I'll Follow You Down
I'll Follow You Down
PG-13 | 05 August 2014 (USA)
I'll Follow You Down Trailers

After the disappearance of a young scientist on a business trip, his son and wife struggle to cope, only to make a bizarre discovery years later - one that may bring him home.

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
kitellis-98121 This is a film that I honestly didn't see coming. For starters, it was a totally new concept (at least for me) to have a time-travel film that follows the people left behind by the time traveller, rather than the traveller himself. For a while I was disappointed to be missing out on the adventure, but the characters and events were compelling enough that I soon got sucked into an interesting and nuanced drama about loss and abandonment.And then, when I had almost forgotten about the time-travel angle, the son of the original time-traveller, now grown-up, travels back in time to visit his father in the past (where he's on his way to a visit with Einstein) and, without wanting to spoil anything, the method the son uses to convince his father to go back to the future was utterly unexpected.This was a film filled with subtlety, nuance, originality, and thoughtfulness. It was dramatic without being melodramatic. It was tragic without being depressing. It was intellectual without being pompous. It was adventurous without being mindless. It was science-fiction without being... well... science-fiction.And it was also very nicely made, with attractive cinematography, a pleasant orchestral score, leafy collegial locations, solid direction, and a respectable, talented cast.I didn't have any hopes or expectations when I started watching. But by the end I was utterly captivated and somewhat blown away by the originality of what I'd just watched. I love it when a movie does that, as it's a rare treat that doesn't come around very often.
bingoBongo I recently found this movie on Netflix, and being a huge fan of time travel movies, I thought I would give this a shot.Also, I was intrigued to see Haley Joel Osment acting again.The time travel part of this movie was solid enough - a few wires here and flashes there - that is how its done in other movies, so without actually being able to do so in real life, who is to say what is right. It also seemed like the crew worked hard to make sure continuity was good, and the time travel bits made sense.What lets the movie down to a rock bottom flaw though, is the utter disinterest of the cast. All lines in the movie are phoned in, no one seems to know what their lines mean, or have a general understanding of the story in the movie. The dialogue is a jumble of uncomfortable pauses between disjointed lines and forced kisses on actresses. (Gillian Anderson literally says "Okay?" after being kissed by her husband character, in what looks like an uncomfortable event)It seems the budget went entirely into hiring some well known faces, and did nothing positive with them. This disengagement is not their fault, but rather the director and writers, for not inspiring them to believe in their roles, and feeding them a stream of single-take disjointed lines that look more like statements, than natural dialogue between people.The director seems to have a long way to go for building believable rapport, and possibly didn't have the experience to handle a star studded cast. This is the key flaw. By the end, suddenly everyone believed in time travel for no reason or proof, wrapped up on questionable morals. All the best scenes you could image being fun, were happening off camera in your mind, or possibly in another movie.Watch at your peril, this is probably the worst time travel movie ever made!N.B. the grab of distribution name "Continuum", for foreign release, actually stole the name of an existing Canadian TV show, about time travel (this movie is Canadian). A cheap move for making market confusion to sell this bargain basement movie.
nij-chris-532-818683 Aka Continuum according to Sky TV. A reasonable premise, ridiculously dealt with and typical of USA productions, beautifully filmed to give a gloss that just isn't deserved. And slow! I had 3-cups of tea whilst watching, just to have something of interest to do. Imagine a Physics genius who invents a time travel machine in order to go on holidays,(dropping in on Albert Einstein for no good reason), without his wife knowing as she'd really rather stay at home. Little wonder Gillian Anderson committed suicide 1/2-way through - Surprised she could stand the boredom for so long. A starry cast having to deal with this crap: how I sympathise with the three main leads. Now, I have a much better idea than you watching the movie. Pick a wall in your house that needs decorating and buy good quality paint and brushes. Or a felt roller. Modern emulsions (and don't let your emulsions rum away with you - joke) dry quickly. No, not for painting over the many holes in the plot but just watch the paint dry, 89 minutes should do it. You'll thank me for this one day.
Robert W. I'm not sure what made me decide this was worth watching. I am not a huge Haley Joel Osment fan but I do love a good sci-fi flick and while I wouldn't say I'm a fan of Rufus Sewell, I do find him fascinating since Dark City days so many years ago. I'm pleased to say this was a hidden indie gem that is worth your time! I think it was likely cheaply made but it is very well done, the story is fascinating and while the dialogue isn't perfect, it certainly keeps the story rolling and tries very hard to make sure you're not left with any gaping plot holes (something that is resoundingly easy to do when making a time travel movie) and make the characters interesting enough without giving them a lot of depth. There is actually a lot of story here and the story might be the best thing about it. I think I expected a film with a very famous child star in it to be nothing more than B-Movie drivel and this isn't!! Its a serious, nearly gut wrenching story that takes time travel very seriously and even deals with the ethical and moral obligations behind time travel. Considering its likely low budget, the special effects are decent but the film makers cleverly made sure to focus on story and characters so you didn't notice they were "cheaping" out on the special effects side of things.I'm not sure I've seen former "It" kid Haley Joel Osment since Secondhand Lions over a decade ago. He was an impressive actor as a youngster. It is absolutely disorientating seeing him as an adult and I think he has a tough road ahead of him to be taken seriously. However, he pulls off this role very well. In some scenes I felt like he was being a little campy and not quite pulling off the intensity but then at the same time he made me connect to his character and understand his emotions so he pulls it off. He wasn't the best choice for the film but he also doesn't disappoint and I heartily welcome his return. The supporting cast is very good. Gillian Anderson is excellent in an unfortunately small role as his distraught and emotionally traumatized mother. Rufus Sewell's role is also unfortunately small but an excellent role as the determined time travelling father who vanishes. The end scene between Sewell and Osment is riveting and worth waiting the entire film for. Victor Garber is terrific and adds an element of class as Osment's equally driven Grandfather and Susanna Fournier is good as Osment's fiancée and first love.The cast ranges from decent to very good and it holds the movie together. The chemistry between everyone in the cast is very good. Its only unfortunate we don't get just a little more depth to their characters. I wanted to know more and see more. As with so many sci-fi/time travelling dramas like this you will be left feeling a little empty and asking a lot of questions but that isn't the mark of a bad film but rather a hazard of enjoying this genre. Virtual unknown Richie Mehta directs and wrote the film (which I don't ever recommend) but he does alright. I think the movie could have been even better with some more talented and experienced film makers behind it but he does very well for an indie talent. If you love the genre, appreciate a good story and keep your expectations reasonable then this is one you can definitely enjoy. Absolutely worth giving a chance to. 7.5/10