| 05 January 2018 (USA)
Blame Trailers

A drama teacher's taboo relationship with an unstable student strikes a nerve in her jealous classmate, sparking a vengeful chain of events within their suburban high school that draws parallels to "The Crucible".

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Paula57 "Blame" treads on some risky territory, but Quinn Shephard handles it with maturity and nuance far beyond her 22 years. The acting is solid from all involved. Kudos to Chris Messina for working with this young filmmaker and portraying a man who is certainly flawed, but is not evil.Some reviewers have thrown around the word "pedophilia" and I suggest they look up the word in the dictionary. While the relationship between the teacher and the student is inappropriately close, it is mostly an emotional affair between 2 lonely souls.
studio-29 I thought this movie was great. It keeps three threads (themes) of teenage development pumping at once. The ending was very moving in a surprising way. The film never went for cheap shots as far as exposing emotion or the complexity of the emotions we share with other people in relationships. It was that complexity and "grey area" of human interactions (not black or white) that I liked best about this film. I hope Ms. Shepard directs more films so we can see more of that.
Wizinator I am blown away by Shepard's talent. Blame is a edgy drama filled with complex characters and a spin on The Crucible we've never seen before. It's truly an original, unique film, something that can be quite difficult to come across in the movie industry today. I can see big things Shepard's future!!c
skagurl92102 I thought it was well written for the most part. I had some issues such as the ending. Not entirely sure what the deal was with Melissa's confession towards the end and her and Abigail's smile at one another like they finally understand each other. Also it was unclear with the back story of Abigail and how all of a sudden her limp was gone. But aside from the little things I thought it was pretty good for a 22 year old who wrote, directed, and stared in it.