The Beautician and the Beast
The Beautician and the Beast
PG | 07 February 1997 (USA)
The Beautician and the Beast Trailers

A New York City beautician is mistakenly hired as the school teacher for the children of the president of a small Eastern European country.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Uriah43 After looking at some of the scores people gave this movie I honestly didn't think it would amount to much. However, after actually watching it I found it to be surprisingly good. Fran Drescher plays "Joy Miller" who is a beautician in New York City. Timothy Dalton is "Boris Pochenko", a brutal tyrant of a small Eastern European country (Slovetzia) who has mistakenly hired Joy to teach his four children. His Prime Minister, "Leonid Kleist" (played by Patrick Malahide), insures that Boris rules with an iron fist. Joy arrives and becomes instrumental in introducing much needed change. More importantly though, she changes Boris for the better as well. Now, while this plot is extremely predictable, the comedy is anything but that as there are many surprises written into the script that are simply hilarious and I think the writer (Todd Graff) deserves a lot of credit for this. Likewise, even though Fran Drescher was nominated for a "Razzie Award" for her performance, I can honestly say that it was totally undeserved. I found her performance to be both witty and refreshing. I also liked the way she and Timothy Dalton worked so well together. The "massage scene" in particular was especially amusing. In closing, I thought this was a thoroughly enjoyable movie and well worth the time spent.
gwnightscream Fran Drescher and Timothy Dalton star in this 1997 romance comedy. A beautician finds romance with a Dictator while she helps him and his children. Joy Miller (Drescher) is a beautician from New York who is soon hired to help an Eastern European Dictator, Boris Pochenko (Dalton) with his children. She teaches them history and such, but also helps Boris become a nicer leader. Joy and Boris start getting close with each other and he learns that she's a beautician. When Joy starts meddling into his business affairs, they drift apart, but eventually find their way back to each other. I've always liked this film and Fran and Timothy have good chemistry. I recommend this entertaining film.
david-sarkies Now what to make of this movie. I have only watched five minutes of the pilot episode of the nanny, as well as the closing minutes of a number of episodes and have decided that I don't particularly like it. The Beautician and the Beast is basically the Nanny made into a movie, with a few things altered. She isn't sacked from a beauty parlour, but is brought into the home of a really rich man (actually an Eastern European dictator) as a nanny. The movie is quite funny in parts but a really do not think much of Fran Dresure (sp?), especially how I heard the comment that her character in this movie is exactly the same as her character in the nanny.This movie makes numerous assumptions about 'decadent American society' in which it destroys. Rather it attacks the eastern European dictatorship and makes America look like a wonderful place. The promiscuous American is destroyed with Fran's character: she is not interested in guys until the right one comes along, and it is obvious that it was going to be Pochenko (Timothy Dalton), and as the movie draws to the close the idealistic Hollywood ideal of love is emphasised in the most sickening way.The movie blatantly has a go at how these communist nations allegedly altered history to suit themselves. Stalin allegedly did this to make him look like he was really close to Lenin when he was not. America subtly does this with their claims that World War 1 started in 1917 and World War II begins in 1942, the years they became involved in both wars. This is done more as a joke than as an attack, because now communist has gone and everybody can live happily in the marvelous freedom that a democracy brings. Yet Fran is extremely cynical about democratic politicians as she quotes "they're politicians, you can't trust them." Beautician and the Beast is really a remake of Sound of Music with the music replaced with comedy. The movie blatantly steals from the original with the clothes made out of sheets. There are a lot of similarities, a nanny coming in to take care of a very powerful man's children. In Sound of Music he was a Nazi commander while in this movie he is a communist dictator.The last interesting thing to note is when Pochenko is addressing the peasants from a balcony. They scream and cheer at his words. He then walks into the building and Joy Miller (Fran Desure) walks out and thrusts her arms into the air and the crowd cheers. This strikes Pochenko with the fact that it is not him that they cheer, but rather anybody who stands there. Fear is thrust onto people whereas respect is earned.
Chrysanthepop 'The Beautician and the Beast' follows the line of the immensely 'The Sound of Music' and Drescher's own popular sitcom 'The Nanny'. It has the usual mushiness and fluffiness that other American rom-coms have (although this one is set in Eastern Europe) and it's accompanied by a nice soundtrack. However, what really sets this one apart is the delightfully funny Fran Drescher. Her character is no different from her unique persona as Nanny's Fran Fine but even so, her wit, charisma and comic timing are perfect. Those who find her annoying in 'The Nanny' would most likely hate this movie but for me, this actress makes it somewhat likable. Timothy Dalton as the beautician (just kidding) is quite adequate (his fake accent is hilarious) and both actors share a good chemistry. The rest are just okay, mostly gap fillers. There is nothing path-breaking about this movie but if one is a fan of Ms. Drescher then why not give this a try if you've got nothing else to lose?