Sylvia Scarlett
Sylvia Scarlett
NR | 25 December 1935 (USA)
Sylvia Scarlett Trailers

When her father decides to flee to England, young Sylvia Scarlett must become Sylvester Scarlett and protect her father every step of the way, with the questionable help of plenty others.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Blucher One of the worst movies I've ever seen
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
sbasu-47-608737 I got the DVD going by the review here and the three names, Hepburn, Grant and Cukor, all of which I had high regards. But after watching this, I completely agree with the first two, who desperately tried to stop the release and even offered to do a movie free instead. After that I looked at Cukor, surprised at the way the movie is messed up. The story isn't that weak, but the characterization and visualization had been horrible. While looking at it, I found that my confidence in Cukor was highly misplaced. When did he make his first good movie, I have started wondering. When I looked at the notable films, quite a few was with Garbo, and probably that was the difference, which I have given misplaced credit to the director. Probably the real great one was Camille (there I come across the precocious Thalberg's interference). Holiday was good, but again I can't give him credit, it was a polished version of the 1930, which wasn't bad, considering it was infancy of talkies. Phil story, I don't know, whether was independently done, if so, may be that and My fair Lady are the only ones, may be just a handful more. Well it gives me a lesson, not to have too much faith on reviews or scores (surprisingly another supposed to be even better scorer rotten tomato gives it very high score). Anyway, looking at the movie, unless the DVD has chopped off very significant portions, it is an uniformly bad movie, starting from the very start.The character of the father, played by Gwenn, was a miserably, and to unbelievable manner, created, and that wasn't necessary. Nor was the impersonation of Sylvia, into Sylvester. It had been done earlier, but with plausible, and irrefutable reasons (e.g. Marian Davies in Little Old New York, where inheritance of millions was at stake, which was in her, recently demised, brother's name and so she had to impersonate the brother). Here it is as weak as homeopathic medicine. The swindler, even before it is exposed, is skipping the country, and doesn't want to be a man & girl company ! By the time they wake up and find he has skipped, it would be already over. Then his flirting with the maid, or any of such things. I couldn't get why Grant was so chummy with the maid, and if they were old acquaintances, she ought to know something about him. Well, the list like this goes on and on. Not worth even the time spent on watching, Grant/Hep or no Grant/Hep. Probably this movie should have been allowed to disappear, to protect their reputation, leave alone releasing it on DVD.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . instead of its actual setting amid England during the 1930s, Katharine Hepburn as Victor\Victoria--oops, let me scroll back--as Sylvia\Sylvester would be in Big Trouble. As Sylvester, the mannish Hepburn (she hurdles more fences and window sills than even Edwin Moses) would risk incarceration if she drifted into 2017's Tar Heel Country and entered a public john consistent with her duds, but not her birth certificate. However, if Sylvester enters No Man's Land, the Old Biddies of N.C.'s Birther Movement would have a cow as soon as they glimpsed her in drag. The DVD jewel case labels SYLVIA SCARLETT as Kate's "most controversial film," anticipating the hostile takeover of America by the Rich People Party Sex Police led by Veep Pence (who, by the way, has not yet locked up self-confessed serial finger rapist and court-documented marital sex assaulter Rump). Within four years, these Narrow-Minded Fascist Thought Police no doubt will get their sweaty clutches on the copy of SYLVIA SCARLETT I just watched, and either burn it or crush it with one of their Humvee Halftracks. Every American library and school can expect its collections purged of ALL provocative, entertaining, and\or witty books, periodicals, and movies which pose any risk of awakening a semblance of Humanity, Conscience, Common Sense, or Critical Thinking that could be hibernating deep within a Tar Heel Pea Brain.
Spikeopath Sylvia Scarlett is directed by George Cukor and is adapted from the Compton Mackenzie novel called The Early Life And Adventures Of Sylvia Scarlett. It stars Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, Edmund Gwenn & Brian Aherne. Plot finds Hepburn as Sylvia, who after her father (Gwenn) is discovered as being an embezzler, is forced to flee France for England; with Sylvia disguised as a boy so as to avert suspicion. On the channel ferry they meet Jimmy Monkley (Grant) who isn't shy of the odd con game himself. It could be a match made in grifter heaven?Baffling and divisive, Sylvia Scarlett is certainly a film that will never be forgotten. The two most notable things about it are that firstly it's considered one of the most unsuccessful movies of the 1930s, whilst secondly it was the first pairing of super stars Hepburn & Grant. Who from here would go on to make three further, and better, movies: Bringing Up Baby (1938), Holiday (1938) & The Philadelphia Story (1940).Sylvia Scarlett puzzles in what it wants to be, it constantly shifts in tone to the point where one doesn't know what mood is needed to be in so as to enjoy it. Certainly if you needed a pick up it has moments of levity, but then it's also capable of dragging you down. It's also often absurd, and not in a screwball entertaining way either. While come the last half hour it's almost in the realms of fantasy and just a little hard to understand. The cast are fine, and by all accounts it was a real happy shoot (according to Cukor one of the best he worked on), but the bonkers narrative makes it something of an annoying watch.It has fans, but in spite of Grant being my favourite actor, I'll never be one of them. 4/10
Painbow A fat Cary Grant plays a cockney who speaks like he grew up in Dick Van Dykes underpants and he meets Katherine Hepburn, a French woman who sounds and seems as French as John Wayne eating apple pie.But anyway.....I love Cary Grant's films but this is my least favourite of all of them. It doesn't convince on any level and seems to have been thrown together last minute. The characters are bizarre and entirely unconnected to any real world i've been to recently. It seems that Grant was still on his way up at this point and Hepburn was Hollywood poison. Cukor puts them together and hopes for the best.Grant and Hepburn do their best and it's all harmless fun. Hepburn's boy/girl persona is an interesting diversion and her pursuit of the greasy Aherne quirky but also a little creepy.Certainly not the worst film i've ever seen and definitely worth a look but it doesn't come close to the greats of this era. If you want to waste away an hour or two on some mindless entertainment that doesn't have anything to say about anything then give it a go.A novelty item that isn't great but it's certainly unique