A Christmas Detour
A Christmas Detour
| 01 December 2015 (USA)
A Christmas Detour Trailers

A bubbly bride-to-be’s Christmas plans take an unexpected turn when her holiday flight to New York is detoured and she encounters a cynical bar manager who has lost his faith in love. As she scrambles to make it back east for Christmas—and plan her upcoming wedding—she begins wondering if she’s marrying the right man, and learns a surprising lesson about love.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
idozah A good movie. I absolutely love Paul Greene, he is the perfect and my favorite lead in Hallmark movies. Candace is the queen of Hallmark movies ( along with another few ladies tho) and here she was so annoying but in a good way. Her boyfriend was a big douche, The only thing that I didn't liked in the movie was a part when the leads kissed even though she didn't break up with her boyfriend , and that was cheating and I didn't like it that much. I saw the movie two times, it's fun to watch
Christmas-Reviewer I Have Reviewed OVER 400 Christmas MOVIES. On all Christmas movies BEWARE OF FAKE REVIEWS & REVIEWERS. Many reviewers have only have ONE REVIEW. When it's a POSITIVE REVIEW chances are that the reviewer was involved with the production. If its a negative review then they may have a huge grudge against the film for whatever reason. I am fare about these films. The only reason why I review them is to keep track of what "I have seen". In this filmTwo New York City-bound travelers find themselves inextricably linked when a snowstorm reroutes them to an airport hotel in Buffalo. Ever the eternal optimist and hopeless romantic, Paige desperately needs to find a way back home to meet her fiancee's parents before her forthcoming wedding. And it's somehow up to fellow passenger Dylan MacKenzie, who is permanently soured on romance following a recent heartbreak. Candace limited acting range is very limited but she does a good job here. She doesn't have to stretch too hard for this film. However as much as I did enjoy this I think the film would have been much better had of cast "Alicia Witt" in this one. Family safe but kids and most men will hate this.
anchoress72 The story is actually kind of cute (I guess I have a soft spot for snowed-in stories), but the ages of the actors are ridiculous. Frank and Maxine were born in 1976 and 1974, respectively--yet were supposed to be older (significantly, I believe, since they have an adult daughter)--while Paige and Dylan were also born in 1976 and 1974, respectively. This seriously makes no sense. Also, no one would roast a turkey all night unattended. Finally, I at least knew going in that Paige would be rah-rah marriage and anti-career, but...most Hallmark movies make me want to gag on their anti-feminist position.
rebekahrox A high-strung writer gets hooked up with an irreverent laid back fellow and a seemingly happily married couple on the way to visit their families on Christmas. They are thrown together when a snow-storm cancels their flight and they decide to share an automobile to get to their destinations. The Candace Cameron character is traveling to the Hamptons to meet her fiancée's family for the first time. It is a road movie in which romance blossoms, true character is revealed, and secrets are uncovered. The fiancé and his parents are deliciously evil, Cameron-Bure, while always reliable, is quite likable and funny, and the married couple and the hero are well played, interesting, and nice to look at.What I really want to address, and this movie is a perfect example, is Hallmarks penchant for casting 40 year-olds in the roles of 20 or early thirty year-olds. Aren't there any promising young actors and actresses out there?. I am tired of seeing the same faces over and over. It is particularly absurd in this one. The older experienced couple who have a 20 year relationship and a daughter old enough to have a beautiful old home, are played by actors who are the same age, if not younger, than the couple they are meant to be mentoring!