6 Bullets
6 Bullets
R | 11 September 2012 (USA)
6 Bullets Trailers

An ex-mercenary known for finding missing children is hired by a mixed martial arts fighter whose daughter has been kidnapped.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Michael Ledo This is another teen abduction/ Eastern European sex trade/ rescue movie. Samson Gaul (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is the village butcher who moonlights as a mercenary. His accent varies throughout the film. His son (Kristopher Van Varenberg) who works at the US embassy, sends him clients.When Andrew Fayden(Joe Flanigan), an American cage fighter's daughter Becky (Charlotte Beaumont) is kidnapped, he calls on Samson who is reluctant to take the case. On his last case he generated a significant amount of collateral damage that wasn't as funny as when MacGruber does it.The movie has a slight twist which really wasn't much of a twist. Monica Fayden (Anna-Louise Plowman) mouthing statistics in the middle of the film made me think this was a 93 minute public service announcement. In addition to beating up people, Samson uses elaborate high tech stuff. He is capable of setting up complex traps in a matter of moments. The movie "Taken" has set the bar for this genre and unfortunately this one doesn't measure up. Will work as a rental.Parental Guide: F-bomb, no sex, no real nudity. Women in strip clubs scantily dressed. One woman with large pasties...nothing we haven't seen at Superbowl half time.
Leofwine_draca Although 6 BULLETS is nothing more than a star vehicle for B-movie star Jean-Claude Van Damme, one filmed in Eastern Europe to boot, it's actually pretty decent and much, much better than the similar fare churned out by Steven Seagal for the last fifteen or so years.This film has lots of flaws but somehow it remains sparkly fresh, inventive, and exciting. The storyline is nothing new: a girl is kidnapped by people traffickers, and her parents call in the forces of a top bad-guy-finder to track her down. Clocking in at two hours, this is also overlong, with far too much screen time of the frustrated parents which drags things down a little. But when Van Damme's on screen, this film really comes alive.The action scenes are hard-hitting and feature some great moves in the tradition of Asian fight choreography. There's an over-reliance on cheesy CGI effects here, but that can be ignored because for the most part this is exciting, well-filmed entertainment. Van Damme is on top form playing another world-weary protagonist, and his opening scene in the goatee disguise is a highlight. 6 BULLETS is no classic but it is a lot of fun nonetheless, and especially so given the obviously low budget.
stokesy1012002 Why do cheap movies all ways have that same style of music in the background? I also hate it when the music doesn't stop, constantly playing throughout the film!There is no need for this, it's very irritating.I had to stop the film 30 minutes in because of this. I can't really comment on the film because I didn't see it till the end. But what I did see is that the fight scenes was chopped so many times. Surely JCVD can do a 10 second fight scene in the same camera shot? If not then he needs to stop making action movies. I hope the next film he does is better as I have always been a JCVD fan :)
mecheart The last Van Damage film I saw before viewing '6 Bullets' was 'Universal Soldier: the Return' circa 1999. While that JCVD effort was not so hot I viewed it out of nostalgia for the original Universal Soldier. Going into '6 Bullets' I was somewhat leery of the aging action star's ability to entertain on a level comparable to his most popular films of the eighties and early nineties; all of which I saw in the theater and thoroughly enjoyed for the over-the-top bullet and brawn ballets they were.I read a few reviews and based on the largely positive reception of '6 Bullets' decided to take the risk. I am glad that I did. What struck me first upon hitting the play button was the older, time weathered and more serious appearance of JCVD. His haggard, world weary visage reminded me of Tim Thomerson at his prime. From the opening scene, tension begins to build as the above mentioned aged Van Damme sporting prescription glasses and very plain dress navigates the lavish halls of a modern brothel in some eastern European hellhole. There is no nervous bounce to Van Damme's stride, nor sign of humor in his expression as was often the case in many of his earlier films. Here the muscles from Brussels is all world weary, haggard intent as he follows a thug to a meeting with some scumbag who sells children by the hour.I was not expecting great or spectacularly new hand to hand choreography in the fight scenes and boy was I wrong. The very first action sequence is intensely fast and vicious and, I found it quite refreshing. Whoever advised the director for knife combat techniques knew their stuff and it shows. There were no ballet like leaping spinning kicks, nor molasses slow sparring. It was literally quick and to the point.Impressed, I sat back and got comfortable in anticipation of the rest of the film. Overall, '6 Bullets' did not fail to entertain throughout. Van Damme is a former soldier for hire who in his retirement runs a second generation butcher shop, drinks like a sponge and sometimes accepts cash to locate and retrieve missing children. All is not perfect with our aging action star, however. While his character is an honest man of good intent, he is also heavy handed and his mission planning skills flawed. He is an ex soldier who has done unspeakable things for a payday and the guilt he experiences for his past mistakes effects his current endeavors through haunting memories of the victims he has unwittingly gotten killed. He is not quite completely on his game, but still he tries to do the best he can in situations far less than perfect.When the daughter of an American celebrity is kidnapped, Van Damme refuses the parents' impassioned plea to find their child and deal with the scum who abducted her. He retreats into the bottle and the film would have ended their had something not arisen to make finding the young girl and ensuring her safety, personal. The rest of the film entails much kicking, punching and shooting in the vein of most other JCVD action flicks, but something about the violence in '6 Bullets' came off to me as more seasoned, less shallow than any other Van Damme effort of the past. Van Damme's Samson Gaul is perhaps the most complex character he's yet played, and that alone adds much substance to the overall effect of the movie. To sum up, at times the unfolding events defy the rational - this is an action film - but overall the plot worked for me, and the acting of that aged, world weary Van Damme fit the film just right. If you're a long time JCVD fan, '6 Bullets' is a must see as he has definitely returned to the screen in good form, even if that screen is just on your television or computer monitor. For those who haven't a history with the actor's past films I would recommend giving it a shot. You just might become his next fan.6/10 for effective action sequences and a competent enough plot, plus two for a Van Damme who looks to have come full circle as an actor.