Hard Rain
Hard Rain
R | 16 January 1998 (USA)
Hard Rain Trailers

An armored car driver tries to elude a gang of thieves while a flood ravages the countryside.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Robert D. Ruplenas I am totally ambivalent about this movie. I had seen it years ago and had no distinct memories of it, but I watched it again last night and had two contradictory reactions. First, the movie, at one level, is ridiculous. The number of credibility-straining moments borders on the absurd. The intention of the movie makers seemed to have been to proceed as quickly as possible from one action moment to the next, and never to relax the suspense for even a moment. Then my other reaction: SO WHAT? At the time I was in the mood for a movie that would completely take my mind off other things, and this one sure did, even if at was at the point of finding humor at the plot situations. The movie also had the good sense to make fun of itself, inserting a generous number of laugh lines. It was also nice to have the charming little sub-plot with Betty White (God bless her) and Richard Dysart. Interesting to see Ed Asner. I thought that this must have been one of his last flicks, but found that the old leftie is still working at the age of 87. Morgan Freeman is always good to watch, as is Randy Quaid.Sometimes a good old mindless action film is just what you need. This is definitely one of them.
Walter Cherry (themusiccitymadman) WOW! I love this film. I have read so much negative press about this film and I just do not understand why. What we have here is NOT a disaster film, but an action movie about a heist that just happens to be set during a really bad flood, which makes the plan more difficult. The cast is very solid, the direction is very exciting, the production is sleek, and the story is interesting. The script itself is a bit weak but forgivable when combined with all the other elements. When it comes to the performances, Christian Slater is, well, Christian Slater, He is no better or worse then in any other film he has been in. The rest of cast is awesome. We have the likes of Morgan Freeman, Randy Quaid, Ed Asner, and even Betty White. The only real weak link is Minnie Driver, but she is easily overlooked. All I can say is give this one a shot. If you are a lover of cheesy action movies of the 90's such as myself, I really believe you'll love it.
g-bodyl Hard Rain is not an awful movie, but then again it's not a very good one either. This film would certainly make action fans happy because of the film it is. It's loud, dumb, and features non-stop action. There's not a story in sight as all we get is people shooting at each other or people almost drowning. But, this was relatively entertaining and I had a good time, but I don't know if I would watch this again.Mikael Salomon's film is about this town that got flooded by a dam and en route away from town, an armored truck driver named Tom and his Uncle Charlie is robbed by a gang led by Jim who want the entire money that they are carrying in the truck. But what Jim doesn't realize is how resourceful Tom is.The acting is really nothing special. Morgan Freeman as always does a good job, but I thought he was miscast. He has such a nice man persona to effectively carry this role out. Christian Slater does an okay job, even though this is very similar to his role in Broken Arrow. I was pretty annoyed with the Sheriff and his gang which was played by Randy Quaid.Overall, if you're looking for a dumb, wet action movie, Hard Rain is for you. It's not a great movie, but it can be used as an escapist film, but just barely. The screenplay sinks, but the action itself is able to float. There were some mildly impressive set pieces, so I'll give the film credit for that. I rate this film 7/10.
leplatypus I discovered this movie because there is Minnie Driver in it and i must say that this is a great one! Except "War of worlds" by Spielberg, i don't know a movie with such an apocalyptic setting: Mother Nature is set loose and threatens to flood everything. But instead of focusing with megalopolises (NY, LA) and calling for the President, this realistic movie happens in a little town of Indiana. Thus, it is closes to our every day life and we can better understand the threat.I don't know if it's intentional or not, but there is a Gothic feeling here that enhances everything. It's the night, the town is surrounded by forest, and a lot of action happens on the cemetery and the church. And if it's an action / thriller movie, actually, some shoots reminds me of the best horror movies.Then, i found all the characters very attractive: you either care for them or despise them at once. And, they aren't one-sided characters because along the movie, their polarity changes: good guys become bad, and bad guys become good. Thus, it is very interesting to see that and the cast does have mention because they make that happen. As a fan of Minnie, i found that she has truly something because she is 100% believable in this action / comedy part whereas other actress would have failed.I never heard of the director before but he knows how to deliver great sequences: the opening credits give the mood for the entire movie and you will find all the threats from flooding.In conclusion, this upside down "Abyss" is an excellent tale and if you can find it, dive in it !