Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica
PG | 18 May 1979 (USA)
Battlestar Galactica Trailers

After the destruction of the Twelve Colonies of Mankind, the last major fighter carrier leads a makeshift fugitive fleet in a desperate search for the legendary planet Earth. This film is adapted from a television series that aired on ABC from September 17, 1978, to August 17, 1980. The first and fifth episodes of the series were edited into this theatrical feature film. Taken together, the two episodes ran 148 minutes, without commercials, while the film runs 125 minutes.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
zumo-16908 I quite enjoyed this film, so at first it may seem strange that I only gave it 5 stars, but there is an explanation for that. The story is original and intriguing, and the special effects are good with great model work and vector based computer graphics. You get more than two hours of worth while space adventure, but there are a couple of things that makes me to deduct a star or two. Many of the special effects scenes, while gorgeous, are reused more than once in the film, which is sometimes a bit of a distraction. Especially a couple of times where whats taking place in the story does not match the reused effects scene. Also, as this is essentially a TV-show tie-in, the movie ends somewhat abrupt leaving a bit of an empty feeling if you do not plan on watching the show. It can definitely be watched on its own though, and it is possible to look past the things i mentioned here, but my rating here has to be fair and comparable to other movies in the genre. The obvious comparison is Star Wars which came out the year before, and Battlestar Galactica the movie is definitely not near that level overall. I would recommend any sci-fi fan to watch Battlestar Galactica.
reillym32 SAGA OF A STARWORLD: The movie-length series pilot was great, with space battle action, we see for the first and only time the full fleet of Battlestars as they were, lots of Cylons, the traitorous Count Baltar (John Colicos), the planet Carolon and the creepy Ovions. This episode gets an A.LOST PLANET OF THE GODS Part 1 and 2: A good two-parter, and I liked how the Galactica found and entered that black void in space, and eventually found the planet Kobol, where all human life supposedly originated. That whole premise sort of had some awe and wonder to it. Adama's (Lorne Greene) research on the ancient exodus from Kobol, and the way the Galactica exited the void and found Kobol, both seemed to have put the famous star on opposite sides of the void, which confused me a little. And there was nothing on the surface of Kobol that indicated that the ancient people had any space flight technology to leave Kobol, which was also a little confusing. A.THE LOST WARRIOR: I liked this episode, with Apollo (Richard Hatch), stranded on a planet due to his viper running out of fuel, and finding himself pitted against a Cylon (called Red Eye by the planet locals) who was also stranded on the planet, but with memory loss, and now being commanded by a local gangster-type on the planet. The thing about this episode that didn't make sense is the locals not recognizing Red Eye as a Cylon before Apollo arrived, considering that these people originated from the Colonies as well, and the husband of one of the women was a Colonial Warrior. B+.THE LONG PATROL: Starbuck (Dirk Benedict) is assigned to go down to a planet (the reason for which I don't think was very well explained in the episode) in a suped-up, but unarmed viper. I thought the episode was a little bland, but it has some amusing Starbuck moments. C+.THE GUN ON ICE PLANET ZERO Part 1 and 2: This episode has some good action in it, but it's never been one of my favorites. And the repeated use of visual effects stock footage was particularly annoying in this episode, like that same image of the laser from the ice gun shooting across the fleet. C+.THE MAGNIFICENT WARRIORS: The team has to go down to a planet to barter for some food seeds after two of the agro-ships are destroyed by a Cylon attack. Bland episode. C.THE YOUNG LORDS: Another stranded viper pilot episode, this time it's Starbuck, and he has to help several children free their father from the Cylons, who have occupied the planet. Another bland episode, but it does have a lot of Cylons (they're always cool to look at) and Spector, another IL series Cylon that Lucifer