Secondhand Lions
Secondhand Lions
PG | 19 September 2003 (USA)
Secondhand Lions Trailers

The comedic adventures of an introverted boy left on the doorstep of a pair of reluctant, eccentric great-uncles, whose exotic remembrances stir the boy's spirit and re-ignite the men's lives.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
yiskarasmussen One of my favorite movies of all time. This is a feel good, great for the whole family and loved by viewers of all ages. I went into this movie not knowing anything about it, and was surprised to find that I'd stumbled upon something special... Next time you're in the mood for a feel good film that will make you smile, just watch it!
biz1201 A friend recommended me to watch this movie had never heard of it, but once I saw Michael Caine and Robert Duvall in it that was definitely the deal breaker. This movie really touches your heart it's wonderful and warm .. Caine and Duvall as always on the top of their game. And Osment was the perfect child for this role. I loved everything about this movie especially when Osment (Walter) is sent to stay with his uncles, he learns a lot about life and in return so do his great uncles who have never raised a child nor wanted to. This movie is ideal for both males and females .. Caine and Duvall are just awesome in their roles as brothers and Caine's storytelling to Walter is fantastic. Highly recommend if you haven't given this a watch to definitely do so I can't really see anyone not enjoying this movie.
KineticSeoul This is actually a endearing film, sure it might not be all that realistic but endearing never the less. This is probably the movie where Haley Joel Osment was at his peak. Then his career took a nose dive, not because he isn't a talented actor, but because of genetics. It also has Robert Duvall and Michael Caine in it, it just can't go wrong with that combination. The plot is about a boy seeking a loving family and two retired old men seeking purpose and relevancy. This film sort of reminded me of "Princess Bride" except without the focus being on the romance. This movie delves into the history and adventures of the past while showing the build up and relationship between a boy and two old retired men. Overall, this is a dry movie, but it's a very watchable dry movie that I don't regret checking out.8/10
museumofdave This is largely a kid's film, but in the best sense, in that it isn't full of juvenile humor about failing bodily functions, nor is it demeaning to the elderly, even though both its stars are well over sixty; it's a joyful, optimistic and largely predictable romp about the relationship that can develop between the old and the young. When Haley Joel Osment's Mother drops him off to stay for a while with two old curmudgeons, a perceptive viewer can probably guess what happens next--but that knowledge doesn't detract from the fun-it's like a great fairy tale that you want to have told to you again, a sentimental rural fable rich with the kind of things kids (and many adults) like--lions that can be tamed, monoplanes that can be built, and worthwhile lessons that can be learned. Nobody farts, nobody says the "f" word, and nobody drops their pants--it's actually funny because its humor springs from the considerable well-honed talents of acting treasures Michael Caine and Robert Duvall and from a well-written kid's story--with adults welcome to come along for the ride.