Bride & Prejudice
Bride & Prejudice
PG-13 | 11 February 2004 (USA)
Bride & Prejudice Trailers

A Bollywood update of Jane Austen's classic tale, in which Mrs. Bakshi is eager to find suitable husbands for her four unmarried daughters. When the rich single gentlemen Balraj and Darcy come to visit, the Bakshis have high hopes, though circumstance and boorish opinions threaten to get in the way of romance.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
thresaways Do you think love can be found outside your race ? This question can depends on individuals, and in the movie Bride and Prejudice which is considers a Bollywood's movie but has some Hollywood themes in it. The film starts with Lalita and her two other sisters attending at a wedding. Balraj and his friend Darcy and Darcy's sister also attended the wedding all the way from America. In the Indian culture, it is the duty of the parents to find s good husband for their daughters and rich men are what they are aiming to get for their daughters. Balraj and and Jaya, Lalita's sister instantly fell in love. Darcy kind of have a crush on Lalita but didn't revealed his feelings until the near ending of the movie. There are some complications to Darcy and Lalita since they both are from different cultures and their ideas were very different compared to Jaya and Balraj, who have no problems since they both are Indian , it was easier to handle things. I didn't really like the film, nor I hate it , but I would I like it . But again I am not really impressed with the movie and their acting but overall, it's okay. I understand what the director was trying to do and his goals, to show the two different cultures and how sometimes how you view one particular culture is not true on most of the case. For example how Darcy thought arranged marriages were all so bad but we can disapprove clearly in the example of Lalita's parents, they seem to work out well. What I didn't really was how it was kind of too fictional , for two people to fall in love so quick and from one step to quickly jump to 100 step, such as marriage . Bride and prejudice can clearly be seen as a crossover film than the other traditional Bollywood films. First of all, the film is in English which already removes it from the category of traditional Bollywood film. Also this film takes place from different countries, not just India but also in London and USA compared to the other Bollywood movies, which is usually in India. Also various actions in this show that it is a crossover film when most of their songs are in English instead of a Hindi. Also when Darcy was looking for Lalita, Kholib offered him to get inside and have some beer, which is total opposite from what traditional Bollywood films would do. What I have learned about the cultural elements presented in the film is the difference between Indian and Western culture on the topic of love. In the West it's all about the love while in the Indian culture, that not the case for everyone. The director did a good job in showing this part when Lalita and Darcy were having casual conversations. When Darcy make a joke about the arranged marriage, Lalita got very upset and said that that was not the case and that people are very happy and she question why is the reasons why Americans has the highest percent of divorce rate in the world, if it all about the love ? The scene leaves with Lalita saying this and leaving and Darcy was speechless and it is exactly what the movie director has intended to do. I've also learned that is the the parents duty to find spouses for their kids, they belived it much better since they would what best for their kids and highly honor to marry someone who is rich, respectful and educated. And also this idea kind of also blends in the West even though it is technically called arranged marriages, the parents kind of give suggestion to their kids to marry who. For example when Whickman was telling Lalita how Darcy 's mother tried let her son marry a new yorkan girl, and it is very similar to arranged marriage in India but not extreme. The idea is still there.
JLRVancouver Gurinder Chadha does an admirable job of transferring Jane Austen's famous characters and story to modern day India. There are four daughters in the Bakshi family, which lives in a grand, but somewhat rundown home in Amritsar (a bit of an Indian backwater I gather). Handsome and successful London based lawyer Balraj (Naveen Andrews) arrives along with his supercilious sister (Indira Varma, familiar to many as Game of Throne's venomous Ellaria Sand), and handsome and very rich buddy Will Darcy (Martin Henderson). Anyone familiar with Pride and Prejudice will recognize the characters and set-up and know that another couple of men are on the way (duplicitous Johnny Wickham and obsequious Mr. Kohli) and that romance will be in the air, much to the excitement of high-strung Mrs Bakshi (Nadira Babbar). Chadra does a good job of modernizing the classic story, staying true when possible but making changes to scenes that just would not be creditable these days (e.g. the burden of 'debt' is much reduced) and the concept of 'inherited class' and associated opportunity that is central to Austen's Regency England tale is replaced by more generic snobbery and cultural ignorance. While there is still stratification in Indian society, 'caste' never comes into the story: the setting is the sub-continent but the 'values' are very Western (IMO). Typical Bollywood (in my limited experience), the film is unsubtle, bright, flashy and colourful, with lots of spontaneous singing and dancing by good-looking, stylish people. What 19th century spinster Jane Austen would make of the 21st century fashion and dancing is hard (but fun) to imagine. Good, harmless fun that should not upset Austen purists (if it does, they should examine their own pride and prejudice) and may help bring the attention of another generation to a timeless book.
