Lie with Me
Lie with Me
NR | 14 February 2006 (USA)
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Happily unattached, the sexually voracious Leila satisfies her desires with a host of rapidly changing bed partners, unconcerned about the emotional consequences. But that all changes when she meets an artist looking for a deeper commitment.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
darrenowen76 This is not a good tries..and fails. The main problem i have is the acting, she is OK, he is terrible. the narration sounds like an asthmatic describing a sex fantasy, with the whole thing filmed in the style of a marks and Spencer's summer clothing advert. The sex scenes involve watching ming the merciless give a ginger bird a breast exam for an hour whilst occasionally flashing his not so large penis. Apparently this film was an exploration of relationship,love and desire. I assume the makers gave up looking and decided to go for a few drinks and left the film up to a group of sex-offenders trying to turn over a new leaf. I turned myself on by turning this off and masturbated to the sound of my refrigerator in the that was hot.
netty1968 Pleasantly surprised by this film, having expected a superficial piece centering around two over-indulgent, sex obsessed 20 somethings. At times, the experience can be perceived as such, but you can't help but get drawn into the lives of the two lead characters. David is greatly portrayed by Eric Balfour, who depicts his gradual descent into lust (and love) with huge intensity. Although you become a little confused two thirds of the way through (in terms of what it is that David actually wants from his lover), the need to see how the issue is resolved keeps the viewer transfixed. Leila (played with beautiful subtlety by Lauren Lee Smith) is completing absorbing, making her sexual dalliances appear the natural behaviours of modern day society. At times, the sub plots can appear contrived, in an attempt to provide a platform for the lead characters' emotional turmoils but, in reality, it does allow an interlude to the rather explicit (if very erotic) sex scenes.I'd advise people to give this a peek, if only to observe simplistic cinema making at it's best.
Shyam Narayanan TK (ShyamNTK) Why this movie?? Seriously, what was there in the makers' minds while they were making this?? Is this intended to be a porn movie? If yes, then why did they conduct the screenings for this in several film festivals? If no, then what the heck is all those explicit scenes of the movie about?? They tried drawing a line between love and lust, but ends up nowhere!! The movie is full of explicit stuff, lot of nudity, sex etc etc But if they give some good message at the end, it would have been a good venture. But now, after watching the movie, I regret of watching complete porn stuff, which I doesn't like to watch at all.. The director, please do not make such movies again… The only beautiful part of the movie was two long runs, they were shot beautifully. Nothing else, absolute CRAP!!
vtaylor-10 This is an amazingly fresh and original movie. Those looking for sex scenes will find them in abundance, but those who only look for that will miss the real power and artistry of the film.This film is as real a picture of life as I have seen. It doesn't shy away from portraying sexual intimacy much as it occurs, but it also captures the caring of a son for his ailing father in equally explicit detail -- showing him cleaning his father after the father is in incontinent in his wheel chair. The tenderness and loving the son shows his dad are unmatched in any movie I've seen.The story itself captures the difficulty of finding meaningful relation in a world filled with trials at home and open sexuality in the clubs and bars. Based on my limited experience with my daughter growing up, it feels like it captures the pain and the pleasure exquisitely.Those looking for fresh cinema and who aren't turned off by lots of sex scenes can't do better than this movie.
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