Me and Orson Welles
Me and Orson Welles
PG-13 | 25 November 2009 (USA)
Me and Orson Welles Trailers

New York, 1937. A teenager hired to star in Orson Welles' production of Julius Caesar becomes attracted to a career-driven production assistant.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Mr Black I haven't seen this for a few years and took it out for another viewing. This really is a tremendous film on many levels. The characters really really come alive. Zac Efron creates his own character in this film and well done. The roles created by Christian McKay (Orson Welles) James Tupper (Joseph Cotton)and Eddie Marsan (John Houseman) are superb. Any fan of old films will know how well they really nailed these characters. The rest of the cast was also superb. I like the story. Nice kid gets a break - but those ARE the breaks in the end. The costumes and art direction was excellent. Always enjoy scenes were the create an entire busy street but of days gone by. All in all one of my favourite films.
John Wayne Peel Oh my GOD, do I love this film! I've never been so enamored and moved by Richard Linklater's work and this fabulous production that makes you want to devour the work of the ultimate genius of an actor. producer and director, Mr. Orson Welles.For those who hated the picture, they should never again to be allowed to review movies. Christian McKay was a phenomenal Orson Welles, with all the touches. From that great voice to his use of eyes, eyebrows and chutzpah. Just an amazing piece of work on his part.The story of the making of "Julius Caesar" in a scary part of history with fascism becoming almost the norm, while making incredible acting work in the major parts of John Houseman, Joseph Cotten and others with impeccable performances by those who loved the period, and the people that went with the history.Now, I have read most of these reviews, and I don't care about some of the seemingly petty mistakes made by writer and director about who did what history correctly. It doesn't matter. I will let one thing bother me, making the wonderful Norman Lloyd out to be a not so nice husband to his then newly married bride. I don't see why the writer felt the need to ad such a unnecessary touch of insult to a good man, even for a motion picture.But Mr. Lloyd did give McKay great compliments so richly deserved was a great thing.This is a movie I want to see again and again, particularly because of the not so well-groomed actors who played Orson in other films that bothered me so much at the time.Forgive me, but I really have a problem when a well known actor, President or other famous person doesn't even resemble said person. It's like telling people "You WILL believe Whoopi Goldberg is Ben Franklin" when she CAN'T be.I look forward to my next watching of this super great film.
braddugg A great cast and superb performances, make this film a great treat for acting.A film on Orson Welles the great himself is bound to be something interesting. Now, this film treats Orson in a way that we dare to have known him. The film is based on Robert Kaplow's novel of the same name. And here, our Orson is a psychopath who is hell bent on deriving what he needs from anyone. He uses everyone and to us them , he goes to any extent. Wow, what an acting by Christian McKay as Orson Welles. McKay breathes life into a great character and makes it his own by a stellar performance. Zac Efron, the blue eyed boy plays Richard who is finds his real self, and learns that if he believes in something, he can do it. Now, the writing and screenplay are do well here. And most of all, the art direction is superb, it's clean with hardly any showiness, that is I mean, here the world seems real like the one in 1937. Look at the zooming out final shot from the steps, where we see that it's so very fine and good looking from above. Wish to be at such places in such an era where life was slow paced and more lovely than now. Richard Linklater has given us different kind of movie, from Dazed and Confused to now, and he simply continues to surprise us with this one too. Since I have seen it for first time, I was amused by the ending, coz it simply stops with nothing much happening. Richard has found the True Orson and it end there, no more taking it forward. Yeah, if this had to be the ending, I wish it was more cut down and less in time. As the title line says, "All is fair in Love and Theatre", I say, all is fair for Orson and for his theatre. He is devilishly passionate about his work. He is extremely shrewd and exquisitely specific about everything he does, here he does a play Julius Caesar. He demands respect and he never forgets to ask that either. A complete narcissist you see at times, who loves himself and his job, and yes even a secretary at times. Now, editing would have been more crispier and had the subject been more focused on the objectivity of Orson rather than on how Richard was being treated, this would have been a finer film. Having said that, I like how Richard Linklater and I give it a 4/5 rating. It's kind of a coming of new age feel good film that is set in 1930's,Though it's for you to decide, do see it please for Chrsitian McKay's performance alone.
SnoopyStyle It's 1937. On a trip to NYC, high school student Richard Samuels (Zac Efron) befriends artistic Gretta Adler (Zoe Kazan). Then he accidentally run into Orson Welles (Christian McKay) at the Mercury Theatre. Orson offers him the role of Lucius in his Julius Caesar. Orson is a dictator and Sonja Jones (Claire Danes) takes him under her wings.Zac Efron starts off completely self assured. I think it would better if he starts off unsure with Gretta and Sonja. He should be more like a green youngster that the movie wants him to start off as. He is too much of a big movie star right from the start. Other than that, these are great performances from everybody especially Christian McKay. Director Richard Linklater allows the actors to flourish in this.