Inside Out
Inside Out
PG-13 | 27 September 2011 (USA)
Inside Out Trailers

For the last thirteen years AJ has been behind bars, convicted of manslaughter for killing a man who intended to kill his best friend, Jack. Now released, AJ wants nothing more than to start a small business and live a crime-free life. Unfortunately, within hours of leaving prison, his oldest and best friend, Jack involves AJ in an accidental shooting in which a man is killed, forcing Jack to skip town.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
varghesejunior This is a short melodramatic film meant to be thrilling but is not at all the latter.Story-A convict released from prison tries to start a new life but soon gets involved in crime again when his best friend commits a murder accidentally.First 20 min are really boring, The storyline's very ordinary, acting is just average, the film is melodramatic, has very few action scenes and hardly any thrills, and nothing much to look forward to. Triple H is average but not as good an actor as Dwayne the Rock Johnson or John Cena.This film would not have run
velcrohead I have to start out by admitting I'm a shameless WWE mark. I have yet to see a WWE film that was really all that good--"Legendary" was OK, at best--but I keep holding out hope that the next one will be "the one." Sadly, "Inside Out" is not. The run-time is about an hour and a half, but you'll swear it's longer. The pacing is painfully slow, the scenes are mercilessly dragged out, and for a movie that claims to be an action movie, there are precious little scenes of any action or intensity. It's one long conversation after another, most of which repeats stuff which you've already been told.The movie seems to WANT to be a psychological thriller, but it doesn't have the writing to back it up. Let's face it, WWE writers are great at writing promos and then letting 2 guys beat the snot out of each other for an hour, but not at scripting intricate plots. The film doesn't have the acting to back it up either, which is a shame because pretty much everyone in the cast has been in better movies and turned in better performances. Julie White, most notably, is out of place here. Parker's like she wasn't even paying attention half the time. And Bruce Dern's scenes could have been played by any actor or a reasonably well trained monkey. The only acceptable acting was Michael Rappaport, who as usual was playing Michael Rappaport. Even so, I kept wanting him to just please SHUT UP. Overall, the movie is dull, predictable, and the big reveal about the daughter only produced a "duh? we've known that this whole entire time" response from the viewer. If you want action, skip it. The action scenes don't total up to more than 5 minutes of the actual film. If you want drama, there are much better movies for you out there. If you want a psychological thriller, this one's brain waves have flatlined. Two hours is an awful lot of life to lose at one time.
goatbut29 This movie started out well enough. You know what you're getting from a wrestling movie. But around the 20-30 minute area Michael mentions doubting the whole 'God thing' and then says, 'where was god when they outed Valarie Plame?!'.I mean, really? Of all the things to base your doubt on God, THAT was it?! Your bias is showing Mr. Director who im sure, is a flaming liberal, proud of it, donated the maximum to Obama and democrats, considers those that disagree with him politically as stupid or mildly retarded, etc.Notice he did not say, 'where was God when a Noble peace prize recipient waged an illegal war (without congressional approval-like Bush-and even less UN/Global support) against Libya?!'You just lost me. The pathetic attempt at turning off HALF of this country that disagrees with your politics worked on me. Now I hope everything you touch falls apart and you are left to fester in your own hatred.
Ted9Yaz8 I must be a masochist, or perhaps an optimist because I have seen most of the WWE Films movies and none of them are any good. Perhaps, deep in my subconscious I think "this one will be different, this one will surprise me" but this has yet to actually happen. Inside Out fails in ways that past WWE vehicles have: there is not a hint of originality, you can predict what will happen next as you watch it, the wrestler (in this case Paul "Triple H" Levesque) is not very good and the supporting cast phones it in.Inside out is quite frankly boring. The plot lulls you into a coma and you'll forget about the film as you watch it. There is nothing here that hasn't been done before and better. HHH is getting out of prison, wants to live the clean life but gets sucked in by his friend that was the cause of his prison stint, the friend has married HHH's love and they have a daughter that is really HHH's...blah blah blah. As I watched this I began to question whether or not I suffer from ADD because I found it difficult to focus on.If you want to watch a good movie with a wrestler in a starring role watch They Live with Roddy Piper and please: don't be like me. If you see "WWE Films" pop up on the screen don't waste your time.