d-82523 The beginning starts out with an Indian family with single daughters. Two men from London, Darcy and Baraj, come to India for a wedding and meet the girls. Baraj falls for the oldest daughter Jaya and Darcy is interested in another sister, Lalita. The story follows these couples as different men try to interrupt the relationships of these girls. A distant cousin, Mr. Kholi, and Darcy's old friend, Mr. Wickham, try to pursue Lalita and her sisters. This story flows between India and America and is a very entertaining story about love and family. The pursuit of the girls was captivating, as it kept you always wanted to see what would happen next. I really enjoyed this movie and the conflicts and resolutions that were shown.Watching a Bollywood movie for the first time, I was pleased by what this movie had to offer. Not only did I enjoy the Bollywood drama and passion, but I also was enthralled by the singing and dancing. When Mr. Kholi arrived, a level of humor was added to the film. I also enjoyed the romantic scenes with long gazes and looking at each other wishfully. Also, toward the end, I was delighted by the action scenes and the guys fighting over the girls. The story stayed true to Bollywood values and Indian culture. There was also a good mix of Hollywood in this movie. A lot of the songs had an American style to them which helped bring the two worlds together. I learned a lot about the culture in India, especially the weddings. It was cool to see married couples riding on elephants after their wedding. I liked watching all the colorful outfits they wore and the style of their parties. The houses in India were very different than houses in America. I liked how the director added many dances and songs, but sometimes the songs were a little too American. I liked watching how involved the families are in India for picking a spouse for their sons and daughters. I think the director did justice to this Bollywood film with an American twist. I would recommend this movie to people who have never seen a Bollywood film before.
Alexander Schuchardt_4173375 What did I just watch? The movie mainly had to do with a rich American man named William Darcy and a Indian girl named Lalita. The movie started in India where William and his friend were attending a wedding. This is where they first meet, and the first encounter wasn't very good.Following this Lalita didn't have a view of William until the end of the movie. The rest of the movie had to do with their love journey and how the will fall in love. This was one of the least favorite movies I have ever seen. I am a newbie when it comes to watching Bollywood movies. But if they're all like this I think I will stick to Hollywood movies. I thought the acting was OK but most of the scene were just cringe worthy.Also the one actor who sounded like a donkey was not entertaining, he was just very annoying and I wish they realizes how annoying that actually was. The plot was OK but very predictable the two people who don't like each other end up falling in love. Very original. I never want to hear another Bollywood song ever again. All the songs beside my lips are waiting were just awful. No Life without Wife made me want to be deaf. I was like listening to Rebeca black's Friday, that's how bad it was. Also it didn't look like they were trying to lip sync it was very obvious they were not singing. Also they had so many pointless songs that we could have gone without. The dances were pretty cool, I liked them for the most part except the snake dance. That made me want to hit my forehead with my palm. But the opening dance was the best part of the entire movie. It had a good start just to crash land. If only the movie was ten minutes long. The sets were pretty cool they one of the only bright spots in a horrible movie.The costumes look very authentic to what you would see in a Bollywood film. I would call this movie more Bollywood because American movies don't have horrendous songs every ten minutes that are really pointless. And the story line was so predictable, in a American movie there would have been a plot twist.What Cultural elements i learned about Indian parents are they gold diggers who just are looking out for them and don't care about what there kids think. Just about how much money the husband has. Also how bad it must feel to be in the kids situation being forced to marry someone that they barely met and know almost nothing about them. Another thing I learned was how uncommon it is for Indian to marry someone of a different ethnicity. They want their grandchildren to be traditional Indians. Also I learned that if you are younger you can't marry until the eldest has married. So if they don't' want to get married you are out of luck. Overall I learned a lot about Indian culture but It was such a bad movie.