The Women
The Women
NR | 01 September 1939 (USA)
The Women Trailers

A happily married woman lets her catty friends talk her into divorce when her husband strays.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Btexxamar I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
loganalaxanian Very fun and entertaining movie with some of the best female stars of that era to make one of the very first chick flicks. As a man I personally couldn't keep my attention through this 2 hour long movie but can understand how some could. The one thing I liked about this film was how each of the characters had their own unique personality that clashed to make for very funny scenes. This film is also unique itself by having an only female cast which was very strange for this time period.
jrich-37411 The Women is a hilariously funny movie. The cast includes all women who are all fabulous at playing their parts. Although only women play in this movie, it is all about men and the issues that these women have with men.Norma Shearer stars in this film as Mary Haines. She finds out that her husband is having an affair and is devastated. Although they end up getting a divorce and her husband ends up being unhappily married to a gold digger, Mary fights for Stephen and her true love for him.This is a fast paced movie which is sure to keep your interest. It is amazing how the camera is used throughout the movie and how fluent the cuts between the scenes are. This is a must see movie.
Mark M this film(if you can call it that) is by far the most boring thing if watched, and I once watched paint dry! I know everyone has their own opinion and... art is subjective. this is the kind of thing you can find on one of those channels that pander exclusively to middle age women. to put it plainly this is a bitch film. a bunch of women nagging each other to death, usually over some man. if you watch LMN than this is you classic movie. but, if you prefer a conflict that doesn't revolve around trivial matters of the heart that are as complex as a straight line of yarn, then avoid this one at all costs. oh, I just know someone is gonna get peeved of with this review. despite it being a review.
Antonius Block If you're having a little trouble following all of the chatter in the beginning of the movie, with what seems like too many characters and too much talking, just bear with it. The movie settles down nicely, and deals with the age old problem of infidelity. It has the interesting distinction of having a completely all-female cast, as well as quite a bit of star power. Norma Shearer is sweet and natural as always, and Joan Crawford plays her husband's mistress perfectly, with just the right amount of deviousness. Add Rosaline Russell and Joan Fontaine among others, and have them parade around in both high fashion, so well put together, as well as in exercise clothing at the spa, and wow, it's just a pretty film to watch. Oh, and while most of the film is in black and white, there is a fantastic six-minute fashion show in the middle which breaks into full color. The film had to conform to the dreaded Code, but it treats the subject of adultery more bluntly than I would have expected for 1939. When Shearer's character finds out about it, it's interesting to watch her mother's advice, which boils down to ignoring it because most men stray, including her father. I also loved Cukor's shot of Russell telling Shearer what to do, her bossy image appearing in 3 mirrors behind the stricken Shearer. There are some silly scenes here and there, the film gets a little sidetracked now and then, and I wasn't a big fan of the ending, but it's well worth watching.