PG-13 | 16 December 2014 (USA)
Expelled Trailers

Felix (Cameron Dallas) is a legendary prankster who gets expelled from his high school and, with his friend’s help, stops at nothing to hide it from his parents.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Brian Wolf If there is a more unlike-able main protagonist in a film I have yet to find it.Felix comes across as entitled and arrogant and is a complete douche to his friends. He thinks he can get away with anything and doesn't learn any lessons.Low budget and terrible Ferris Bueller rip-off.Not sure why the director would portray his main character as supremely unlike-able but that's definitely what they've done here.It's down as a comedy but in all essence it's a complete waste of an hour and a half of your life.At best, they probably had enough plot to get away with 60 minutes after that it was all filler.
Jordan Rochon This movie is by no means the best movie of all time. The acting is pretty good to be honest, not Oscar worthy, but better than expected. To be honest, the adults performances are actually worse than the young less-experienced cast. A fun enjoyable movie that is like a modern day twist on Ferris Bueller. Cameron Dallas does a pretty great job leading this film and his character was like the likable class clown, he is always getting into trouble but he always manages to charm his way out of a lot of the punishments headed his way. Overall: The movie manages to be the perfect late school year, or summer teen movie, that actually has some pretty hilarious moments. I recommend this movie for fans of the young cast (who the film is really targeted for) or people who want a quick light-hearted teen comedy film during a lazy summer day.
Chase Young Great and difficult ways to get back in school. Very challenging. This movie has lots of humor especially funny and interesting techniques. I love this movie with what's the lesson in it. Don't get kicked out of school! School is an important place to go to but don't get kicked out. Felix(main character) get's expelled after breaking school rules. He had 3 chances and messed them up and does everything he can to get back in, even though it includes lying to parents, black nailing and sneaking out of home at night. All strategies lead to creativity and humor as some ideas are crazy and unrealistic but enjoyable to all who love making plans for trouble in school. I believe that this is a great movie to watch especially for troublemakers in school. I know you all will love it.
Michelle Panacre Alright so, I don't know exactly what I was expecting from "Expelled" but it definitely wasn't what I just endured. I have watched a LOT of crappy teen movies, they're like my catnip, but "Expelled" was on another level of 'blah'. It had it's bright moments but it was ultimately a miss in my opinion.Firstly, if what you're looking for is an entertaining and insightful film you should walk away now. Not only was the plot unbelievable, but the characters were stereotypical and overused. There was the bad boy who was revealed to really be smart and have a heart of gold. There was the side-kick friend who was tech-y and hilarious. Then there was that whole 'school- president' trope and the 'bitter ex-girlfriend' (in those exact words) and the harsh criminal dean of students. I could go on. Honestly the concept of the movie was just bits from decades of bad teen movies all shoved into one big internet-famous extravaganza.Secondly, the acting was poor. While Cameron Dallas's performance did get somewhat better throughout the movie, the part was perhaps a bit too big for him to begin with. Sadly, the romance between Felix and Katie didn't seem to evolve or come organically and was expressed more as an afterthought. Matt Shively however was a breath of fresh air in "Expelled" and delivered his poorly written lines with gusto. The acting paired with the concept rendered this film 85 minutes of anticipation on behalf of viewers, who were waiting for there to be a tangible moment of reality.This film is only really for fans of Cameron Dallas, the famous viner, or 13 year old teenage girls who haven't seen enough movies to understand that this is not one to win an academy award. But as I said, it had it's moments and it isn't the WORST film I've ever seen.