Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
R | 26 October 2012 (USA)
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes Trailers

Sean Reynolds, a highly acclaimed investigative journalist (who strongly believed in paranormal phenomena), destroyed his career when the most watched episode of his reality show, based on paranormal phenomena, turned out to be a hoax. Sean saw a news report on a "Bigfoot Hunter" (Carl Drybeck) who claimed to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch. He believes Drybeck is a phony and decides to create a new show that reveals people's paranormal claims as hoaxes. Sean assembles his old film crew and heads to Northern California's "Lost Coast" to meet with and interview Drybeck. Obsessed, Sean is staking his comeback, his life and the lives of his documentary film crew on proving Drybeck's claim to be a hoax.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
frankmcgovern66 So close to something I'd actually recommend, yet I just can't do that. Why can't I? Well I don't mind not actually seeing Bigfoot in this. I'd rather not see him than see another terrible costume, but the whole spotlight thing... Why? Why would they do that? And why the telekinetic stuff? Why not just stick to traditional Bigfoot ideas and just have a big hairy arm grabbing at people if you need someone yanked through a window? The acting was surprisingly good for a Lost Footage film, I actually found myself caring whether or not people in it died. But the ending, it ruined it for me. I hope this team makes another one, but just keeps the extra- dimensional BS out of it. If they kept it just being Bigfoot they would have really had something.
erica425 I'm an hour into this movie, and have yet to be shocked or awed. The keep speaking of the Patterson tape; please, that tape was ages ago. What about the "Beast of Wood Hill Woodbooger" tape??? Refer to something that is recent. When people that are into Bigfoot want to watch media about bigfoot, they do not want this kind of crap. So it's based on real stories they state at the beginning. The growling in not accurate; I've heard the bigfoot sound is more like a screech or something you have never heard before. Next great, exciting part of the movie is they find a footprint. Wow!! Like everybody knows about the footprints. There is so much proof out there, and different theories of how they jump from realm from realm, they could have had an action packed film - bam, bam, bam - leave out the damn Patterson tape, my God!!! There's so much more out there to play with and to scare the crap out of people. Please, someone else come out with a respectable film on the Sasquatch phenomenon and put this one to it's grave officially.
J-M Hogan First off you have a movie that is a Blair Witch style rip off, then you have a lead character who for some reason reminded me of Shia LeBouf, that is not a positive thing.Like many people I agree the movie starts out OK. It then goes way off the rails We are told Bigfoot may travel between the spirit world and ours. In one scene a character stands in front of a window a bright light comes on and POOF he is sucked back thru the window? SO was this a Bigfoot or Spirit? You have some Bigfoot moments walking by a window, seeing a leg thru the bush and yet the camera people saw nothing? REALLY REALLY disappointing. It had potential at times felt rushed, but in the end I think that was for the best.Telling a girl stay in the cabin but if you think you hear something walk your hurt self to another cabin grab the gun and shoot. Ummm wouldn't it have been easier to say here is the gun right here right now? Overall very disappointing.I had hoped this would have been better
longshot75 Found footage films, lets face it, they're much more miss than hit, but some of these films don't even get loaded into the chamber, and this is where you'll find Lost Coast tapes. I feel duty bound to WARN you not to watch this film because I have just wasted a precious hour and twenty five minutes of my life on this large roll of celluloid lavatory paper and whilst I have lost that time forever, I feel that it's not too late to save you. Yes YOU, fan of found footage films; because even you, with your love of Troll Hunter, and Rec and VHS, may be thinking 'OOoh this has a 4.1 rating on IMDb, it's in the zone where it MIGHT appeal to me as a fan of this type of stuff' must say NO. Yes it's a found footage film, but remember that "found footage", just means just that. What you have to ask yourself is: "found footage of what?" Well, I'll tell you - an hour and 25 minutes of PEOPLE. People talking, people driving, people arguing, people behaving irritatingly and nonsensically, people providing painful exposition, people pointing at stuff with torches, people running around in the dark, and people breathing rapidly in that way that actors always try to act 'out of breath'. OH what was that? A tree. Oh what was that?!? A very very distant flash of what possibly might have been a hairy extremity. OK yeah, but hold on because RIGHT over here I'll show you a BIGFOOT!! Here it comes, ready? Really ready?? OoOoh a shiny thing over there in the corner! Let me just go into the dark for a bit and investigate that. This is like 90 minutes of pass the parcel and when you get to the end, you realise your parents forgot to stick a present inside. I figure if ONE person reads this review and opts out of watching this abysmal pointless junk, then I have done humanity a service.... Please, don't even be curious about this one, don't give it the satisfaction of doing a large Bigfoot sized poo all your expectations. If you hear about a twist, or are indeed even faintly curious about it, it makes NO sense and will annoy you even more. If you wanna ignore my words like the grizzled drunken harbinger that everyone always ignores in a horror film, then please for the love of God at least forward this rubbish to the 1 hour 15 mark and watch it from there. Then at least I can be safe in the knowledge that I've saved you 80 minutes of your life. You are very welcome my film watching friends.
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