Enemies Closer
Enemies Closer
R | 24 December 2013 (USA)
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After a major shipment of drugs goes missing on the US-Canadian border, forest ranger and former Navy SEAL Henry is plunged into survival mode when the drug cartel forces him to help retrieve the downed package. Trapped in the wilderness with no communication to the outside world, Henry finds himself face to face with Clay, a man with a personal vendetta against Henry who has returned for retribution. Now, the two mortal enemies must make a choice: put aside their past and work together, or die alone at the hands of the drug runners, a ruthless gang who will stop at nothing to retrieve their lost cargo.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Andrew Gold Van Damme is one of the few big action stars today whose acting actually improves over time. Back in his Kickboxer days, he had some unintentionally hilarious line-readings, but he always had a boyish charm that helped keep his movies afloat even when there wasn't any action happening on the screen. Now, he's a perfectly capable, legitimate actor. His English has improved immensely which has a lot to do with it, but you can tell that he still has a genuine passion for acting (unlike guys like Bruce Willis who look bored whenever they're on camera). Enemies Closer sees Van Damme as a villain once again playing Xander, who looks like a French-Canadian Joker esque madman, and he milks the role for all it's worth. He's a joy to watch. Whether he's barking orders to his henchmen or whimsically taunting the protagonist, Van Damme is eccentric and arresting for every moment that he's on screen. When he's not on screen, the life is sucked right out of the movie.Everything else about this movie is bad. The protagonist is terrible, the dialogue is cringeworthy, every plot development feels forced and fabricated, even the lighting stood out to me as being exceptionally awful. You can barely see what the hell's going on half the time. The fight scenes, when they do happen, are entertaining enough. They're haphazardly edited though, which makes it hard to focus on anything for longer than half a second. And again, whenever Van Damme isn't on screen, the movie's momentum grinds to a dead stop. It's like watching a stage play and Van Damme is the hammy over-the-top lead gleefully dancing around the stage while everyone else is standing still in the background drearily reading off of cue cards. If you're a die-hard Van Damme fan, go ahead and fast-forward through every scene he's not in. You won't miss anything important and you'll save yourself a lot of cringing and facepalming. His entrance and exit scenes in the film are particularly memorable and he's given a couple of fun villainous monologues. It's hard to fully enjoy Enemies Closer as a B-movie because it's so sloppy and gloomy; it never knows what tone to go for. And it doesn't help that none of the actors share the same conviction as Van Damme. The movie is mercifully short though, so if you are in the mood to watch Van Damme play the Joker and don't mind sitting through some atrocious dialogue-driven scenes, Enemies Closer isn't the worst way to spend 85 minutes.
Bearded MovieGuy Van Damme is a environmentally concerned drug runner with weird hair who has lost his latest shipment and needs a park rangers help to get it back. Picture the movie Cliffhanger with out the talent, budget and John Lithgow being super creepy. I know Van Damme has made some bad movies in his career, but for the most part you would never have called him flat out boring, until Enemies Closer. It has some mediocre action, and mentions canoes more then other movie since Deliverance, which is not something to really brag about, but there is very little else to say about this very boring movie.2 Beards Out Of 5
kosmasp After Dark seems to be trying to get away from the Horror genre and makes a lot of Action movies as of late. This is another one and most of them seem to be at least decent. Solid story (nothing fancy or too special), solid cast, with a mix of many types and characters and a solid director mostly at hand (here Peter Hyams).Van Damme is the one thing that kind of makes this stand above average. Not much, but he does like to play the villain as of late. I'm sure he put a bit of character play in this by himself. It's obvious with how much gusto he's playing that part. Calling that over the top would be an understatement. All in all: Can be watched, not a must
LeonLouisRicci This is a Pretty Good Van Damme as the Short One is Aging Somewhat Gracefully and seems to be having Fun Playing Complete Psychotics of the Comic Book Variety. Taking a cue from the Joker, He Slays and Plays with a Teased Up Orange Hairdo and Jokes for the John.Here Director/Cinematographer Peter Hyams Clicks Away with One Fight Scene After Another in Various Locations for Variety and the Body Count is High and the Violence is Intense. But Buffering it all is the Whimsical Van Damme and a Tone of High Style and Over the Top Dialog.This is a DTV that Caught some by Surprise because it is Above Average for that Type of Thing and it Delivers the Goods like a B-Movie Should. The Supporting Cast is Along for the Ride but No One can Keep Up with Van Damme and for the most part are Interchangeable and Hardly Worth Remembering. But They do Show Up for the Shoot and there is Quite a bit of that along with some Bone Crushing Hand to Hand that is Impressive. Watch Out for the One in the Trees.