NR | 05 September 2013 (USA)
Extraction Trailers

A major feature exclusively for digital, EXTRACTION follows a U.S. Black Ops team member who finds himself the only survivor of a botched prisoner extraction mission. Forced to fight his way out of a maximum-security Chechen prison, he must keep his target alive in order to catch a terrorist arms-dealer who is a threat to thousands of lives.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Michael Ledo The film centers around Sgt Mercy Callo (Jon Foo) who is not afraid to disobey orders. He is part of a special forces group that are tasked to go into a Chechen prison and extract a terrorist mastermind Rudolph Martin (Falk Hentschel). Vinnie Jones plays the British, coke snorting, sadistic warden of the prison while Joanne Kelly plays a civilian intelligence contractor who distrusts Callo because Martin was linked to his parent's plane crash death.The writing is not tight. In one line we are told the Chechens won't admit they are holding Martin, then shortly after that they claim they plan a public trial with their most famous prisoner. The dialogue is a snooze and the terrorist justification speech was amateur.The film has a few good scenes and a lot of bad ones. There is an opening sex/nudity scene in an Amsterdam brothel and then after that the film seemed to have been made for TV with nice commercial break stopping points. The soundtrack also had a few good swagger tunes, but for the most part was made for TV lame.The movie has action, fight scenes, and some minor blood. The major fighters can take at least 3 kicks to the head .This is a low end action-thriller.
MondoX41 I was not expecting any Oscar performance from this movie, but there was nothing good about this movie, other than the appearance of Danny Glover. I watched the movie thinking there was going to be some decent action, and fighting scenes, but I was disappointed. The fighting scenes looked like the B-version of a WWE fight. It was easy to see that the fighters were slowing down for each other during attacks, waiting for the opponent to counter-attack. Most of the times, the strikes not making contact with their target were clearly visible. At least try to fool your audience a little bit, I am not sure how much it costs to cut, and edit fighting scenes, but do it for one fight.
Eric_Cubed This is one of those movies that you either have to blink rapidly or pinch yourself 'til you bleed in order to escape pure suspension of belief, and not in a good way. One just can't believe the movie is so god-awful. I admit there was a tender part of me that rejoiced seeing a slimmer Sean Austin in a counter-terrorism role, as he appeared in one of the 24 seasons, and to hear Danny Glover's sinister yet comforting voice as he appeared in Shooter...but the eye-popping resemblance to a soap opera (gamey, wooden, one-dimensional) was in a word, unforgivable. Vinny Jones should of course stick to cockney gangster films, which he is quite adept at (who forget his performance in Snatch?). Sorry, Crackle. AVOID.
Had Enough I looked at the other reviews for this movie and I seriously wondered if they watched the same movie I just saw. Then I noticed that there were very few reviews, and I realised that the majority of people who were unfortunate enough to waste time and money on this absolute rubbish, probably just wanted to erase the experience from their memories. That seasoned movie stars such as Danny Glover and Vinnie Jones could have any part in this I think shows that money is now more important to them than either their fans or their self respect. There is absolutely nothing even remotely good about this movie, so there is no point in listing all the things that are wrong with it. It is easier to just say that it was mind boggling bad, and I was enticed to watch it because of the cast, which I am sure was the producers plan. Shame on all Participants in this farce. Stay far away from this movie.