Death in Love
Death in Love
R | 17 July 2008 (USA)
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Death in Love is a psychosexual-thriller about a love affair between a Jewish woman and a doctor overseeing human experimentation at a Nazi German concentration camp, and the impact this has on her sons' lives in the 1990s.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Pluskylang Great Film overall
GazerRise Fantastic!
venusianmovielover Although at times I found this movie hard to watch, I think it is an excellent film about the things that human beings don't want to talk openly about,the underbelly of human life that we all experience and identify with in one way or another. This movie portrays these types of things with a good story, a good script and fine acting.The filmmaker should be commended for his conviction to tell a story that was obviously important to him, by investing his own money to make this film. I see why that was required because society in general does it's best to push down out of sight, the very things that need to have the light shown in on. In my opinion film and theater are the best way to do it, and this movie does it authentically.I agree with some of the other reviewers that this film's subject matter is very important for all of us as human beings to understand and not be afraid of, so that we may have compassion for others who may be "acting out" some neurotic compulsion that they have "inherited" or been left with from experiencing trauma, as well as compassion for our self. Human beings "act out", it is just a part of the human condition and being alive.If you like intensity and a view into deep emotional scenarios this film is for you.
freeway-6 For whatever reason I stuck with this dismal excuse of a film by Boaz Yakim until the bitter orgasmic end.Set sometime in the early nineties from what appeared to be news of the basement bombing at the World Trade Center, we meet the protagonist who for the better part of twenty minutes is either nude, with a nude, masturbating or engaging in rough sex. Considering the fact this film was rated R, you could easily describe the goings on as mildly pornographic.Basically, the story is about a mother, Jacqueline Bisset, a Holocaust survivor thanks to her connection as a girl to a Nazi doctor into human experiments, which are shown in gory detail, her husband and two sons, Josh Lucas and Lukas Haas. The mother is still lusting for the Nazi doctor, her husband is a wimp, her forty year old son is into raunchy sex, and her youngest at thirty-five hasn't had a date since he was in high school.The story jumps back and forth from war past to fifties past to the present. The performances are over the top, with lots of reaction close-ups from each of the major characters, many times either crying or screaming.Mother has a number of liaisons who all turn up dead after her meetings with them courtesy of her doctor friend. Near the end of the film, she leaves her husband alone in their apartment prior to her climatic meeting with her Nazi crush. She deliberately leaves the apartment door ajar and we see the evil doc enter the building. Later her youngest shows up with his smashed hand and no one is at home. We never find out what happened to her husband, but suffice it to say, she probably will be attending another funeral prior to living happily ever after with you know who.Death in Love is one very strangely weird film.
tjohnsn61 Don't let the first few seconds scare you away. After that, the remaining initial nine minutes of dialog in this movie grabbed my attention. As a 49 year old guy, it was like the conversation that I've been holding in my own head was exposed, thoughts that I've never admitted to another human because of my shame, somehow brought out into the public for everyone to hear. Unbelievably honest, real, certainly a glimpse into my very brain with the same rationale and conclusions that I have come to in my own life.If you've lived enough of live, you recognize the maternal instinct of the mother for her disadvantaged son. She protects him, puts up with him and shows a patience that only a guilt laden (whether deservedly so or not) mother will demonstrate. Her description of the call of her jilted boyfriend's parent's call is also not out of the ordinary for some of us. The acting of the disabled son, the emotion, absolutely fantastic and realistic. Unbelievably realistic, like looking into someone's personal life.The movie only gets better. Watch it if you're interested in exploring the shadows of the human condition in an honest, thought provoking manner. Bravo!
bella-chase This movie tells a story held secret by most people who write about the Holocaust, which is the crippling effect of the Survivors' war experiences on their children. Studies have shown that the children of Nazi Holocaust Survivors share many if not all of their parents' psychological issues, particularly depression and post-traumatic stress. This film has the rare courage and honesty to show the bleak emotional damage left by that war, not only on its direct victims but on their children as well. The portrait of the mother is particularly bitterly real -- her seemingly inexplicably outbursts and fits of violence a near-mirror of the unexplained violence she witnessed as a girl; her narcissism and coldness linked to her own abandonment as a girl. Again, a poignant and tragic reality of the psychological landscape of all survivors of war. The actors were superb, the dialogue actually worth LISTENING to. Haas and Lucas put in beautifully nuanced performances and Bisset was outstanding in arguably the best, most emotional performance of her career, and looking more beautiful than ever.This is not an easy film. It is most definitely not a family film (there are explicit depictions of sex). It is a disturbing portrait of broken people struggling to find reasons to stay alive. It's pretty great, really.