Dolphin Tale
Dolphin Tale
PG | 23 September 2011 (USA)
Dolphin Tale Trailers

A story centered on the friendship between a boy and a dolphin whose tail was lost in a crab trap.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
adonis98-743-186503 A story centered on the friendship between a boy and a dolphin whose tail was lost in a crab trap. Dolphin Tale is so much better than just a ridiculous 6.9/10 cause i'm sorry because this movie is amazing, beautiful and among all inspiring. The chemistry between the boy and the Dolphin feels realistic and real, the performances are top notch especially from Nathan Gamble, Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd and the entire cast and crew of this beauty. Plus the end where kids who lost their leg or their arm visit the Dolphin and they feed her or get to play with her gave me such a big emotion and even some of the hardest people to cry will at least shed a tear trust me on that. Overall this is a beautiful and inspiring based on true events film that captivates you into this world from start to finish. (A+)
Davis P This family oriented film starring Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd, and Harry Connick Jr. is very tedious and BORINGGGG. Oh my goodness this movie had me close to full on napping. The pace is like a slow motion snail pace lol. I like the actors involved. Freeman, Judd, and Connick Jr. are all good actors and I admire their body of work, but this movie is so hopelessly dull that I just couldn't enjoy it for the life of me. The acting gets pretty cheesy at times and it almost seems like hallmark movie. I don't know I guess I wasn't the right kind of audience member for this film but I hated it from beginning to end. There was not a single time in the entire duration of the movie where I was honestly enjoying what I was watching. The script was too cheesy and hallmarky for me to take too seriously. The movie is very family friendly and it's suitable for family viewing but I would in no way shape or form recommend it for family or any viewing simply because of the incredible boredom I experienced while watching. There wasn't anything the filmmakers did to keep my attention at any point. 1/10 for Dolphin Tale. I have zero interest in seeing the sequel.
Andreapworth I had NO IDEA what to expect, other than it was about a hurt dolphin. As I am nuts about dolphins, I had hopes that it would be good. But I was GREAT. I had tears in my eyes at the end. The cast was all solid and good. And you couldn't see what solution they would find for the financial difficulties and when they did find a solution, you will be so happy and relieved.And maybe, like me, you will want to shout at the screen that dolphins aren't animals, but of the fish/aquatic family. OK, they have to breathe air. Does that make them animals? I don't think so. Whales also have to surface for air, but nobody calls THEM animals.Lovely, wonderful movie with an excellent cast. If you are like me, and grew up with Flipper, etc., you will enjoy it tremendously.
ryokan_wc If there is one word to describe this movie, it's inspirational! The characters display great emotional depth with well developed story line. The link between Winter, the real life dolphin who suffers a damage and eventually removes the tail, and Sawyer's cousin, Kyle, who is injured during his time in the marines, is touching and uplifting simultaneously. The bond shared by Winter and Sawyer (who is, at the beginning of the movie, a reserved and almost friendless boy) is what every kid would want; the close bonding between Sawyer and Kyle shows that 'Family is Forever', and the friendship developed by Sawyer and Hazel is one to adore.Struggling to keep up with the financial of the aquarium, at the same time helping Winter to swim normally again, sold this movie like none other, apart from the nicely done effects. Scenes that leave lasting impacts include when another handicapped child travels for hours just to visit Winter (how Winter inspires the many lives of human beings), and Sawyer and later Dr McCarthy's comments on Kyle's selfishness. Of course, great job to the cast for delivering an honest, believable and true performance. If the entire length of the movie is heart-warming enough, wait until the video clips of Winter at the end of the show- you will smile because you cannot cry.I may be biased in this review, in such that i am passionate about the marine life- definitely, to swim with the dolphin, or Winter herself, is a reward. But putting that aside, this movie is one to watch, worth watching and worth remembering. I believe the rich values of this movie will propagate with great length- never give up! I felt uplifted after the movie, and i'm sure you will too.