PG-13 | 23 October 2003 (USA)
Spin Trailers

"Spin" tells the story of a boy who loses his parents in a plane crash, is taken in by his uncle (Tucci), who then leaves him for ten years in the care of his Hispanic ranch hand (Blades) and his wife (Delany). Once in high school, Eddie (Merriman) reconnects with a girl from his past (Garces), and their growing interracial relationship teaches the sometimes-sullen Eddie to think of others before himself.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Pluskylang Great Film overall
GazerRise Fantastic!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Mccadoo I was in a local video store that was closing down and selling off their stock, a trend these days it seems due to the emergence of Netflix and the like, and noticed this film. It caught my attention because I'm a pilot so I bought it ($2).It wasn't at all what I'd expected but I was pleasantly surprised none the less. The cinematography and acting are exceptional. The story is a little slow but holds your interest and you become invested in the characters as the movie moves along. They seemed real to me. That alone is saying a lot considering some of what is foisted upon the viewing public these days.While I would classify this as a family movie it does contain some dark material dealing with sexual abuse so I would not say it was for young children. Still and all, it was a pleasant viewing experience and I found it head and shoulders above a lot of what is produced in Hollywood these days.I would recommend Spin for anyone looking for a well done, mostly pleasant viewing experience.
Mikal Mullaly (MTucsonAZ) It really IS too bad that this film didn't get more publicity. I was an extra for this film (the funeral scene) and I must say how very professional and delightful the entire cast and crew were. I've been on many sets, and this one by far was the best! The days were LONG and COLD (filmed in Winter) but we got through it.I enjoyed watching the finished product and I'm sad that more people don't know about this film. Working with James "Jamie" Redford was awesome, and the day I was on set was Dana Delaney's birthday. We sang "Happy Birthday" and got cake...WOO HOO! Yeah, it's been a few years, but it's it never too late to see a touching coming-of-age movie. TELL YOUR FRIENDS! :-)
ccthemovieman-1 This is one coming-of-age film I really liked and respected. Most of them are not "my cup of tea." However, this one features nothing but likable characters, including the teens. Yeah, they're not perfect; they have a few "moments," but mostly Ryan Merriman ("Eddie") and Paula Garces ("Francesca") are good kids.The adults are even better, just wonderful people. Dana Dalaney ("Margaret") and Reuben Blades ("Ernesto") play a couple who adopts young "Eddie" who loses his parents in a small- plane accident. Stanley Tucci ("Frank") has a key role as a mentor of the boy, a guy who leaves Eddie when he's young but comes back and teaches the now-17-year-old how to fly.Language-wise, there as almost zero profanity for the first hour, but there were cases of it in the last third of the movie. The photography is nice in here, too, especially for a film, I suspect, was low budgeted.This little-known film should be better-known. It's a nice story. I really can't imagine anyone watching this film and not enjoying and respecting it.
conejerome This film left me feeling good; however, I admit that the story struck a chord with me in more than one area that other viewers may not experience. Being a pilot, I thoroughly enjoyed the aspect of the story that pertains to flying. Furthermore, Eddie is a character with whom I connected. The photography, particularly the sunsets and aerial shots, are beautifully captured. In all fairness, the story had a dry spot or two, but when I think of crappy films, this film is NOT one of them.The acting was well done, too. Stanley Tucci portrayed a retired Air Force Major and was quite believable as Eddie's strong, collected Uncle. Ryan Merriman, whom I've not seen elsewhere, also gave a sound performance.I give the movie an overall Bravo!