is jealous of. Baltar is also in this episode. C+.THE LIVING LEGEND Part 1 and 2: A powerhouse episode, that has the Galactica discovering that not all the other Battlestars were destroyed, as they find the Pegasus with Commander Kane (Lloyd Bridges) in command. Lots of Cylons, lots of space (and planet) battles, a Battlestar taking on two Baseships. A+.FIRE IN SPACE: If I want to watch "The Towering Inferno," I'll watch "The Towering Inferno." The worst "Galactica" episode in my opinion. A generous C-.WAR OF THE GODS Part 1 and 2: Another excellent episode. But when Count Isblis (Patrick Macnee) says to Baltar that in order for his (Isblis') voice to be that of the Imperious Leader, it would've had to have been transcribed into machine leader a thousand yahrens ago. Isblis would have to be a thousand yahrens old. But I think that is exactly what happened. A.THE MAN WITH NINE LIVES: A decent episode and a good look at life within the fleet. B-.MURDER ON THE RISING STAR: Another decent episode, a whodunit, and another good look at life within the fleet. B-.GREETINGS FROM EARTH: I think this episode is very underrated by fans. I thought it had a very good story. But, design-wise, Hector and Vector are the worst-looking robots I've ever seen. A-.BALTAR'S ESCAPE: This episode has Baltar, along with the Nomen from MAN WITH NINE LIVES and Eastern Alliance Enforcers from GREETINGS FROM EARTH, planning an escape from the prison barge, and from the fleet. Good within-the-fleet action episode. B+.EXPERIMENT IN TERRA: Disappointing follow-up episode to GREETINGS FROM EARTH. Not much action, but the Ship of Lights from WAR OF THE GODS returns. But I wish the GREETINGS FROM EARTH/Terra arc could've been explored better in this series. C.TAKE THE CELESTRA: Another underrated episode in my opinion, and another good within-the-fleet action episode like BALTAR'S ESCAPE. B+.THE HAND OF GOD: The final episode of TOS has the Cylons finally returning, and the Galactica plans to take on a Baseship. Another good action episode. A-.
gdaymateo I followed the original Battlestar Galactica during it's original airing and was an avid fan. What I did not notice during that time, and only noticed after seeing some of the original series' episodes being rebroadcast now that the new series is out, is the insignia on the colonials' collars. The insignia is the officer branch insignia for military intelligence for the U.S. Army. I was very surprised when I first noticed it. The insignia is described as follows: On a gold color metal dagger, point up, 1 1/4 inches overall in height, a gold color metal heraldic sun composed of four straight and four wavy alternating rays surmounted by a gold heraldic rose, the petals dark blue enamel. I just thought that this was interesting. I have not seen it posted anywhere else.
SDF9 When Battlestar Galactica came out I was too young to know which end of a blaster to hold ;) But I was lucky and in the late 80's the show was syndicated. And I was transported across the universe to the Egyptian/Greco Alien word of Cobalt. It's sun slowly fading away. I followed Starbuck, Apollo, Sheba and the Galactgang search across the star systems with a killer robot army at there backs, mysterious aliens to the right, Lucifer Morningstar to the left, and the Confederation (the warmongering and dangerously uncaring reflection of our future) between them and that 13th Colony, Earth. I consider myself lucky, and I've seen from some other posts here (comparing Galactica with Star Wars) that I was not alone. But I just wanted to follow say that my favorite part of Galactica was how they did follow the Warrior Philosopher world that Star Wars touched on with the Jedi Knights. Except this time our heroes only special powers were there compassion and intelligence. Adama, the military leader who's spiritually made him an tragic champion who's idealism and human identity helped motivate his country men (and women). Now granted that the many of the civilian leaders were corrupt and the military were not, but I saw that as Spartan-esk and wonderfully Arthurian. And lets not forget our noble Apollo, his hot-head buddy, Starbuck (the man with the lady troubles). And Baltar the Betrayer. You are in for a treat when watching Galactica. Now sadly I've caught the new 'Battlestar Galactica' and this, thankfully, is in no way that. Nor is it 'Galactica 1980' (lame) but hey at least that had Lorn Greene ;)