Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors
Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors
G | 10 December 2015 (USA)
Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors Trailers

"Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors" is based on the inspiring true story of living legend Dolly Parton's remarkable upbringing. This once-in-a-lifetime movie special takes place inside the tight-knit Parton family as they struggle to overcome devastating tragedy and discover the healing power of love, faith and a raggedy patchwork coat that helped make Parton who she is today. The film is set in the Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains in 1955. It is neither a biopic nor a musical about Dolly's whole life and performing career, but rather a family-oriented faith-based story about the incidents in her and her family's life around the time she was nine years old.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Inmechon The movie's only flaw is also a virtue: It's jammed with characters, stories, warmth and laughs.
Reno Rangan A television film that I was eager to watch it since it is highly acclaimed. It is a Christian film, which won't mind, but they have highlighted that topic too strongly. What I've anticipated was something like 'Love Comes Softly'. Since it went on that way, missed the opportunity to be balanced in content. Now it is a target product for the believers. If you won't mind that, then it will be a good film that shows lots of good sides by pointing out the bads.Based on the true story, that sets in the 1955, tells the story of a big farmer family living on the mountain, but all the focus was one of the children named Dolly. She's different than rest of her siblings. She's curious about the world, so mischievous and a good singer too. Her latest trouble takes a big price. Following, the family in a distress, that's going to change a few things forever in her life and everybody else.First of all I know zero about the real Dolly Parton. Thanks to this film for her early life introduction, but still don't know much about her latter life. So expecting from the sequels to cover them up. For now, there's only one sequel, about the Christmas. Alyvia was really good. She reminded Abigail Breslin from 'Kit Kittredge'. The film mainly aimed for families, so they would surely enjoy it. I liked it too, but not that overexcited as before my watch.6/10
marky4792 Watching this movie gave me great insight on how Dolly Parton grew up. The cast was great and helped tell her story perfectly in my opinion, congratulations to you all. It shows her sweet, soft but yet tough side which I am sure is what has carried her until today. I learned things I did not know about her family and lessons I will carry with me to mine. It very much so is a MUST SEE! I know she can put tears in my eyes and they delivered. Thanks for bringing this life and I look forward to a miniseries coming, I know there is a lot more that can be said and music along the way to enjoy!Mark Adams Winston-Salem, NC 27103 12/29/2015
sindiana-28257 I watched this movie on a whim, without any foreknowledge of it, and was pleasantly surprised.Too often, producers search for universal appeal by eschewing universal truths. This film is a very rare exception. Not only does it target the Christian viewer, but it does so with a fairly good narrative, which centers on family, love, and the power of redemption.The acting is good, and the beautiful Appalachian scenery and talented singing are both notable.There are references to the Bible, as well as one to Lucy Maud Montgomery (the writer of "Anne of Green Gables"). I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see open appeals to faith on TV. By contrast, I recently saw an animated Christmas special which was blatantly ashamed of Christmas, but somehow still misappropriated the word in its title. "Coat" is not properly a Christmas special, as it does not specifically revolve around that day, but, if anything, this helps prevent it from falling into clichés.
vchimpanzee At the start of the movie, young Dolly walks into church with her guitar ... and enough makeup on her face to be accused of looking like a harlot. The start of a lifelong tradition.Alyvia Alyn Lind does a great job as this somewhat naughty and rebellious girl who is basically good and has a strong faith. But she's not the best actor in the movie. More on that in a minute. Lind makes us like her and convinces us she will be someone famous, although we already knew she would be. She goes through so many trials, including bullying and the loss of a sibling she was going to take care of and love. But while her faith is challenged, she shows us the true meaning of her faith. Plus she can sing.Regardless of what I think of Jennifer Nettles' music, as an actress I predict she will get an Emmy nomination. She is so kind and loving, though she must also be so depressed she thinks life can't continue. And then she picks herself up and moves on with life, even with all the trails and tribulations. She is not the serious, strict parent I was expecting, and yet she holds that family together. And while she doesn't have all her facts right, Avie Lee is a strong believer and like Dolly, delivers a meaningful message of faith. Oh, and she can sing too. And it's the good kind of country music too.Rick Schroder isn't quite the father I would have expected. He has his moments and does a good job overall, but he seems kind of weak in the presence of Dolly's stern but loving father. He somehow seems secondary to his wife in holding the family together. Still, Robert Lee is challenged by adversity and can't believe in the same way his family wants him to.Gerald McRaney does his usual fine job as the stern but loving preacher father who has never quite accepted Robert Lee. But he's trying.Mary Lane Haskell gives us a capable and caring teacher.There are plenty of other good performances from the kids. The bullies may not be bad people but may just need love.Is it squeaky clean? Of course not, but what would you expect from this tough family? There are several curse words but this is probably still fine for the kids. The sex-related talk will probably go over kids heads but they might ask questions. Still, this is quite family-friendly.It's a wonderful effort overall.