Sweet Smell of Success
Sweet Smell of Success
| 04 July 1957 (USA)
Sweet Smell of Success Trailers

New York City newspaper writer J.J. Hunsecker holds considerable sway over public opinion with his Broadway column, but one thing that he can't control is his younger sister, Susan, who is in a relationship with aspiring jazz guitarist Steve Dallas. Hunsecker strongly disapproves of the romance and recruits publicist Sidney Falco to find a way to split the couple, no matter how ruthless the method.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
TheBigSick Fast paced, well acted, tautly directed, and carefully scripted, this superb thriller, in a realistic way, develops a gut-wrenching story, depicts some memorable characters and above all represents the filmmaking of the highest level. It is so dark that you almost feel despair about the world. The dramatic tension is raised a historically new height. If you use one word to describe the movie, then it should be jaw-dropping, which means that you will never close your mouth until the end of the movie.
Sameir Ali Sweet Smell of Success tells the story of a young press agent Sidney Falco. He is always getting the bitter taste of failure from all the sides. And he is going to the great extend to get the Sweet Smell of Success. But, as he thinks he won, and ready to enjoy the sweet smell, everything goes to the bitter taste again.Tony Curtis has done a great job in the movie. Especially the character with a negative touch during that time should have been a real challenge. All the other cast did perfect job. This is another classic movie that excels in all aspects, cast and crew.
ninabruzdzinski This movie was filmed really well. It had a complex set of characters as well as plot. I also love the shots the camera got of New York City and all the different angles as well as lighting. I especially loved the scene where JJ was looking out at the city from a few floors up out an open window, and it was nighttime and you could see all the lights of the city, and then a few seconds later it was the same shot except New York City in the morning. It had a quiet mis-en-scene about it and I really enjoyed the immediacy of the contrasting lighting of the scene. JJ was such a strong and intimidating character, I found it a little hard to like him at times, especially when it came to passively threatening his sister. Overall though, the film was really great in my opinion and I think I would watch it again, just to get a fuller understanding of everything that happened.
quinimdb "Sweet Smell of Success" follows scummy people doing a scummy job and exploits them for what they do. Sidney Falco is a publicist who works for a newspaper writer named J.J. Hunesecker. Sidney Falco has almost no regard for other human beings, and that's because his job demands it. It's a job that rewards his greed, selfishness, and backwards morals. He plays everyone against everyone, no one is truly his friend, but somehow no one is truly his enemy. Everyone is just viewed as a tool he can use to rise to the top.J.J. Hunesecker keeps everyone below him, because in order to stay on top in his job, he has to. J.J.'s fatal flaw, however, is that he cares about one person and let's that person control (or influence) his actions. And the fact that his fatal flaw is that he cares about someone more than himself obviously shows the business him and Sidney work in and the kind of person J.J. had to be to rise to the position he's in. But J.J. gets carried away in the one person he let's himself care about, and he becomes obsessed with her to the point that he won't let anyone else have her. But eventually J.J. ends up bringing everyone else down with him. The film satirizes the media by showing that they are even worse than the people that they chastise, and we listen to them because we blindly believe that whatever we see in the news is fact. This creates a cycle where they keep getting paid to be jerks because we keep buying their papers, and the more we buy, the more they can get away with.The film's fast dialogue and general fast pace resembles how fast Sidney's world moves and how fast he needs to think in order to survive in his job, and one of the major strengths of the film is how there is always something happening in it. This film isn't dull for a second and the fast, witty dialogue make it genuinely entertaining from beginning to end, which is something I can't say for most films. But beyond pure entertainment, nearly every character in the film (and there are many) is interesting and follows a believable character arc, and on top of that, it's commentary on the media makes it truly one of the best film noirs of all time.