| 23 July 2006 (USA)
Fallen Trailers

For high schooler Aaron Corbett, turning 18 means becoming not just a man but a nephilim, too -- half human, half angel, with supernatural abilities.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
fallen_forsakenever it was good i think it could have been better in some areas like a little more with the book it was based off of but other then that i like it it was pretty accurate angels were able to reproduce but were forbidden to do so at one point cant really remember why which makes me wanna do some boring reading but i do know there's no where does it says he took away there ability to do so it might sound it it says that but if that were true then other parts of the scripts wouldn't make even more sense then they already do. when it comes to religious things like this nothing is gonna be 100 percent accurate and there is many reasons why that is but too many for me to wanna list.
fearfulofspiders The first two-hour part that aired on ABC Family back in the summer of 2006 was so ridiculously cheesy, I didn't think anyone would have the stones to return for future ventures. When split up, there's six-hours worth of story to be covered, but split up into three parts: The Beginning, The Journey, and The Destiny.PART ONE - THE BEGINNING: First off, the acting is horrendous; whoever does the voice for the dog, Gabriel, is so lame, I cannot believe the director/producers thought it was worthy to be included in the final cut. The main star, Paul Wesley is probably the strongest actor of the bunch, but even he stretches the ham to its utmost potential. Fernanda Andrade is inexperienced and, just like the guy who voiced Gabriel, she brings the believability of the movie to a screeching halt. The story is okay, but the flame-swords (lightsabers, anyone?) seem horribly conceived and well-worth a few revisions in look. All in all, with a budget nearing that of a Sci-Fi Original Movie, the first part of the Fallen mini-series is off to a bad start.PART TWO - THE JOURNEY: Okay, now if the origin-story aspect of the first part was enough to make the film drag at a snail's pace, then perhaps The Journey would prevail in more excitement, insight into the characters, and at least some better acting. NOPE! Just as incredibly lame as the first part, this "sequel" is full of nonsensical scenes that prove to have no meaning or further depth into the characters; that all we get is "blah, blah, blah" from everyone, and had I not recorded this lame-fest, I would've missed out on what I had fallen asleep through. There's hardly any action to keep one's attention, and no drama or tension to engage us in the story, and a cavalcade of uninteresting characters that make us wonder, "what's the point of all this?" PART THREE - THE DESTINY: Just like the first two parts, Fallen has done nothing but foreshadow for what's to come in the final installment. Unfortunately, it all leads up to the father of Malcolm in the Middle as a foreseeable Lucifer, and a climactic duel that is anything but cool or enthralling. The first hour is basically equal to tedious pacing as The Journey, only this time there's a bit more action and drama to keep one's focus. For a finale, this is just too weak. There's hardly any conclusion, and no reward for having its audience just sit through six-hours of talk, talk, and more talk.All in all, there's not one aspect of Fallen I could applaud, except for the fact that it was made with an estimated $7,000,000. The title itself does not live up to anything exciting, and with terrible acting and a pace to match, I highly recommend viewers to steer clear of this garbage, because it is just too boring.
Mike Yes, he's back and up to his usual tricks, hoodwinking mortals and angels alike.This is 4 1/2 hours that would have been better spent having my back waxed.You can't really point to any one thing where this movie fails,but the sum of its failures is greater than the individual faults. The characters were unbelievable, the special effects were atrocious.I thought the flaming sword thing was the most pitiful aspect of it all.This aired on the "family channel" but has language I would not want any of my kids exposed to. I have noticed that a lot about this channel when they aired the original version of Hairspray and the high school girls are talking about Hair-do girl being a "whore."Really great family entertainment,ABC. Keep up the good work. I just blocked this channel on my youngest daughters satellite receiver. Nuff said.
SilverSpiderTM2 I found the Fallen books almost immediately after they came out in 2004/2005 and fell in love with them immediately. The story has everything anyone can ask for and more. Aaron is a very believable character. He's not the perfect messiah that everyone expects. He has his faults but that's what makes him so perfect for his role of redeemer of the fallen angels. Gabriel, his Labrador retriever, is one of the most dynamic personalities I've ever seen and I am so glad this was shown well in the movie.My only complaint is, of course, Verchiel. It seems like his entire character got changed. Never mind the completely unnecessary gender change. I thought the actress was weak and completely unfamiliar with the character she was portraying. Verchiel was an excellent villain the books. The movie version was a travesty. The character's untimely death is also baffling. I don't know what they're going to do for the other 4 hours without the main villain who lasted throughout all 4 books of the series.Aside from that I thought it was amazing. I can't wait for next summer and I really hope ABC Family decides to make this a regular series. I'd especially love to see more books.