My only question is this-- why wasn't this movie a bigger hit and why did it not have a better title?
not_u_h When i saw the poster of the movie i thought this is what i want to watch a relaxing And a hilarious movie . but it was so much far of any doubt i had before . the acting is so slow and very emotionally poor I could not even tell if this is movie is a comedy or dramatic .. So i stopped watching it after only 16 minutes i just wasted my money and i cant even waste my precious time on it ..if u like the slow progress story.. a cold and none sense acting watch this ......!!.. i can only admit that the story is Little bit interesting but it got in the wrong hands . the acting and the direction was too bad even the sound affect is not attractive .it made me sleepy .the movie also misses the element of the surprise .. as the story is new and the title is Crazy outside.. i only could see a normal people and behavior . even the scene if kidnapping was not too much ..the music did not help the scene .
sirgregoire I have never before reviewed a movie on IMDb (or anywhere for that matter), but after reading all of the negative reviews by critics as well as fellow IMDBers, I feel compelled to start speaking up. Frankly, I don't quite understand why everyone seems to passionately hate this movie so much. I saw an advanced screening of this and found myself laughing the whole way through. I loved the cast, the plot, everything. To me, this movie had the only thing that I truly care about in a comedy: it was funny! Sure, you can nitpick about all the little things. The story was a little unrealistic at times. Why were two younger women in love with Tim Allen's character? The animated heart was out of place. Maybe the story got a little corny here and there and sometimes the acting wasn't completely believable. But none of that really matters. When I pay to see a comedy, I want to be laughing during most of the movie, and this movie allowed me to do that. I was expecting from the trailer that it was going to be one of those movies that gets a slight chuckle now and then but isn't extremely funny, but it turned out much better than I was expecting. To be fair, I should mention that I consider myself a Tim Allen fan. Having said that, I can admit that most of his movies are pretty crummy, so for him to do this as his directorial debut, I think he did a better job than the directors of a lot of his other films. I say cheers to Tim for trying something new. His movies seem to be getting better. "Wild Hogs," "Redbelt," and now this. I think he's moving away from the corny family movies and into some more interesting material.