Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages
PG-13 | 15 June 2012 (USA)
Rock of Ages Trailers

A small town girl and a city boy meet on the Sunset Strip, while pursuing their Hollywood dreams.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
wheelz-lv The story is as cheesy as it gets - a girl meets a boy, they fall in love, then there's heartbreak and so on, but the story is not the main focus here. The movie has some great selection of rock hits and ballads from the 80s and if you enjoy those the same way I do, then you most likely won't be disappointed. The mashups of several songs into one musical act is also very well done - looks seamless and sounds great.The cast selection is decent and they do a good job for most of the movie, but do leave a bit to be desired still. The acting of Tom Cruise is spot on, however the singing part did fall a bit flat at times, at least to my liking. He just doesn't have that 80s glam rock punch in his voice. Same goes for Diego Boneta - while his singing was maybe a tad better than Cruise's, his acting wasn't up to par. Similar can be said about Julianne Hough and Mary J. Blige - they get the singing part right, but ain't spectacular in playing their roles.You can definitely spot the Hollywood influence on this classical Broadway show as the movie does feel Glee-like, which might bother some people. I personally, didn't mind it that much - I'm sure that if the movie would have been made in late 80s or 90s it would definitely look and feel much different.Overall however I did enjoy the movie - it got back those original 80s hits into my music playlist for a while. So, mission accomplished!
emalga Oh the naive little Sherrie arrives in town, looking as dull as Christina Aguilera in Burlesque or Hayden Panettiere in Heroes. Too blond to have a brain, with a pop voice not so unique, all she can do is pole dance on the top of Mount Rushmore and flip her hair singing oooo yeeeaaaaah on each song. Too tacky, sorry. Now, supporting cast: Alec Baldwin, okay, he can pull it off. Drunk Russell Howard, meh, okay, his glory days as Katie Perry's hubby paid off. Paul Gimatti is famous for being the funny obnoxious assistant, so, sure, why not. But believe me when I'm telling you that the worst supporting act was from Mr. Cruise, Tom Cruise. Oh-so-ridiculous. Keith Sutherland or Rober Downey Jr could have been a MUCH BETTER one.To sum up: don't bother
Nikki Love The storyline is boring and really predictable. It's supposed to be a comedy, but I didn't laugh once while watching.It's the awesome music that kind of saves this movie and makes it somewhat fun to listen to. Yes, listen. I can't say watch, because there was some horrible dancing going on. Imagine Michael Jackson's Thriller-dance performed during a Pat Benetar song. No! Just no! And that boyband? Damn, that sh*t was horrible. Luckily that didn't last too long.If you're really set on watching this, just grab yourself a drink and sing a long on the top of your lungs. Only then your evening won't be a complete waste of time.
ggmcheartagram I wasn't expecting much from this movie but i actually ended up finding it a pretty fun ride. I thought almost all of the musical performances were brilliant, especially Diego Boneta, Tom Cruise and Malin Akerman, although i felt Julianne Hough was a tad nasally. The story line wasn't the best and rather cheesy at parts but it's a musical and in those performances it excelled. I also thought that it was a very good looking movie and that nearly everyone's hair, makeup and clothing looked brilliant. The girls looked gorgeous. I wasn't so keen on Russell Brand and Alec Baldwin in this movie, i can't fault their singing but i didn't find their performances believable. I was distracted by Russell's terrible Scouse accent, Alec's terrible hair piece and a very strange romantic sub plot which came out of no where... I recommend this movie if you enjoy musicals, loved 80s rock music or are just after a movie that is a bit of fun and nice to look at.