Tiger House
Tiger House
R | 03 November 2015 (USA)
Tiger House Trailers

A young gymnast battles a group of bank robbers at the home of her boyfriend.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
daisukereds Not really bad. Decent story that is properly paced, properly filmed with few stylish shots. Music was good at times (when it makes itself noticeable). Main bad guys weren't really that impressive but weren't terrible, neither was Kaya.. but compared to the rest of the cast (family) that was forgettable, they get to shine a bit. At least they weren't completely annoying, though her love interest was quite lacking and boring (probably because I have a thing for Kaya's face and find it a bit unforgiving).Had one really good scene that I really liked the look off (when the room explodes), where no cuts were made and seemed believable and awesome at the same time. Its kind of shocking how well the main heroine responded to everything, but it was written in a way I could accept it as it didn't go overboard. Bad guys weren't really that crazy either, which is good.** SPOILERS! BUT, it's like Kaya used up all her acting money to do a movie for herself, and be the cool superhero that gets to kill all the bad guys, survive and become rich.
solacemills Don't know how taboo it is to review a movie if you couldn't even watch the majority of it but I'm going to do it anyways. Within about 5 minutes I had to just cut my losses. In those first 5 minutes, a glaringly unbelievable, and for me unacceptable, plot point was established. The main character (didn't make it far enough into the film to find out her name) played by Kaya Scodelario is seen in a cutesy, home-video situation with her boyfriend as they record each other in some field. In this scene, they introduce Kaya's character as being a pretty serious gymnast, or at least seriously dedicated to it. She states that she wakes up early (at 5 am) to train for two hours,daily. She turns down a cigarette when offered, says she doesn't drink either because she has to keep in shape for gymnastics. I will reiterate again, she is maintaining her body because it is necessary for her sport. It's clear, it matters to her...a great deal. After that exchange, cut to her boyfriend pulling out an antique crossbow that he pretentiously claims he had to bring back in pieces from France (I say pretentiously as Kaya's character had previously called him posh, which I believe is synonymous with pretentious). Kaya's character expresses disinterest, and even discomfort with him wielding the crossbow. He proceeds to try to goad her into trying it out. He loads the crossbow and then as anyone who has never and should never wield a crossbow does, he plays around with it inching towards her with it LOADED. The crossbow isn't in frame anymore, Kaya's character is protesting loudly. At this point I paused and wondered, I knew someone was going to be shot but who? I hoped for the idiot boyfriend however, I could not have that simple wish granted. The crossbow misfires and strikes Kaya's character, the gymnast, in the leg. Let me remind anyone reading (doubt it'll be many), it's obvious that gymnasts especially need their legs to do gymnast things. Being shot in the leg by a crossbow at close-range is needless to say, a career-ending injury. Now I'll get to the point that was truly unbelievable, they have their credit intro and then cut to Kaya sneaking into the house of the very boyfriend who had just previously shot her in her leg. I'm sorry but no relationship, even a "crazy" teenage one , could withstand being shot in the leg by a crossbow. Add to that the fact that the counterpart shot in the leg was as stated before a pretty serious gymnast. I just couldn't wrap my mind around how they expected me to believe that the relationship would have continued after something like that. People break off relationships for less, and if there were ever a reason to end it: your significant other shooting you in the leg and essentially ending any and all hopes you had for your career in gymnastics would be a pretty big #1.With that, I could not withstand this film and after reading other reviews I'm glad I didn't continue watching past that point as they all seem to express similar sentiments, it was terrible. It was unfortunate the actors had to deal with material so dismal, but I'm sure whatever check they got was worth it.
garethalanthomas If you watch the movie, most of the plot holes are explained, (locked windows, the boyfriend takes the key from the lock to stop the girl leaving early on in the film, the mother does scream when untied but her lover is lying on the floor with his head a bloody pulp from a baseball bat!) I could go on closing the holes, but suffice to say, It's not a great film, but I have seen a lot, lot worse. The cast is good and acting OK, but it is a story told many times before and in many cases better. I think it is a vehicle for some up and coming stars Kaya Scodelario and Ed Skrein to put on their CV as both are now in big budget Hollywood movies, Maze Runner and Transporter:Refueled respectively. GT
cevolatile Although the dialogue and characters in this movie aren't bad, it's practically unwatchable due to the lack of plot, and terrible directing and editing. Here are some problems with this movie: The house has at least 10 cameras inside, but no smoke detectors or burglar alarm? There are at least 5 scenes where the heroine tries and fails to open windows throughout the house. Why? Are they locked from the outside??? In one scene she unties her boyfriend and his mother and here are their reactions: The boyfriend sits there all self satisfied, useless and relieved as if he just got done taking a huge crap. The mother decides to scream at the top of her lungs as if it never occurs to her to keep her voice down. Later in the movie the mother inexplicably has a shotgun (the shotgun was left outside in the previous scene, so how does the mother who was locked in a cupboard now have it?) In another scene the bad guy is climbing a ladder to get the heroine. The view will find himself thinking "Hit him in the head as he is climbing the ladder" but instead she just screams and cries, even though she already stabbed him with scissors twice in the previous scene. The viewer thinks she finally worked up the courage to do something smart or effective, but no. There were only about 3 good scenes in the whole movie and here are some other plot holes: The criminals don't bring any supplies but when they suddenly need a power drill it's just laying on the table. Likewise when they need gasoline they find a jug of gasoline in the boyfriends bedroom! ALMOST NO ONE KEEPS JUGS OF GASOLINE LAYING AROUND THEIR BEDROOM! There are a LOT of problems with this movie and I don't want to go on forever but perhaps the biggest one that I haven't mentioned yet is the terrible editing/sound. Every shot and every scene, even the mundane ones like an argument between mother and son, has terrible spooky sound effects and noises as if this were a roman Polanski horror film. It might not have been so bad except it's in EVERY scene. So when the bad guys actually enter the house you already want to turn the movie off because you're so annoyed. And the editing: the house has 10 security cameras and every time we are watching a scene through a security camera the image flickers and distorts while all this scary music plays. It's as if they thought they were editing "The Ring". Also, every cut, every dissolve, is done with an accompanying horrible sound effect. This isn't even a horror movie lol! I don't know what they were thinking. I do want to mention that some of the dialogue and characters are pretty good, although each bad guy inexplicably wants to tell his life story to the heroine. The first time this happens it makes sort of sense cause the guy is really stressed and just sort of talking. But in the very next scene another bad guy tells her his life story! And these stories aren't even interesting they are much like the plot of the movie: nothing happens! The director apparently did Shakespeare and other off-Broadway plays before this his feature debut. You would think the directing would be better, but I guess all those years of doing plays left him with the unquenchable thirst to add endless sound effects and editing tricks to his first movie. He should have watched Glenn Gary Glenn Ross or The Six Degrees of Separation to learn how to translate play-directing to movie-directing. But he didn't and instead produced this piece of crap movie that I can't believe I finished watching. I'd love to talk about all the plot holes and stupid things that happen in the end of the movie (like the house exploding or the fact that the fire department never comes even though they live in a rich neighborhood). In conclusion, I wouldn't let the director or editor of this movie anywhere near another film project, ever (unless it was like Hellraiser 6 or some other stupid movie where a million spooky sound effects every scene might be fitting. I had a reoccuring thought while I was watching this movie and I still don't know the answer: "Boy that scene had a lot of problems, why didn't anyone care?" Maybe the director will write an essay one day explaining how movies turn out like this.